True Capitalist Radio

No show today


I spit on her grave.

What kind of Twitter names we gonna have when he gets back?

what about engineer? is he okay?

A Brony fan threw a brick through her windshield.

Looks like he isn't the only ghost in the relationship anymore.

ghost is a fucking idiot; he's like the essence of alex jones distilled down to pure incomprehensible rage.
i hope his wife's ok, though.

Come on guys, he was literally praising Sup Forums yesterday and this is how you repay him?

my wife got run over by a reindeer

he hates antisemites bro.

I wish him well just wondering about engineer

>he doesn't want to throw people in ovens, therefore he deserves to have his wife die in a car accident

Hello Sup Forums.

>car accident

CIA at it again.

I didn't say that.

My point is Sup Forums is 99% antisemites and he hates antisemites. still this board supports him.

I wish him and his wife well. don't twist words. cause you know what kinda people does that right? yeah that's right


He's obviously sick of the show and out of ideas. Probably going to run off to his cuck shed again.

ghost married terry davis

He is going away again to live off all the inner circle jerk sheckles. 40k goes a long way in Texas or Kentucky.

never listened to this shit
hope his wife is dead

would tune in for le ebin jew conspiracy

but seriously, fuck the jews

Stfu Ahmed

He said he'd never sell stuff but maybe a book. Now he is a starfucking cashwhore.

no autographed cans


Suck kike cock elsewhere rat.

Here's your (you) faggot

I only listen to the Daily Shoah so don't really care.

Are those Jews with Jew wife's still broadcasting?

>tfw ghost is gonna use this as an excuse to end the show for good

Yep we should give him more money.

Here's your grandparents.

He didn't want to broadcast on Holocaust day.

>Ghosts wife is captured by the FBI
>He now is forced to hunt his inner circle down to get her back as part of the government's deal
Who is ready for the Texas cowboy/gunfighter ballad of Ghost Marston?

the only reason any of us listenmed to that spaz was for the prank calls, he doesnt even do them anymore, I dont think he has a large viewership, maybe 20 people max

Yup. They're actually fairly good. Merchant Minute is probably the highlight of my week.

They don't mention (((Mike's wife))) for obvious reasons.

Woah dude you dropped a hat!

>car accident
Hello FBI

>wife got run over by a reindeer
wat? was she alone in the forest and the reindeer jumped her from behind?

That seems to be your hat my friend.

Good for you goy.

Hit by a ice cream truck

Damn, I can just imagine your shit-covered fingers smashing your keyboard as you type out your shitposts as you have a MGTOW thread open in another tab

You seem like a literal nigger

San T-bonio

Neil Degrasse Tyson got his revenge it seems.

San T-bonio


Jew please.

nigga do you even have a soul? this could be the end of the show

The show ended when Trump got elected. It's been down hill sense. He has no more material.


Ghost's show has been garbage ever since he extended to 3 hours. All he does nowadays is shill cryptocurrency, shill his merchandise, and white knight his autistic asskissers in the Inner Circlejerk. He needs another hiatus at this point


Hardest working man in radio my ass, he skips just about every other day.

The show would still be listenable if he actually took calls during and did consistent radio graffiti. Seems like he just wants to listen to himself talk and give the same lame comebacks.

does he know that this makes it easier to dox him

Yup, be it character or life, is anyone right of the far left safe in your country anymore?

We already did with the police reports from the double dip and the noise complaint and the black male yelling at himself report. no one will even order him a pizza even with his address posted.

who's we?



sounds like a leftypol thing

thirty-two fourths chan is for virgins and autists


You probably think the hwndu flag was found using star charts and chem trails.

They are also the only chin that gets anything done since this place has become a plobbit colony.

and yet here you are

True Cucked Radio in a nutshell:

>1 hour of reading stock market status
>20 minutes of using the same canned reactions to shitty twitter names
>1.5 hours of reading stuff he finds on Sup Forums
>half hour of the same canned reactions to shitty radio graffiti callers

wow such a great show

>yet he keeps listening

The boards move really slow there. when heroshimoot got rid of the CP and gore threads this place went to Reddit. But there are still some good conversation here.

More like 1 hour of reading stuff he finds on pol and a half hour whining about cartoons

>hiro got rid of the CP and gore threads
Is this nigger pretending to be an oldfag


You mean listening to Alex Jones then rehashing his topix. he has no idea about pol he thought we all liked Richard spener when that was clearly shill threads from share blue. he is not here enough to tell the difference.



there hasnt been proper cp on here since at least 2008

gore threads are common on other boards

Really you seeing lots of fake CP and the same gore threads posted over and over. All I see is viral marketing and shill threads. U can always go through the archives to see how it used to be then come back and pretend u remember it

>share blue
>not one word

K keep me posted

spencer has his place

Ya he needs to get home to his mom in whitefish Mt and do something about that reality Jew bitch that was trying to extort her to sell one of her business properties downtown. what few Jews are in whitefish are all conspiring against the Spenser's.

Anyone who believed the Richard spenser leader of alt-right joke anyway. Remember the pic of tilla tequilla and that Jew doing the nazi salute during their white power larp con.

richard spencer isn't the leader of the alt right he's the image of the alt right

he doesn't look like a fucking virgin autist so he has his place

Fair point but the alt-right was just made up by msm to bash Trump. There are no real numbers that came out to vote that actually made a difference in the election.

what are you even talking about?

this is like reddit-tier narrative