Shut Down Anti-Fag

How can we shu down this antifag "movement". I say we tie these fags up with zip ties in the streets qnd take off their commie masks and take a picture of their tard faces and hunt these fucks and contact their employers. Most don't work anyways so we have to see where they go to school and get these kikes kicked out. Any other ideas /pol?

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why so mad bud

>contact their employers

That is making a strong implication that any of the commie LARPing fags have a job.

if you ignore them they will vanish. Its just some angsty virgins looking for attention.

Calling employers is one of their tactics.
Also, you are operating under the assumption that they are mostly employed.

>Hitting a defenseless frog

What is wrong with these type? Can't they just act normal ffs.

Fight back harder than them. Never give up. Always take the time to throw an extra punch or kick. They will tire and flee back to the dorm

Their violent approach is backfiring. The left is already annoyed at them because of the violence. Even communists are pissed at them since the people they're beating up are typically working class.

The best way to deal with them is to remain non-violent and put the free speech message front and center. Let Antifa will destroy themselves.

>remain non-violent
You mean just accept the ass-kicking?

Why is everyone suddenly shilling so hard for zipties?

Used to getting cucked? Kek


No. Do what do we did in Berkeley, fight back and win without using cheap tactics like bike locks and firecrackers.

Somehow get Antifa listed as a terrorist organisation. Then bring the power of the State's boot down on their neck.

Whats the first step of doing that user


Lol at these triggered alty righty whinys

There's a petition, it's worded poorly.

The demographics of your proposed conflict is Fucking Fat Baby Boomers vs. Shitbag Collegefags.
I'd side with the one more prepared to be able to coordinate movements and utilize modern technology.
Your proposed conflict is bound to fail.

i wrote an article on how to take them down, even when we arent beating the shit out of them in the streets. if we do these 7 things, antifa will be torn to shreds.

the rest of my website is dedicated to announcing events and exposing these faggots.

also trying to set up a system to help out people get to the protests

Both the alt-right and the antifas are fucking faggots

Good question. My guess is somehow make the Right look like the victim of Antifa's violence in the MSM. Use their victimhood tactics against them.

I agree with self defense if necessary, but I think that historically passive resistance is the most effective course. Jesus is the obvious example. By allowing Antifa to show their true colors people will be turned off, including their own members. Look at the video of the guy getting hit with the bike lock, you can see antifa people cringing at the site of it.

good points


These Antifa HATE to be seen, they hate free speech, they hate free marketplace of ideas & capital.

quickest way to defeat them is expose them for what they are and who they are, in private & in public at marches / protests.

Did you know it is illegal in California & many states to protest with a mask covering your face? That means every cop in berkeley could have arrested these fags on that point alone.

Look at Auburn when the cops made them take off their masks, they ran away !

Really makes me think...

They use to have to kill antifa in the early 1910's when they were attempting Bolshevik stuff under the name IWW or wobblies.
Ropes and bullets was how the early version of antifa was defeated in America.

FRANK LITTLE was the Yvette felarca of his time.
The neighborhood got sick of his constant protest so they chained him to a truck then hung him from a tree.

IWW was the prototype of early antifa Bolshevik Street groups in America.

A Milo fan shot a IWW black block antifa.
At Everett Washington they had to shoot antifa to defeat antifa


Infiltrate them from within. Spread paranoia. Snitch.

To make room for the roaring 1920's American CA had to kill them r IWW antifa commies



The wobblies were the original communist,anti- racist protest group
Eventually people just killed them.

Boomers have guns and training in Vietnam.

Load and re-pressurize a disused fire-extinguisher, fill with a mix of bull semen