Is MST3K our guys?

Think about it. MST3K mocks and rips apart of movies produced by Jews.

In the new Netflix season, they mock "rape culture" and all manner of liberal targets.

Is MST3K based? And have they secretly been redpilling for years?

Other urls found in this thread:

Several of the creators are appallingly leftist.

So, no.

They do push at the barrier of PC culture in some of their riffs, but no, not /our guys.

It's funny, though. I haven't heard one riff that was SJW-level cringe.

Can you think of an example?

Mike was the only one who was Conservative (and also Christian).

Mike is the only one who will not be participating in the new season, even for a cameo.

What does that tell you?

Eh, nothing really stands out.

The show is a bit of an anomaly, honestly. A huge portion of their fan base consists of self-defeated, unemployed, "disabled," etc. The Facebook groups I was in had many of them constantly breaking the "rules" by posting nasty "jokes" about Trump. Then the man actually won, they continued to break the rules with their post-election meltdowns.

These are not people that I would expect to not get triggered over some of the deliberately incorrect humor that is in MST3K.

>New series stars Felicia Day and Patton Oswald

Oh yeah. Totally redpilled as shit, OP.

I only saw the first episode of the new season and it was acceptable enough. I thought I'd never watch it after Felecia and Patton were announced as the new mads. They actually work well together. I just don't like how bland Jonah seems so far. I hope his personality gets more fleshed out.
The classic series was politically incorrect as hell. They made fun of fatties all the time.

Yeah, they are the shittiest part of the new show. I admit.

Felicia in particular is acting on a 3rd grade level. Horrible. And nerds like her? Jesus...

Mike is a conservative Christian but he has nothing to do with the new show

The old crew still make content.

Yes, I think that's the difference in this season. The humor is a little too safe, and less irreverent.

But it's not horrible, and I thought it would be horrible.

I thought it was going to suck too but I just watched the Cry Wilderness episode and it had my sides in orbit.

I think that's because of Netflix. They are looking to protect their "sjw friendly" brand.

And RiffTrax is absolutely fuckin based.

Felecia's acting was never good. She was the only thing that could make Supernatural even worse than it already is. Her character was a geeky lesbian. I think they killed her off but death in SPN is about as permanent as death in DBZ. Nerds only like her because they think she's just like them when she isn't.

>new host is some nu-male """""comedian""""
>also features patton oswalt and felicia day

they should have left it dead

Same. I saw Patton and geek poser and had no plans to watch it. Turns out the show is a respectable revival. "The mads" (no, I do not accept them as real mads) take up a very small portion of each show.

This. Rifftrax is best. I miss the bots though.

Aside from Mike, the MST3K guys are all hardcore leftists, especially Trace. (Kevin and Bill, I dunno what their views are, but they keep it to themselves and are willing to continue working with Mike, so they mustn't be too Liberal).

Trace being so fuckin Liberal is a real shocker, because in the early days he was the most offensive of all the cast members. Go back and watch a KTMA episode, particularly one making fun of a Japanese monster movie, and it's just a nonstop string of racial slurs coming out of Crow's mouth.

Sometimes he doesn't even frame them as jokes. Sometimes Trace will just look at a Japanese guy on the screen and say "Nip."

And now he's a Bern-out, chin-deep in the Socialist shit.

Is this a childrens show? I turned it on for 3 minutes and figured it was for babies and turned it off

They are shit libs now. Fuck them.

I was watching old episodes and was surprised by how often gay jokes came up. It's not even a thing I remember from growing up watching the show; back in the 90s it didn't even register. Back then gays existed as subjects of mockery and you never thought twice about it, or paused to consider someone could be offended by that.

Movies used to use the word "fag" as a punchline and nobody got offended. Like in Bill & Ted or The Gate.

If someone acted gay, characters would call them a fag and everyone in the theater would laugh. It is a bygone era.


I'm going to have a shot for all the newbies just now discovering MST3K on Netflix.

You're all dead to me. I don't want to be 37 anymore.

didn't he break off and start rifftrax, those are pretty good

Yeah, Mike and Bridget started Rifftrax and later brought Bill and Kevin into it. While there aren't any host segments, the riffing has honestly been some of the best they've ever done; better than even Prime MST3K.

Meanwhile, Joel's faux-MST3K series, Cinematic Titanic, was absolutely fuckin awful. He had REALLY lost his ability to riff in his time away from the franchise. I couldn't make it through more than a couple Cinematic Titanic episodes.

Then again [spoiler]the Mike seasons were objectively better than the Joel season.[/spoiler]

>Is MST3K based?

Your problem is thinking that things are either Red or Blue pilled. It's a spectrum. Some people agree with some things that you believe, but not all. Some things will appear based, but also appear (((based))). It's best to abandon this bullshit philosophy about the world being either based or (((establishment))), get a job, and focus on improving your own situation rather than wringing your hands over what other people think or do.

That new one is god awful. Patton Oswalts fat leftist fingers are all over it.