Why is Sup Forums lying about Hitler being far-left...

why is Sup Forums lying about Hitler being far-left? i literally almost got expelled from college for suggesting that to my political theory professor.

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How was hitler far left? Try to answer without saying "they we national SOCIALISTS XDDD"

Hitler was a socialist, his dictatorship was built on high social benefits, so obviously he was fucking leftist

wtf he is center left leaning economically (by today's standards) and hyper authoritarian

>polish intellectuals


the only people who say these things are commies themselves, even if they dont know it. they want to destroy the social order again, this time by claiming that the last time they destroyed the social order it was destroyed by the very thing keeping it together, see. Sup Forums is subverted dont get your info from here bilndly

>not even a country intellectuals

He suppressed religion, heavily regulated the market, centralized the government and disregarded the separation of branches by placing partisans in key positions within the judiciary and law enforcement. His perception of wealth was that it should lie in the state and the "people" instead of individuals and families.

Even when you take racism into account it still isn't enough to make him right wing because even though he tried to preserve the German ethnicity, he completely subverted their culture and that of every country he invaded. Nazi interpretation that culture is something enforced from the top down by the state and not the other way around is as far away from the right as you can get. Literally Marxism under a different flag.

Have you ever read the 25 points? Government controlling the means of production is leftist.

he's right, maybe not far left. But hitler was left on the 2d political spectrum

Why are you studying the college of unemployment?

>How was hitler far left?
>American education

Because Dirigisme is a socialist economic platform



it's Faculty of Political Science of Zagreb University, the most prestigious college in Croatia

There's a reason it's called "National SOCIALISM".

Wow college sounds really dangerous to the mind.

Yeah, our college of political """"""""science"""""""" FDV also thinks of itself as elite. Guess what, it's literally the unemployed and burger flippers manufactury.

You fucked up boy

>it's Faculty of Political Science of Zagreb University,

hm, this sounds like it could be impressive

> the most prestigious college

getting better!

>in Croatia

ah, fuck

Because everything is economic to them.

dumping a couple of infographics that I have on the subject


No one is disputing whites couldn't thrive under pretty much any system. The key seems to be the removal of jews.

Hitler wasnt left he had some left policies but still germany had privatized lot of national enterprises and he was hard core tradicionalist and pritty much everything about him was right wing only left think he did is social benefits etc and regulating market

Because people still can't grasp the idea of "third position" since it conflicts with the zero-effort-required 1d political line they're comfortable with.

>the most prestigious college in Croatia
try PMF or FSB or FER your collage is gender studys tier and people crom your collage made this country shit pls give engineers and scientist to take care of Croatia

>He suppressed religion

good, we should ban Islam and Judaism

>heavily regulated the market

How else do you break up kike monopolies and take back control off Jew bankers?

>centralized the government

literally nothing wrong with this, he was trying to make a strong nation state and national community, not some cucked federation

>disregarded the separation of branches

separation of powers is an Anglo constitutional doctrine, it doesn't have universal application/utility

>His perception of wealth was that it should lie in the state and the "people" instead of individuals and families.

He wanted Germans to live well and not under financial terrorism as in Weimar, or under Bolshevism as was quickly spreading in Europe

>Literally Marxism under a different flag

Yeah, and "the Democrats are the REAL racists"

Fuck off Nigel, you are a completely cucked retard.

he is full of shit
FSB is by far most prestiguous collage in croatia students made first robot that is precise enough to perform brain surgery, and a lot of other stuffs
Its best mechanical,naval and space engineering collage in this part of EU

hahahha you can go fuck yourself, we are the elite and it will stay this way no matter how hard you cry

does iceland even have a college?

Dude your collage is srsly shit tier, its fun to argue with proffesors about your political beliefs but thats all you produce just HDZ/SDP licking students who are suposed to run this country when your fathers die out, but that wont happen

you dont see it yourself becouse you are in it but you are litteraly gender studys

Saying Hitler was a socialist leftie is a 100% guaranteed way to trigger the everloving fuck out of any liberal.

that reichsautobahn looks so much more fitting with the enviroment than the shit roads we have now.

cry more, crybaby. it will launch you right to the top, lol.

When did review brah get so aesthetic?

Just wanna inform anyone obout this collage
>go to collage FPZG
>every your proffesor is ex commie
>thats my whole point

Socialists became fascists, it's their dirty secret they don't want anyone to know. They would rather you believe it was Christians and liberals who became fascists.

>the most prestigious college in Croatia
>the most prestigious college
>in Croatia
Your askin' for trouble, lad.


Enjoy finding a job, Mr. Good For Nothing faculty.

National Socialism yeah it was based on fascism that was a splinter from socialist party in Italy, so yeah Adolf was actualy a leftie the idea of Aryan race is a leftie Utopian idea, create a masterrace leftie idea and so on there was a reason that ZSSR and Nazi Germany supported each other before the 1941

>unemployment drops from almost exactly 6 million to almost exactly zero

Subtle trolling?

Your collage has highest percentage of students that vote for HDZ/SDP just dont deffen your collage, i have friends that are on FFZG but they dont deffend that they are all commies

While i listen my proffesor talking about how every product has number and soon somone will try to put a number on our kids and we must not let that happen, and how my proffesor went to bank and asked them to give him formula with witch they calculated his Loan etc
and than presented us with that formula and rip it apart in front of us
you listen about how establisment is here to stay we must learn how to best get along with it
litteral C...

why would you talk about politics at a university

his collage is called Faculty of political "science"

why the do this ??? what is scientific about that shit its same as sociology

Because it's literally the faculty of political "science", also known as throwing away 5 years of your life.

National Socialism is actually quite centric. But ask a "rightwinger" and he will say its extreme left, while a "leftwinger" will say its extreme right. Both are wrong though, but most normies have swallowed the disinformation about National Socialism so hard most will never recover. Kikes

>got expelled for being a student and making a plausible argument about a historical figure's political orientation

"Higher" education, ladies and gentlemen. Free debate and free speech - unless we don't like it.

>left, right, "center"

The X axis of the political spectrum is purely fictional and imaginary. The more you try to define what "left" and "right" is, the more nonsensical it becomes. It is a tool used by the two political parties and the media to make their brand of authoritarianism "good", and the other team's brand "bad".

There is only liberty and authority. How much power should others have over you? That's all that matters.

People often conflate revolutionary politics with leftwing politics, and view the politically expedient co-optation of the term "socialism" as an embrace of Marxism, but neither are true.

The fact of the matter is "national socialism" cannot be properly categorized as being either left- or rightwing, because it wasn't an ideology, it was a charasmatic movement unique to its time and place in history, and Hitler, being the consummate politician, very adroitly co-opted any and all political terminology and symbology useful to his campaign. I don't say that as a criticism—it's simply a fact, and the facts are the content of his speech changed depending upon his audience, every symbol employed by the party was assimilated from existing political movements, and there isn't a single position paper or ideological tract every produced by "national socialist" thinkers, because there were none, with the exception of that fraud Alfred Rosenberg and his single book "The Myth of the 20th Century", largely a pamphlet on bonfires and other Viking Romantic nonsense. The party, like any other party, wanted power, and saw the path to it through a syncretism of the thoughts and artifacts most deeply revered by Germans. This isn't to say they were cynical or deceptive, it's just a fact. Calling them "far-left" is like calling an ant colony "far-left". It's something that a stupid person does do keep his world simple and predictable. And the truth of it isn't terribly complicated: sometimes political phenomena transcend labelling and categorization. In perfect honesty I grant that there has probably not been a German political movement that has more accurately reflected the character and desires of the German peoples.

It is absolutely amazing to me how both the advocates and critics of "national socialism" have absolutely no understanding of what it actually was.

its not centrist its anything but centrist
it holds extreem left and extreem right stances but none centric
mb on internet pol compass 1-1+1-1=0
but in realitiy its everything but centrist

job already waiting for me when i graduate, thanks for asking

yet you will be working for me and kiss my ass after we both graduate. it's good to know it.

economically he was more left leaning and ironically Germany did extremely in that respect under Adolf

not an argument

ye job waithing for you cuz your father is up to neck in swamp
while my father employs 7 people and is basicaly feeding 7 families, your father is takeing % of their money for doing absolut nothing

Enjoy it while it lasts

It's an authoritarian centrist ideology that places emphasis on the blood of the country.

no, 6 million jews comes from propaganda fighting the idea that jews kept 6 million germans out of work.


this was in the post-war period when historians were piecing together what the fuck happened. anyone questioning the narrative that Hitler was literally Satan and did anything good was suppressed then replaced by cartoonishly evil actors controlled opposition, who nobody could publicly agree with.

You got no clue what you are talking about, you only think this because of his racial policies. Stop with this "master race" nonsence. Hitler had people of all colors in SS. Read his politics instead of spewing some degenerate hollywood university bullshit

> In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

> We demand the nationalisation of all (previous) associated industries (trusts).
We demand a division of profits of all heavy industries.

> We demand an expansion on a large scale of old age welfare.

> We demand the creation of a healthy middle class and its conservation, immediate communalization of the great warehouses and their being leased at low cost to small firms, the utmost consideration of all small firms in contracts with the State, county or municipality.

>We demand a land reform suitable to our needs, provision of a law for the free expropriation of land for the purposes of public utility, abolition of taxes on land and prevention of all speculation in land.

>The state is to be responsible for a fundamental reconstruction of our whole national education program, to enable every capable and industrious German to obtain higher education and subsequently introduction into leading positions. We demand the education at the expense of the State of outstanding intellectually gifted children of poor parents without consideration of position or profession.

>The State is to care for the elevating national health by protecting the mother and child, by outlawing child-labor, by the encouragement of physical fitness, by means of the legal establishment of a gymnastic and sport obligation, by the utmost support of all organizations concerned with the physical instruction of the young

>We demand legal opposition to known lies and their promulgation through the press.

Not to mention the Public Works projects cost structure spending, paid maternity leave, Universal Health Care...

>go to gender studies of croatia
>larp as a nazi

>criminalizing war profiteering, establish public education, drafting child labor laws, and creating public infrastructure is socialist
Prussia confirmed for socialist state

>Retarded emu

Why did you even reply?

Hahahahhaha no it's not

>Hitler being far-left

you are litteraly retard
>heavy tabaco regulations
>banned animal cruelty
>whole set of green laws
>privatized national property
>had strict regulation of market
>hardcore traditionalist
>religious views are not clear
>want it or not racial laws
just some of his actions
my you dont know shit about NS germany besides pol propaganda but i do adn if you can please tell me how is he centrist? is it becouse:
(privatized national property)-(had strict regulation of market)=0 ?

kill urself

Is that far left? Thats centric you retard. Maybe in an American perspective this is far left or whatever, but in European minds this is as centric as you come you fool

>political (((science)))

nope its not by in your mind but his position is Autocrat,colectivist,traditionalist,Economical centrist
you cant put everyone on left right

I agree that the left-right spectrum is retarded. But if we first are following the left-right spectrum, Hitler goes down as centric in European minds..

we have left right political specrtum cuz we litteraly since hitler till now had only leftist or conservatives that hold none left or right oppinion but hitler is nither and you cant set him into that spectrum
its like messuring volume in m^2

Stalin and Hitler were in the same conference, just different divisions.

He was a socialist that focused on his people that he was responsible for as best he could

He failed gloriously, probably for the better, but only time will tell

Jesus christ what are you talking about? Just in Norway alone you can but most politicians on the center of that political spectrum, and many holds the same views as ending animal cruelty, heavy tobacco regulations, green laws, privatized national property, strict marked regulations, traditionalists and so on. You are plainly retarded. What the difference between Hitler is, and a European socialist is that Hitler also was a Nationalist, which most european socialists are not today. Racial laws have nothing to do with left/right spectrum. You clearly got no clue what you are talking about

dude you are doing math with political beliefs i cant take it anymore

No, its just you who are deluded to think that National Socialism is somehow far leftist ideology because you ban fucking animal cruelty, or only allow your own citiziens(not foreign) to own private industry... According to your own fucking argument here you cannot even put European centrist in the left right spectrum, because "volume in m^2"

Oh, sorry you claimed it was far right. Fixed..

Fascism is neither left nor right. That's kind of why it is called "third position". Don't listen to the Amerisharts in this thread, they are retarded and actually think "liberal" and "leftist" are the same thing. Google "Third Position" and read up.

>being so indoctrinated that you literally misread "leftist" as "wrong"

>i literally almost got expelled from college for suggesting that to my political theory professor.

If you get almost rejected from an authoritarian environment for expressing an idea, that is evidence that you're telling the truth.

Am I the only one getting sick of this left/right shit? The Jews will alternate between the two against us. If it's not Bolshevik tier shitty communism it's international banking.

Economically, Hitler was a leftist, have more socialist policies for the nation, but limiting gov't welfare to a defined group (viz. ethnic Germans).

Socially, Hitler was conservative. Very against degeneracy of public morals, and wanting the gov't to take an active role in guiding how children were to be brought up.

In a way, the fact that Hitler wanted heavy gov't interference in both economics and culture is very left-wing, at least on the spectrum of "more gov't=left wing, less gov't=right wing".

Hitler wanted a strong central government to have a lot of power

He wanted the state to have a major control over banking and trade

> that certainly doesn't make him a right wing libertarian