Kentucky Best State

Kentucky is the best state in the union.

>still mostly white
>traditional horse racing
>comfy southern culture
>only place in the world that produces bourbon
>Appalachian mountains

What's not to like?

Other urls found in this thread: the south would have won&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS737US737&oq=if the south &aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0j5j0.3409j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#spf=1

I heard Kentucky is that weird state where a lot of people don't even have internet access yet.

>bourbon is exceptionally bad whiskey
>Southern culture is fucking retarded
>Southern people can't even do basic math
>Who cares about horse races?
>Located in the heart of "you might not get murdered" burgerville
What's not to love?

Maybe in the poorer areas of eastern kentucky, but in the west, everyone has Internet and all other basic amenities.

That and Wyoming, weird incest states where people basically LARP like it's still 1810

This from the country that literally eats rotten shark meat.

You're basically not even European.

Yes, Iceland is based as fuck and it's okay if you don't like our food.

Kentucky is pretty cool. I know Jefferson Davis went to college there. Long live the south!

gool ol KY. Land of the gibs me dats. Land of the double-wides.

this is a shitty place with terrible people. Their coal mines deserve to fail and those people need to move somewhere else instead of demanding their small govt who needs to not step in, step in and save their towns from themselves.

This Goy gets it.

Hail Jeff Davis

Kentucky fag here AMA

Redpill me on Dixie Mafia.

Which county? Meade here


Jefferson County, hey

I gotta question.

Why is it better than Tennessee or North Carolina?

I've never been down there, but one of my favorite high school teachers went there and he would talk highly of it.

Ayyyy niggerville.

Give this a listen, first off, then watch the movie

"The Outlaw Josey Wales"

You can find it online

Kentucky is the best place on the entire Earth hands down no question anybody that disagrees is drowning in their own ignorance.

Forgot link the south would have won&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS737US737&oq=if the south &aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0j5j0.3409j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#spf=1

Both of those states are way more blacked. That's a good start.

Kenton county is comfy, I am considering going to eku.

>Yes, Iceland is based as fuck

I think the jury is still out on that one.

I appreciate that they still do whaling.

But I also sense a level of white degeneracy which would even make Sweden blush. It's only because you're an island, that you're muslims aren't elbow deep in your women's assholes.

Kenton county is comfy, I am considering going to eku.



Kansas is, we have the loosest gun laws

That must have been a long time ago because the area I live in has a decent nigger population.

Because it's mostly white and christian. The people here are actually nice, too.

The paternal side of my family is from Bourbon County, Kentucky (horse country, been there since the 18th century) and yet I've never visited the state. How is it? What's there to do?

I have lived here my whole life and its a mix of rural and city. Best of both worlds, plus open carry rocks.

But there's fuckall in kansas

Yes Goy... there's nothing here... stay out

You don't understand why they refuse to move, I'll help you

1) The land is beautiful and they feel a cultural connection to that specific region
2) They choose poverty in order to protect what little is left of that region because if they left then the coal companies would have free reign to rape the ENTIRE place.

The coal companies prevent other industries from being in the region through lobbying, essentially an attempt to economically strangle these people so that they move away from the land those greedy jews want so badly.

It is very honorable to choose poverty in order to prevent the jews from raping.

Well, really it's mostly country, but there are plenty of things to do in Louisville (Churchill Downs, slugger museum, etc.) And bowling green (corvette museum)

Daviess here

>mountains on the flag
Why lie, Kansas?

Ayyyy, I know people from Daviess. That's Owensboro, right?

>only place in the the world that produces bourbon

That's completely false


I once drove on US23 from Ashland thru Pikeville on to Tennessee. It was... not impressive. Even compared to other parts of Appalachia I have been to (Maryland, PA, WV, NC) it was ugly and depressing. Lived up to its reputation 100%

I recommend no one ever visits Eastern Kentucky

There's one County in Virginia but that's it. Everything else is fake bourbon.

Like France and champagne.

Too many Democrats in KY.

95% of the bourbon on earth is made in Kentucky, actually.

Too many democrats alive.

Admittedly, eastern Kentucky is not as impressive as the west. I've never really been out there much desu.

Yep, that's the good old Boro.

>only place in the world that produces bourbon

Bourbon can technically be produced anywhere in the United States.

Kentucky Straight Bourbon tends to be the best bourbon though.

I'm on the edge so it's more rednecks and druggies

So how do we replace that dirty bastard Mitch McConnell with a man of the people?

That bastard only cares about himself and his lobbyists. Couldn't give a single fuck about the people of Kentucky. He must go.

No you're wrong. Boubon has nothing to do with where it's made. To be bourbon it has to be 51% corn, have nothing added besides water, and be aged in new oak barrels for a minimum of 2 years. It's the spirit of America as decreed by congress. Those are the requirements...nothing to do with where it's made.

t. Bourbonfag

Ozarks in the Southeast part of the state

I feel that. Only neighborhood I've ever really spent much time in is the Highlands. Used to have a pothead friend there.

>Not living in a big city

Rural idiots... will they ever learn?

Crush the urbanite.

This fag is right.

t. also Bourbonfag


I've only ever been there for events. It would be cool just to spend a day for pleasure.

It's endless tiny little hills. Steep enough to prohibit building and development but small enough to not be interesting at all scenic-wise. And it causes buildings to be in webs that stretch along the sides of all the creeks between the hills.

To be fair this is just based on what it looked like from a car, but on the other hand that's also because there was nothing worth stopping for.

Daviess county is best county

Isn't that the state where most people look like pic related?

>>only place in the world that produces bourbon
What is jack Daniels ?
What is George Dickel?
Tennessee produces a lot of bourbon.

Iceland is big orgy island full of single mums and volcanoes.

Central KY fag reporting in.
Great state to live in. Louisville is shit, but it's improved somewhat.

Windstream can suck a dick.

All bourbon is whiskey, not all whiskey is bourbon. The difference is the water and I think the time it is stored prior to bottling.

you will regret it

Be like me and go to WKU. EKU is for fags.

The white people there are potato niggers

eastern ky is a shithole its coal country they are all supressing themselves because they hate globalism more then you can possibly imagine

My wife is from Louisville. She was a big time anti-racist. Then she moved to NC where the niggers emit a hostility towards whites that she had never known. It was a hard adjustment for her as she was a naturally cheerful, positive, welcoming woman. Now she hates the niggers evenb more than i do simply due to that brooding hostility they have. The air is thick with it when they take your order or ring up your groceries. the niggers of Nc are just waiting for the go ahead. thats all. Soon as the grid goes down they will kill every white person they find. thats what real life around real niggers is like. it took moving here for her kentucky eyeballs to see this truth.

>Largest abuse of disability in the nation.
>Muh basketball
>Too many slack jawed inbreds
>Drug abuse
>Good old boys network/Govt. rife with corruption and abuse.
I could go on.
Good roads though.

>based as fuck
>island full of listless people having casual sex and the highest use of anti-depressants in the world.

Pick one and only one.

what the fuck are you talking about maybe in the capital and in lexington but most people here are right wing libertarians or centrist in lexington and in the capital most people in the meliniel gen are atleast fuck i care about the old folks n shit

you call rotten shark meat food? that's really depressing.

>been sayin this shit for years hopes he fucking dead by the time i can fucking run for the position love rand though wanted him for president but settled for trump

NC has Illinois tier gun laws

>>thats all of the south you fucking nitwit


No time warner is now spectrum. Windstream is just their only competition and its garbage.

The product meets the regulatory criteria for classification as astraightbourbon, though the company disavows this classification and markets it simply as Tennessee whiskey rather than as Tennessee bourbon.[8][9]As defined in theNorth American Free Trade Agreement, Tennessee Whiskey is classified as a straight bourbon authorized to be produced in the state of Tennessee.[10]Packaged in square bottles, a total of 11 million cases of the flagship "Black Label" product were sold in the company's 2012fiscal year, which ended April 30, 2013

We are not.
True, full of poverty unless you live in Lexington or Louisville. Bardsdown is okay, Frankfurt is okay, and Owensburg is okay, but Lex and Louisville is still full of niggers, white trash, heroine, meth and SJW college pricks.

t. Lexfag

Fuck you guy

Because every city that isn't a run down shitstain in this state is completely democrat if not a majority.

That's literally every city in the world dude. Give me a break.

Jeffersonvillefag here, can confirm, greatest state.

Also when you jack asses start bombing each other the great folks of the commonwealth will run to the mountains and survive.

ah fuck lexington my first serious gf was jewish let her fucking manipulate me whilst i was still bluepilled ( she was from ny natively so i was fucking asking for it ) that's life though fortunately from that i have gained unyeilding confidence, seriously though don't step foot into lexington for any reason other then education

> (You)
>All bourbon is whiskey, not all whiskey is bourbon. The difference is the water and I think the time it is stored prior to bottling.
And to be calledbourbon, it must be at least 51 percent corn. (Most distillers use 65 to 75 percent corn.) 2.)Bourbon, by law, must be aged in a brand-new, charred white oak barrel to be calledstraight bourbonwhiskey—that means, a barrel can only be used once forbourbon.Sep 24, 2013
T. Bartender fag.

i disagree newport is our most democrat city and its the literal shittiest

Because you have Cincinnati across the river.

also to everyone in this thread at this point all smaller cities surounding lex are the literal best fucking places in the goddam state fuck frankfort though and georgetown literally every other one wenchester paris nicholasville all those fucking places are amazing, i have lived in george town and all the other places surronding that festering hole and dear god it makes me wanna puke


I live smack in the middle of Lex, so can't help me there. My gf is from Richmond and is not a jew..

Mingua is better.

it was a good lesson in my life of course i did lose my virginity at 15 so that was fucking good

In most other states you go into the rural parts to relax, but in ky the rural parts are scary. Also, the state troopers are always looking to shake down people from out of state

Bitch please...

this is true actually we have literal cultural wars with sports

Louisvillian reporting in

Don't equate my state with your horseshit ideologue garbage. You're not a true Kentuckian.

What's the best place too live in ky? Hardmode - No nigs hillbillies or university towns