Stop Smoking Weed Scrubs

Daily reminder to stop smoking weed Sup Forums.




Edgy britard,go fuck yourself.

stopped today after roughly 3 years of daily use

Helps my lower neck pain. I'd rather not do opiates or take other meds regularly.

Fucked my neck up when I got rear ended last month and it's always super stiff until I light up for the morning. I'd rather not take pills for a few months straight 2 times a day.

Get ready for the self hate then.

Muh man

Try stretching, work out the kinks. Try something else than drugs or weed. It's better than letting a "harmless drug" control your life.

Started smoking weed to get off meth.
Its been over 3 years now.
Trust me its better this way.

im sorry it makes your heart racy but thats no reason to force it on the rest of us

Well that's step 1. of living a drug free life. Step 2 is quitting weed. Prove to yourself you're stronger than you think.

It's a reminder, not a order. Do whatever you want with your life, even if it's nothing. Just don't get in the way of people actually focusing on something.

How do stoners get in the way of things besides the drive thru at jack in a box?

Why do people have to be drug free if they're still productive?

I smoke much less than I used to and I feel better now

Help me OP weed has taken over my life. I try and fail to quit every day.

Because I believe that unless you are some war veteran/sick with some mental illness/psychologically unstable you can be a productive member of society. Society doesn't demand you to be, you should demand it to yourself. Nobody is pushing you to become something, other than your future self. Do you really think that in 20 years you'll look back at your life and think "Man I really loved spending my best years doing nothing, not taking 1 option given to me in my life"?
Weed literally makes you content with your position in life. You don't need to achieve more, you "feel fine". It's easier to do nothing than to do something.
Your thoughts make your world. God is in you in the sense that YOU make YOUR world. NOBODY in the world will push you to achieve better, why would they. You are the only thing that matters in life to you. And if you don't understand that then why do you even wipe your ass after taking a shit, you'll be taking a new one soon enough anyway.

Quit after 15 years of daily use 3 years ago. Idc what people say, that was the toughest drug to kick for me.

I always thought 'it's weed not a big deal.' That shit sneaks up on you and then pins you in to complacency. Maybe won't destroy your life but it WILL keep you from your fullest potential.

I smoke on and off just like I drink on and off. Once it's gone it could be a week or a month until I get more weed but I always take a tolerance break and do cardio 4 times a week to sweat out the thc and clear out my lungs

1. Work out. It literally makes you happy.
2. NEVER be afraid or fear anything. If you're afraid, you let fear control your life. And that's when you're not controlling your life.
3. Stop masturbating. Lovers testosterone, makes you a pussy.
4. God is in you. You are your own god. We are what our thoughts are and our world is too.
5. Eat properly. Breakfast IS the most important thing in your day.
6. Smile. Even if you look like a moron going down the street with a smirk on your face. At least you know you're not one of the grey ones.

Smoking a little weed let's me get into a super autistic focus so I can work without getting distracted. It's best for me as an occasional tool. Chronic snookers are fags for sure, but there's nothing wrong with doing it in moderation, just like drinking.

Lmao I've smoked for a few years now and I can tell you, it doesn't make you hate yourself in any way. Where did you get that nonsense from?

>Masturbating lowers testosterone
Only if you're a low test cuck

is that true?

Some people say its pseudoscience (Works if you believe it), but why wouldn't you believe it? If it works (which I believe it does, I've never felt so empowered since I've quit) why would you continue? Quit and you will become your own king.

Yeah it could specially if you only drink milk from a plastic container and eat tofu and smoke weed heavily.
It'd be tits if you could do steroids and also smoke weed though. It'd even you out and get rid of the roid rage

Also Soul, Blues and some Metal is the perfect mix to get your emotions out. Listen to the lyrics, song writers write songs for a reason. Pop is cancer, it has no meaning.

Alright britbong, different strokes....

Stop telling people how to live their lives and what to put in their bodies.

You're good in my book man. As long as you don't let something else control your life (weed, alcohol, even women) you'll get further than you've ever thought. Focus fuckers, focus on what matters to you!

Then stop reading if you don't want to live a life worth living.

You are assuming that everyone is a faggot and cannot handle the addiction. I have been smoking for almost 6 years now. Started at uni, unlike britbongs, who smoke in the womb, and still going strong. Whilst being a student for almost 10 yrs now, I have been working in a marine independent surveying field (which is very tough and demanding as a job).

Please tell me how I am not motivated, how I am failing at uni and life in general and how I have, almost, managed to be a partner in the firm.

Yes, though my addiction i became a fat fuck. Now I have managed to loose more than 47kgs, back to normal, whilst smoking and having the munchies constantly.

Quit being an idiot.

You can still be productive and smoke weed, I to go CC and work part time and I do smoke weed. It affects everyone differently so its unfair to make a generalization about it. However I agree if you're smoking it recreationally after 25 then I would question one's productivity.

Saving the white race, that's all that matters because otherwise it will all be for nothing.
Don't you just wanna toke and forget about it all for awhile? Make it all go away goy?

I've been smoking weed daily for 5 years. Had an increasing urge to quit over the last couple of years. It's tough, way harder than nofap or noalcohol. I've used up my last remnants of it now though and gone the last 2 days without any. That's nothing to most people but a lot for me. Doing okay, despite my dealer texting me an unusual amount of times lately tempting me to buy. I used to be all nonchalant about weed and its effects, but now I understand how degenerate it is. I'm trying to be a better person without the weed jew in my life.

I will clarify by saying that so long as the drugs you choose do not control your life there should be no issue with their use. However if you find yourself unable to say no to doing them then you might have a problem and should seek help.

But bans never work. Cultural Admonishment never works. Even with education and safe use there is always going to be people who want to try things they know are bad for them.

Stop being such an authoritarian faggot and smoke some kush. Nigga.

Why do you care about the white race? Do you really think it doesn't have a future? There's as many white stoners/spiceheads who do fuck all with their lives as there are blacks sitting on their asses getting benefits. It's the way of life, the strongest get the furthest the weakest have shitty lives. Pick who you are and ignore the other ones.

There's an entire continent of blacks doing nothing...
You some kinda nigger?

That's the way of thinking about it I do. And I've smoked. For 3 years. Complete waste of my (probably) best years and best chance to become something. Good that I've realised it, now I'm focused on achieving a goal and actually focusing on it. Literally started a new job and 3 weeks later one of the main managers offered me a better position in the office. Not really better pay yet it's going to look neat on my CV (Administrator).

The same way half of white Europeans do fuck all, half of Americans. Same way for most Russians, who are dominantly white. Your point?

Non whites will destroy everything whites do out of hatred and jealousy
I ain't doing shit for nigger land until we get our ethno state

That's impossible.
The unemployment rate proves you wrong, most whites have jobs

Ok dad, w-whatever you want.

are ediables okay?

But it makes the Black Sabbath so good

>fapping constantly
>go to psychiatrist for Adderall
>blood test
> "Your testosterone is...high"
>Huh, really
> "VERY high"
> "Is it a problem for you? Too much sex drive?

Degeneracy is what you are, not what you do

t. master race 6'2" blonde/blue jacked genius Chad

Hahahah tell that to the 4 white stoners of which 1 has a tax paying job. They're literally doing nothing other than laying bricks, smoking weed and getting benefits. Same thing when I lived in a dominantly muslim neighbourhood. So many of them sit on their ass while some of them work/have a personal business. Just because you haven't seen the other part of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Good lad. Focus on improving yourself. Smoke some if you want but never let your habits become controlling.

I make sure to always take practice control. This is something most people, especially stoners, don't do. I pack a bowl, lay out my lighter and my bong, make it so there's nothing standing between me and weed but me. And then I don't smoke. At least one night a week I'll do this, just lay everything out and make the conscious decision not to smoke.

You would be surprised how much willpower it takes some people to not spark that bowl. I've introduced friends to this method and they had serious trouble not just lighting up from reflex or habit.

If I ever do spark up during this then the plan is to do it for a solid week of *not* smoking.

Stay strong. Practice control. Besides, it keeps your tolerance low which means you save a shitload of money on weed.

Youll be smoking again within the week. As soon as you get bored you'll be back on the train.

Nah. Once you realise how much weed has pulled you down this whole time you'll never want to go back. Read the rest of the thread if you haven't mate.

Most whites have jobs. Look it's up dumbass

>Threading own post
Only a burnout would think this is how it works. Just kill yourself.

You could try, just not doing meth. Meth isn't even that addictive.

Of course they do. Picking products in a warehouse and operating a fork lift is pretty easy, yet meaningless and low pay. So no wonder someone might think how "mind boggingly retarded it is" because it is. Yet this is a thread of quitting weed and not of "white powaaah" bullshit that pol likes to push a lot recently. Your white race isn't dieing, it's fear mongering you're doing. NEVER BE AFRAID OF ANYTHING.


So as soon as someone shows they can smoke weed and be productive, your entire argument goes to shit.

I take edibles like once a month and I do just fine. I will agree that smoking all the time just to be high all the time is pretty degenerate and leads to laziness and complacency, but using it responsibly is no worse than having a few drinks every now and then.

Okay kike.
Jobs run a society and with a large non white population it will collapse

That comment was meant more for people struggling with addiction to weed rather than people who have gotten over it and realised the few important life lessons they need to know. But hey just fiddle your penis by saying "hurr you're wrong" to make yourself feel better, if you wish. Rather than trying to help out and give actual advice on how to deal with your problems, how to fight the pressure of life.

weed just makes you lazy. I haven't met a serious person who smokes it to date. They accomplish nothing and are absorbed with escapism and trivial garbage.
>using weed is degenerate

Antifa smokes cigarettes & so do I.
Doesn't mean I'll stop.

Really don't give a shit, I do what I'm going to do.

quick, im about to get high

See . Stay on topic unless all you care about is "muh white race". Pretty sad if that's your main focus and problem in life.

You fackin druggo

yeh but why is it bad?

Daily reminder to smoke weed every day Sup Forums

Read Most importantly work out. Right now. Do a 15-20 min pushup, knees to elbows, jumping jacks, crunches, anything workout. You will simply feel better after. Then go out. Shop. Walk around the city, find something new there. Enjoy the little things like the weather, the birds, parks. Put on your best clothes and have a walk. Make eye contact with a girl and give her a smile. If she looks away she finds you hot. God damn, must feel good to be hot, doesnt it? Walk with your head high and your back straight.

I'm on nofap, cold showers and I fast for 36 hours every weekend.

I'll continue smoking my weed that I'm so very tolerant to (no seriously my tolerance is super high :/ )

i never asked for this

the liberals want everyone, white, black, spics, everyone to be high. That way they can control the masses. why do you think there is a huge opiod epidemic in white america? Not the blacks with this particular prob. it was deliberate. with pot everybody stupid. Gov't can control us

Fasting is retarded unless you're a bodybuilder trying to push out the last bit of fat and you don't eat enough. Eat a lot, work out. Agreeing with the cold showers and not fapping, that's exactly what you need to do. Also smoke less, get your tolerance up. Also the right weed for bedtime. Some weed just makes you go all crazy and shit. Paranoid, over focused, sweaty and wanting more.

Then why did you even ask anything if you just want to smoke weed and do nothing? Eh bugger off German, doesn't look like this is the thread for you.

I think that most drugs attract people who already hate themselves though.

Makes you lazy. Content with the simplicity your life has, makes you less ambitious, less of a man that you can be. Be better. Grow, develop a personality. Become a positive influence on yourself in life.

No weed, no smoking, no alcohol, no caffeien here, only a clear head and razor sharp focus. If you want to fight degeneracy start with yourselves fellow Sup Forumsacks.

Fuck slide treads, kys and sage

i dont get how conversatists can be against drugs...

Its a highly untapped market which clearly has demand.The government could regulate it like they regulate drivers license and make people require licenses for all drugs , even alcohol and tobacco. On top of making a shitton of money with taxes it would also create new jobs in sales and specific education. Last but not least , a lot of people rediscover their religious nature after consuming psychedelic drugs which is a very conservative value i think.

i asked why i shoud not and i asked for it quickly because i was about to smoke up. I did not ask for alternatives to doing drugs

How is this a slide thread op is clearly committed with it

I am addicted to weed, been smoking daily for months but I don't want to quit cold turkey, just smoke less (maybe once-twice a week). What do you quitanons do when you get the urges

I found my religious nature after quitting weed. It's all about spirituality really. God is in you, it's your spirit to wake up and do better, focusing and living a life worth living.
Of course it is. It should be regulated or else most young men and teens don't realise the dangers of it.

play videogames or do something social. If you are selfdestructive you could pick up a drinking habit instead

If you start smoking pot every day under the age of 17 or so you'll probably amount to nothing.

The real serious stupid druggies I knew were the ones that started get high at 13, 14.

As for meth, most people use it once or twice and don't get addicted. Cocaine seems to be the drug that people really struggle with.

Just quit man. You can't keep smoking weed, your brain won't wake up. Just when it does don't burn out. Get your life sorted, find something that keeps you busy. Take a week off from smoking. Then come back and tell me how you want to smoke it again.

Videogames feel boring and bland now. How is drinking better than weed?

white women are 4% of the world population

i got mine back after i did lsd. It actually got me into losing weight , working out and living more healthy.

i never said its better , you just asked for something else to do. You need a hobby

you sound autistic as fuck
be honest this thread exists because some pot smokers bullied you in school
or a girl chose a popular stoner dude over you

Why do tight assed autists have to go and make threads bashing lifestyle choices? It just wreaks of insecurity and naivety.

I've suffered through my fair share, worked since 9, helped my dad build his company just to watch it fail because of power out of our control, and do it over again, skin cancer, knee surgerys, 12 hour days 6 days a week, I am a strong man who smokes alot of weed, fuck off britfuckwit

Negros seem to love crack. It appears to be in their DNA. Other races can take or leave it but crack just turns Negros into instant junkies.

Meth tends to bring out the stupidity in people who were already latent fools. You have to be a real idiot-and I have taken meth a time or two in Asia-to get so hooked on it that you cannot stop until you weigh 120 pounds and you are 6'3 and steal you Mom's TV for more.

Heroin addicts are pretty much a lost cause. They can get clean but the monkey is always on their back.

As for weed, I am 43 and most people tend to hit 30 and stop. It is an addiction that declines with age. Even the biggest college potheads like me usually get rid of the bong at 25.

>mfw my sister started smoking when she was 13 and is a manager of a business
>mfw I started smoking at 16 and am NEET


weed is literally the only good thing about living in this global dystopia

Stopped a year ago.
Feel better.
Wanna smoke sometimes, but then remember the panic attacks.

>oh God the panic attacks

I smoked an Oz a month in college or about 1/8 a week but if you are 35 and still keeping the bong on your living room table you are a sad bastard.

Generally though crack and meth are the drugs that seem to make people stupid. Meth brings out the inner-stupidity in people with a latent fool aspect to their personality.

These days only negros and white trash are crackheads. I don't think middle-class people have smoked crack since about 1985.

crack is literally nigger in powder form , turns everyone who takes it into a nigger so obviously they love it most since it turns them into nigger2

Spice is the crack of the 2000s as someone said. It really is, seems like a lot of white males get stuck on it, at least in Europe.

Weed is a pathetic crutch.

After smoking daily for years, and quitting, I lost weight, my drive and motivation increased, and I'm a happier and more energetic person.

It makes you a stupid, lazy, fat giggling idiot. Alcohol may be more dangerous, but it doesn't put you in another universe and drain all of your energy and ambition.

You are about to be a grumpy fuck a week or so.

I did not say that everybody who starts getting high at 13 ends up retarded but I did notice the real hardcore stoners I knew in junior high ended up amounting to nothing. Pot is not a gateway drug past the age of 18 but kids who get into it young will tend to graduate to meth, heroin and coke. I say tend. Not always.

vape oils is red pilled. A little goes a long way.