Trumpvestites will defend this

>Holocaust Rememberance Proclamation
>muh 4D chess

Anybody else still willing to defend this?

Other urls found in this thread:

I dont see a problem with this, white nationalists are scum


Sure, I will have a go.

Jews are our friends.


>Jews are our friends.


kikes kill shitskins, i like dead shitskins as much as i like dead kikes desu

>Trump pushing the holohoax lie too
fuck him. I'll destroy the jews by myself.

Clearly never lived with negros.

>much as i like dead kikes desu

damn that's fucking rad.

You came to the wrong neighbourhood.

/r/ing the MAGA hat wojak hanging himself


Thanks m8.

>25 seconds
damn you shills are so eager to spread concern

do you guys know how outlandish, controversial and fringe holocaust revisionism is, let alone holocaust denial? not only has the don likely never been redpilled on the subject, even if he was, do you seriously fucking expect him to express his belief publicly? i really hope you guys are just being retarded. use your fucking heads.

No I don't really give a shit.

is this shareblue?

Jews > muslims

None of them have a place on European soil, famalam.

yes le based daddy emperor!!!!1111 XD

Hopefully we doouble aid to based islrael our greatest allie so they can take out that amdman ASSad from gassing beautiful babies like in the pictures


You don't have to support everything he does.

People seem to forget things are complicated. And they probably had unrealistic expectations of him in the first place.


Not everyone is a retarded holohoaxer

This place isn't a one-viewpoint hugbox

Fuck off

>tfw shills start denying the holocaust and hating jews just to try to score a point against trump supporters on a mongolian throat singing forum

stay mad bernie faggot

you guys are pathetic


I wouldn't be surprised if the entire US economy is dependent of jews.

dont bother, 4ch pol is no longer natsoc. its reddit

why would I attack him for something every president does? not all of us are retarded nazis

literally everyone on the left or the right who thought he was going to be the next hitler is a fucking retard

Oh yeah I forgot, you are retarded plebbit sheeple licking the good goy's arse. Go die in some war for Israel.

it's dependent on white people. jews just have it by the balls

They have to go back.

>anyone who doesnt agree with the narrative i'm trying to push is reddit

>REMEMBERING THE HOLOCAUST day to honor 20 million who died and few still living

oy vey

>Drumpftards still defending president Kushners top goy


fuck off drumpf cultists, we judge the person based on his actions here, not empty promises or personality

Most of you sharts came here mostly in 2016 from plebbit and the best evidence is the disgusting circlejerk in /ptg/. At least stay in your containment general.

Weren't you paying attention during HWNDU? 75% of this board is literally brown


>president putin!
>president bannon!
>president kushner!

>implying anyone who isnt a shill or a leftist would ever unironically use a word involving "drumpf"

>more implications by faggots

Don't you kikelicker call me a shill. I've been here for so long I can't remember anymore how long.

Shut the fuck up and get into the chamber, kike puppet.

>Worthy of being a "Snake"

Not in a million years, more like an annoying pig,

>it's another thread where everyone is accusing each other of being a shill while simultaneously trying to prove that they themselves arent a shill

While I think you're a fucking retard I admit OP, that was clever

Here's a well earned (you)

There. Wrote it. He sold out to the neocons and neolibs and above all to Kushner/Soros/Rothschild connection.
Fuck that traitor. He should hang next to shitsmeared Landsverräter like Juncker, Merkel and Hollande.


Sup Forums is a trump board, sorry

>Anybody who doesn't deep throat zionist dick is shareblue
See how that works you twat.

No. Trump betrayed us.

GTFO newfag

>Sup Forums is a Trump board
>Sup Forums is a christian board
>Sup Forums is a kikeloverboard
>Sup Forums is anything I call it

Fuck off.


This, is a sheltered faggat who lives in a bubble. Go spend some time in an inner city you enormous cuck/kike/both

The funniest part is that as you sharebluefags make and share these anti-semetic memes you are slowly indoctrinating yourselves to our way of thinking and entertaining us simultaneously.

Truely the best timeline.

Politicians just do that shit for brownie points with the left and the Jews. Not 4d chess, maybe like 2d


>is this shareblue?

Are they lying you blind fuck?

>proving my point


More like the goy. Is your soldiers are doing the job.

I don't think Hillary would have been nearly this corrupt and in bed with the Zio-Cons.

When do we admit we made a heinous mistake?

>Being this dense
Not everybody is a zog bot you dumb sodomite


Trump got cucked by kikes... dont really see how that is suprising at all. Did you guys really expect Trump to risk his life fighting kikes or did you expect the kikes to just back down without a fight?

>Anybody else still willing to defend this?
Yes, redditors. They delusional cucks as they're always been. Unlike Zyclon Ben who knows better. I wonder if "pedes" will call him shill and sharebule now too...

>still does not get how he revealed himself to be a plebbit newfag

>If Trump doesn't literally go full 1488, it means he isn't worth backing.
Shills will never stop with this fag argument.
In fact the argument is so nonsensical and against the interests of 1488 folks, I'm convinced Jews are the ones behind it.

You need to go back



Trump keeps on enabling the Kikes
Why did you faggots memehim onto office?

>that strawman
As if anyone expected that. Even the most Himmlerized NatSoc just expected him to use factbased realistic politics. Guess what:
No retard, Trumpenberg went full good goy, neocon/neolib pandering MUH CHILDREN MUH BEATIFUL BABIES traitor.

>Trump literally shills for Israel really hard as a candidate
>Sup Forums notes it, but largely doesn't give a shit
>Trump does some Holocaust bullshit like every fucking president since WWII

this is either a shill thread or Sup Forums is stupid as fuck

>Politicians just do that shit for brownie points with the left and the Jews. Not 4d chess, maybe like 2d

He didn't do this before, and he didn't need to do it now. Unless the jews gained control around the time of the Syria false flag and resultant missile strike.

the shills are out today bros, stay strong


>the shills are out today bros, stay strong

Shills like JIDF? Yeah you should go back

This is real life muffugga

That picture man. Hopefully things turn out okay.


Based pedes amirite?


he kept talking about moving the fucking embassy to Jerusalem when no other presidential candidate did. He was always big on Israel. Sup Forums didn't give a shit before but suddenly do now. It's disingenuous as fuck

Anyone who doesn't name the jews is controlled op. Simple as that

Can any Sup Forumsacks tells me how much Trump's rabbi pays him to shill like this? Shabbos goy going the extra mile. He should wrap it up with merely 14 words.

plenty of anons called Trump a ziocuck from the beginning. You reddit tards just swarmed the board.

>. Sup Forums didn't give a shit before but suddenly do now.

Sup Forums said Trump was "just playing the game" and turn on Israel once in office. NOPE

you sure respond fast, how much per post?



you're an idiot.
Syria was a fucking masterplay.
I myself was really fucking nervous and uneasy, thinking that Trump might have lost his way. He hasn't.
In a single stroke of showmanship worthy of kubuki theater, he
1. destroyed Russian puppet narrative
2. humiliated Obama
3. showed the whole world including China and North Korea that he has a big dick that doesn't afraid of anything
4. Exposed all warhawk neocon neolib kikes for the warmongers they are
5. Didn't even kill anyone or do any lasting damage to Syria other than blowing up like a couple planes and some sheds.

pelosi and shumer will say it's not enough and push for illegal denial.

Why not both?

>CTR is now pulling the antisemitism meme to try and get us to go against le ebil blumpf


Trump is a useful tool. His administration allows us actual white nationalists to operate with a greater freedom than ever before. Yes he's a pro-Israel fuck but the kosher-narrative isn't going away over night, we're going to have to work hard to redpill the populace if thats ever going to happen.

Whats important right now is that we keep up the pressure on Trump to close the fucking borders and deport more scum. Deporting Juan-Pablo and his friends is the most important thing we can possibly do.