Brit/pol/ - God's country edition

>Wales to turn blue for the first time in 100 years

>Arron Banks decides not to stand in Clacton

>Jeremy Corbyn planning to 'dismantle' the UK's defences, Conservatives claim

>General election 2017: UKIP manifesto to pledge a burka ban

>When Nigel Farage met Julian Assange

>Jeremy Corbyn refuses to say if he would authorise killing of Isil leader

>General election 2017: Tories to pledge energy bill cap

>UKIP are re-branding themselves as anti-Islamic, pro-British Cultural Nationalists
[YouTube] UKIP new Policy. British culture, British law, British language (embed)


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Makes you proud to be British.

5rd for Warwickshire.

If planning UK vacation trip best money per experience trip locations?
The links I fucked up

What job should I aim for lads? I haven't a clue

>tfw you haven't had a Chewit in more than a decade

>just because I went to a private school, doesn't mean I had a good education
>plenty of comprehensives around my area were really good!
>yeah, it was in a rich area, why?

posting again for grammar school discussion

First for our Future First Family.

Hoho, just wait until Corbyn sweeps a majority this election!

Start buying guns


the last time i had a chewit they somehow got all hot and sticky and got stuck to the paper

and the texture went all weird. soft on the outside and hard on the inside

wasnt very nice desu

something that can't be automated

I used to like the sour ones.

Langollen or Edinburgh. Depends if you want rural or urban.

remind me again why nige left ukip

They used to make fizzy ones when I was a nipper.

Visit London for a day, maybe two. Look at the landmark, and try to avoid the people as much as possible.

Try to rent a car and drive around the country. I recommend Bath and Stonehenge as good places. Try to go to Wales, and make sure you visit a forest and either the Peak/Lake District.

Perhaps take a trip up to Scotland, too.

He hasn't

Cum cleaner in porn shop video booths.

Blackpool Pleasure Beach is like Disneyland m8 , you get cheap deals if you book online

I don't know, the Jews have the blackpilling down to a fine AI-generated art.


It sounds like a quote from 40k

>an historic
Stop this.

>tfw the last time I had a Chewit the sour flavours didn't even exist



Automation engineer


literally the first thing that came into my head right away was a dinosaur eating chewits

Surprising how adverts engrain themselves

Thinking way back, the playground dispute was whether Chewits were better than Fruit-tella and Opal Fruits. I always preferred Opal Fruits the most.

Royal Navy /RAF

Just checked into an hotel and got the wifi working. What's wrong?

My postman is a legend. Genuinely a great guy.
Bumped into him in the pub once and he bought me a pint.

Grammatically correct desu

Every cloud...

People say 'nipper' outside of the Isle of Wight.

>Be British
>Blow up your own weapons

I always thought it was an Island only term

Grammar schools are good when there are enough to go around.

they are plastic mush nowadays

He stepped down as leader. He didn't leave the party.

I liked the fizzy chewits best, after that fruitella.

wham bars top the lot though.

Please don't post this again

If you're any good at maths, lad, do something that involves maths. Maths past high school level is like witchcraft for normal people so you'll always be able to leverage it into a job.



Not this time of the year, its midgy infested from now to October.

That's cool as fuck! Imagine your granddad saying "user, I've got something to show you"...

Only if you pronounce hotel as 'otel which is objectively the retarded way to pronounce it.

An honour
A hotel
An honest man
A hospital

Did he slip a parcel in your letterbox?

Visit Stamford Hill if you want to see a load of kikes who think they're superior to you and will cross onto the other side of the street because they think you're gentile scum.

Pay up lads :) money money money!

lmfao institute of non-satire did it again

fucking continentals

It isn't though. The "h" in history isn't silent.

It's only grammatically correct if you speak like a peasant and don't pronounce the 'h'.

Nah, nearly everywhere says nipper.

I bought some the other day. Still prefer fruit pastilles desu

This man and his brother walk up to your girlfriend and slaps her arse in front of you, what do you do?


Winchester is better, and closer to London

The more money they load on the less likely it is we get a deal = the more fucked your country is.

>Cum cleaner in porn shop video booths

Wouldn't recomend it 2bh, when I did it the boss said I'd get plenty of tips whilst cleaning, he was right only they were the tips of penises being poked through the adjacent gloryhole

I quit that day

Did you read up to the end lad?

Reminder that Double Dips used to be a decent size

Not if he wants to visit Stonehenge.

That flag is upside down.

Best job desu lad. I could happily do this for the rest of my life.
Only rural though, it must be hell in a city.

Didn't fancy a nibble? I might.

i was a postman for a couple of years, it's a shit job now but used to be good.

Would shag 18/18 of them desu

What's this?

sherbit dips are tiny too

>That flag is upside down

>tfw everytime you see the union flag you can't help but check

Stonehenge is closer to Winchester than Bath. Also, bath has probably the worst road system of any UK city, and getting to it takes much longer than it should.

Where abouts were you based m8? I find it to be really comfy

West Midlands for 9 days, East Midlands for 5 days. Rest of the country is irrelevant.

>tfw you will never do fresher's week again knowing what you know now

Hotel near me has both flags upside down.

Complained about it by email and they ignored me.

How to get job? I've applied a couple of times but no luck; all the postmen round here are now pakis or women.

>EU flag above UK flag

Whoever's holding the flag pole should be shot for treason.

But I like Bath.

my m8 Colin was a postman he would rob the birthday cards an come pub and buy everyone a few pints on grandmas

>Be British
>Value a foreign book over your own

Tories polling at 33% in Scotland lads, Labour polling at their worst since 1910.

God who made May mighty
Make May mightier yet

Make her stronger lads.

>Would shag 18/18 of them desu

About to call you an autist for counting how many girls there were and counted them myself just to make sure there were 18 and there's only 17


>a Tory
>mentioning England

socialism is finished in this country now

What's wrong with fresher's user? The STIs?

It's grammatically correct, you nonce.

I'm sure they had filled out the appropriate health and safety forms in the second incident.

Kinda hope our submarines go rogue and use all 64 Trident missiles on London. Kindest thing for it at this point.

If you live near a Uni just go to the clubs during freshers


It was a white working class profession til managers ruined it by having quotas of niggers/fanny start

I got my job through Indeed m8.

See I don't know about you but I don't respect the butchering of language to appease idiots.

kek I saw that too. Not a "conspiracy theory" anymore. The truth of Churchill will be the next "admission".

"Yeah, the second war was fought for Jews, but so what? you're not a nazi are you?"

>There were embarrassed coughs when the organising secretary of ANC, A.H. Richards inquired where the money for all this was to come from; Mr Churchill appeared angry at the question. Richards was taken aside and asked to announce simply that all their requirements had already been met.
>Funds had been arranged two days earlier at a private dinner in North London, hosted by the Board of Deputies of British Jews. Its vice-president Sir Robert Waley-Cohen, chairman of British Shell, was a charismatic Zionist extrovert who would become, in the words of his authorised biographer Robert Henriques, the 'veritable dynamic force of Focus,' At a dinner on July 22 at his home, Caen Wood Towers, he launched the initial secret £50,000 fund for The Focus. His associates signed immediate cheques for £25,000 and pledged the rest.

Ah.. And Mosley was imprisoned without trial, defense, or warrant simply for campaigning for a policy of "negotiated peace" with Germany. There was no evidence whatsoever that Mosley was a traitor, and subsequent inquiries into the use of Defence Regulation 18B proved that Mosley was in fact detained in 1941 because he wanted peace, and Churchill's government wanted to continue the war at all costs. Mosley wasn't really a fascist at all anyway, or at least he was a modernist and a very lightweight fascist. Just tragic the extent to which Mosley is still demonised and Churchill still worshiped.

Count again.

Remember hearing my old uni tried to ban chav socials because 'they demonised the working class'.

Even if you speak like a retard, you don't type or write in your accent do you? STOP IT

>Complained about it by email and they ignored me.

pretty rude of them 2bh, bet if the queen was passing they'd fix 'em sharpish