ITT: subhumans BTFO in Battles

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>Armament support: Russia
>Armament support: Russia

Does Sup Forums like Armenia or not? I can never tell

nothing wrong with arming both sides, you make more money and more of them die so it's win win.

jews do it all the time and look at how successful they are

Shitskins BTFO




t. absolutely not an armenian

He didn't ask for subhumans on both sides, sorry Diego

your ancestors where used as literal armor for tanks did they not teach you this in slav school

Beanera can't into war even if their lives depended on it.

Fuck off britfag, Malvinas son argentinas


So Spaniards are subhuman? Nice try, Paki

>1500 casualties

where the fuck did they get so much ammo?
why were they carrying so much with them?
and di their finger hurt after so much reloading and shooting?

>4 casualties
What the fuck were they using, blow darts?

I wish we could shoot canadians like in the old days

Maxim guns.



Russia arming both sides? Top kek Ruskkys are the kikes of the white race

Operation Eland is perhaps the best ever.

Read em and weep.

Stephen the Great was indeed our greatest leader. He was a god-tier commander.

>A guy tripped and fell off the stairs

wew lad

I wish we still had white Africans in charge.


Organized Ottoman army BTFOed by tiny rebel force

Do Emus count as subhumans?

A few Probably did the same when we were fighting you mario

Best one ever, read the whole wiki entry:

Oh, the good ol days





This one is the best. Catholicucks could never recover from this defeat. It was brutal.

Fuck France


lmao, that was unexpected

they wuz kangs

>race is a social construct

Looks like the Soviet Union funded one side then when it collapsed its successors funded the Armenian side.


No, but Strayans do

Anglos BTFO

Kebab successfully removed

Maybe it's because they're all fat manlets

TFW we cucked French royalty and ass fucked their stinky knights with our peasantry!

>Fuck off britfag, Malvinas son argentinas

They're welcome to come and try to invade the Falklands again.

A classic example of shitskin destruction by Alexander

How does something like that even happen?

Only through a retreat followed by a merciless routing, right?

Germany, NO!

Darius III is on par with Antiochus III in the terms of Classical JUST

Seriously the dude watched his giant as fuck Empire be gradually conquered by some homosexual Greek, and ends up getting stabbed by his own general

Even us had our way with the Turks
what the fuck serbia


ottomans btfo, literally stopped them from taking vienna that year and probably from conquering europe, also zrinski heroicly rode out from the fort with his remaining warriros sort of like LOTR helms deeps when they rode out right before gandalf came, except zrinski died heroically, also suleyman died during the battle

No, it's mostly because the French army had better much positioning and managed to fortify itself to a degree while the British tactics could only be described as hopelessly incompetent. They were basically attacking the French army up a hill into a fort without artillery and they kept sending soldiers to die even when this became obvious


>germany still buttblasted


Armenians are based.

We told them to leave and never come back and they did it the absolute madmen haha.

>posting this meme

you are either:

Anglo (Russel brand)
Mutt that claims to be 1% Italian and therefore Roman

kys, shart lost you idiot.

To be fair though, Alexander was a tactical genius at least



watch out hans, that kind of hate speech will get you jailed!

This one was hard to pull of but Subhumans in the end failed as usual.


Germany has good victories too

>Sincerely, Mehmet Mohammad from Pakistan

Should've chosen Jesus, not Barrabas do understand that if it wasnt for this battle they would have gone onwards to conquer europe.
its a loss that might as wel have counted as a win because of the importance of the siege
they were stopped here long enough to not be able to march on vienna, also suleiman died
we eliminated 20-30 k of their soldiers, so yh id say thats pretty good


I'm surprised there isn't a pepe about this


One day motherfucker, one day



Stop this


Posting legendary victory.

Accept it, Alireza

gypsies BTFO

hohols BTFO

And the most impressive I've found.

Kek Roaches BTFO


they must've stacked full cavalry

Loosing to Italy? Fucking HOW? How the actual fuck did anyone, even shitskin pagan roaches, loose to Italy?

holy kek the turks outnumbered them by 100,000 and still ran away haha

Lol do Turks even care about protecting their flanks?


>"hard to pull off"
>Greece went bankrupt because our retarded government brought the king back from exile and the great powers refused to give us the loan the had promised for us to have the budget to enter ww1, so the army was undersupplies, badly equipped, and spread extremely thin
>armenia had no organized army except 60 year old farmers who took up arms against the genocide
>the uk only had peacekeeping forces in the Bosphorus and didnt take part in combat because they decided that it wouldn't be in their interest if only one country held both sides of the aegean
>the french left after realizing it wasn't worth it to try to keep territories in Anatolia and gave you their equipment
>Kemal's army was equipped and funded by the Soviet Union
This war was basically a bankrupt Greece, with a badly organized, badly supplied, badly led, and badly equipped army,
versus Turkey, with an army equipped by the french and funded by the soviet union

Our guys ran out of bullets to shoot so they grabbed tatar arrow heads and used that as ammunition.



Irish are catholics?

Their fault for rejecting Christ.
That said, it cost Rome, and Jews did beat back the Greeks. Say what you want about the (((Formerly Chosen))), but they are fierce fighters. Much like the Celts. Both were fierce and good fighters, but lost anyway. Unlike Celts, Jews are not hot or dumb.