Trump Playlist

>Sec of Agriculture Sonny Perdue 4/25/17
>Pres Trump in Farmers' Roundtable 4/25/17
>Pres Trump speaks @ Lolocaust Museum 4/25/17
>VP Pence speaks to troops in HI 4/24/17
>SoS T-Rex talks about Iran 4/24/17
>Sec of Def C.H.A.O.S. Mattis in Afghanistan 4/24/17
>Pres Trump w/UN Ambassadors 4/24/17
>Pres Trump talks to greatest ally assembly 4/24/17
>Pres Trump talks to Astronauts in ISS 4/24/17

>March in the Trumpenreich
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:




>People are gonna carry on the trap debate
i hope you all end yourselves so we dont have to


What's the schedule for today

what did he mean by this?

Someone call the FBI.

remilia > awoo

2d feet > 3d

The globalist candidate Macron and his weird wife

all out war according to some LARPing Faggot

You disgusting fucking antisemites.
Educate yourself with this book and turn your shitty, hate filled lives around

>Hate uni
>Want to work
>Can't work in IT without degree
>Hate life more and more every day

I'll show you what a real Shoah looks like you kike.

you first


Winning. Kek wills it with those digits.

Is he really drinking a diet coke?

>He Doesn't know what a online collage is
>he Doesn't know he'll just be replaced by a poo

Think about it this way, one day the communist will slip up bad enough we get to murder every single one in the most efficient and brutal ways possible. And judging from Berkeley it may just come in our lifetime.

they met when he was 15 and she was her teacher, she left her husband for him, he is a player


What's going on, /ptg/? These activist judges need to be publicly executed as possible in order to get anything enforced. I don't know if I just have a high time preference, but it seems that Trump is being stymied at every turn.

Anyways, how y'all doing???

Daily reminder -> Source on pic plus 2 links:
>Charity map of United States of America conservatives - religious people
>Literally the most generous and charitable people in the whole wide world
Liberals only virtue signal but actually don't put their money where their mouth is, not just in Europe but in the whole world.



11:05AM THE PRESIDENT departs the White House en route to the Department of the Interior*

* *"South Portico"

" In-Town Travel Pool (Final Gather 10:30AM Palm Room Doors)"

" "*11:20AM THE PRESIDENT gives remarks and signs the Antiquities Executive Order*

* *"Department of the Interior"

" In-Town Travel Pool"

" "*11:50PM THE PRESIDENT departs the Department of the Interior en route to the White House*

* *"Department of the Interior"

" In-Town Travel Pool"

" "*12:30PM THE PRESIDENT has lunch with Vice President Mike Pence*

* *"Presidential Dining Room"

" Closed Press"

" "*1:30PM THE PRESIDENT meets with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson*

* *"Oval Office"

" Closed Press"

" "*2:30PM THE PRESIDENT participates in a federalism event with Governors and signs the Education Federalism Executive Order*

* *"Roosevelt Room"

" In-Town Travel Pool Spray (Final Gather 2:20PM Briefing Room Doors)"

" "*3:00PM THE PRESIDENT drops by an all Senators briefing on the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea*

" "*4:30PM THE PRESIDENT holds a National Teacher of the Year event*

* *"Oval Office"

No Sean Spider today

give me at least 5 reasons why u are doing that

>charity money

I bet you even tip holy shit

Same bloody thing. I love to learn, but I hate uni. I'd rather learn all I need by myself at my own pace and then went to work. Too bad my country is fucked up and you can't get a job without a degree even if you have the skills.

Oh, and that, he should definitely take an online college course.


>t. Dracula

I bet you are circumcised. Good goys.
As for you, we'll get your foreskin soon enough

Nigga, breakroom has been doing that since before election night. Go throw yourself in an oven you fucking kike.

Ahhhh, but you missed the subtle loophole. At no point in that blub does it say anything about the various 1.5-10 gorrillion number.

I am not a "holocaust" denier. I do think that there was way too much fiction written about the methods. I also am certain that the numbers of Jews lost are inflated on the order of magnitudes. Did jews die? Yes. Was it intentional? No....but when the Allies just bombed out your supply lines to your work camps, who do you think gets first crack at the food? (Answer: The guards)

Bottom line. Jews died. So did blacks, gypsies, muslims etc.

Yeah, I want to code, I began when I was like 14, but nope, even though I have the skills, still need the paper

>Also giving the time of your life, the most valuable thing for atheists, to voluntary work
It's true, Conservative Americans are the most generous people in the world.

>working in walmart
why do you hate yourself so?


but what does he do~? other then post. hes not like patch maker

It's very immature to bully people based on national stereotypes

>tfw uncut

>Good goys
Like I had a say in the matter. I can live with a circumcised dick, you can't live with a bullet between your eyes.

Doesn't make him any less of a fag

He just talks about working at Walmart

We'll get you...when you least expect it

Online. college.

And you really have to work something out to deal with that corruption over there. I mean, when Putin is threatening to feed the guy in charge of keeping the impoverished feed the slop he is serving, you know you have a problem.

Look at the big, bad stormfag over here.
Oy vey, I am literally shaking

the only other 2hus that ever get posted are Cirno, Clownpiece, and Youmu

Fucking Sup Forums, kek

45 mins till our morning show.

I had no desire initially to use a trip, and up until last year I didn't know how to do it despite being on this damn site for 13 years. For some reason people took a liking to my images for whatever reason.

It's not that i hate myself, I just lack a GED and at $14/hr, no other place will match or exceed my current wage. I hope to be am engineer of some sorts next life as I'm too old to start anything now, unless I'm masochistic and want to experience age bias and or discrimination.


pls no more joe

You ever sing a song like the one I posted?

If they tried making me do that I'd just refuse. Fire me if you like, I'd rather risk going hungry than humiliate myself.

Expect a shitstorm today when they talk about tax reforms, it will be a show of shill narratives.

and none of them hold a candle to my girl remilia

We'll see about that

I need my Morning Mika

Who the fuck told you its too late to start anything? I got a degree when i was 37 kek. Its never too late man tf up.

Trump's Syria strike was mean-spirited and illegal.

>A1 spotted in Colorado
>Pence has been moved to underground base for continuity of government
>Trump meeting with every senator later today
>Something big is about to happen

i am sad now

Trump will 26th.

That would imply that everyone's first language is English. Do you see that corner of niggers? Those aren't American backs. The cacophony that I hear in this breakroom my time to somewhat overwhelming and triggering at the very least.

No. In my 11 years of working here I never had to do a chant.

Companies are natural looking for the best and brightest if not the youngest at the same time it's a big draw. These companies know that these kids are essentially indentured due to of mass amounts of student loan debt.

That and my length of employment here will be a point of contention possibly to some employers.

Ivanka mentioned the six gorillion though

If you don't want happenings, what are you doing here my dude


When can we expect a SCOTUS ruling on the immigration ban?

No user. No.

That's exactly what I want, I have tears of joy swelling up that we are on the precipice of the happening of our adult lives.

you'd be better off as a waiter
like way better

How old are you senpai? Also I'm surprised you'd call your co-workers niggers. I doubt you'd say that to their faces, not that I'd want you to.

Y-you too..

>Ahhhh, but you missed the subtle loophole
It was his very next line faggot, is making up bullshit to try and defend Trump just an instinct to you lying cunts? Why pretend that you watched it? Dishonest and delusional, not a good combination


or get trained as a welder
take a pay cut for a couple years while you're a journeyman, do piecework on the side for extra cash, and then you're set for life with a skilled trade

If there's one thing that pisses me of as much as commies it's defeatists.

Jesus, this guy gets surrounded by qt's all the time.
Now it's official. Capitalists attract the best women.

And get passed over for the illegal who says he knows "welding", contractors and the like are some of the worst offenders of employing these fucks.

Welp see ya later guys no more talk about traps

Women just love alphas, user.

Sweet, he's gone.

HA you thought i left but actually I've already been up for 3 days so it doesn't even matter

if you find a place that will train you (plenty will) they WILL hire you.

>Women just love alphas

*blocks your path*

(((French))) intelligence. Is this another scenario where the kikes through proxy attempt to goad the U.S. into a conflict? Reagan realized what they were doing in Libya when they planted terrorist chatter that we picked up. Instead of an invasion we just bombed some shit after informing Gaddafi. Did Trump figure it out, are the kikes trying again?
Find out soon.


Someone already made a non-shit MAGA version of that image.

It was a long time ago though and I don't save nonce images so I don't have it.

Mid 30s and I don't even want to talk to them.

If anything I would have at least joined job corps instead of being homeless for the majority of my "best years".

Outsourcing and constant recession fears are a big reason for me not to persue anything.

Yeah that worked so well last time.

post felix feet

>man and a woman in bed
To be fair it's never said if Felix is a fag or not. He just had a fucked up childhood and likes to troll people.
Yeah I just don't have it saved on my phone. There's only like 4-5 hatted Suwako pictures.

Saddam dindunuffin, he just wanted Kuwait
I got to get that art of the deal

It's unironically a good read.

Only Trump can fuck with China and not cause crisis. The pictures behind him include founder of Taiwan and Japanese emperor and empress

You will never take my foreskin schlomo!

nigga i think its implied hes a fag. u know the dresses and all

Hey, I understand. I'm a drop out, the grass isn't always greener. Just about four years later and I don't see a path out that doesn't involve me just taking on more debt which I did in the first place to realize it's a scam for the majority of lemmings.