Electoral College

Why does this still exist?

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So people outside cities have a right to speak

>Based on total population, including slaves
Whoever made this comic as an absolute retard. Before emancipation, slaves were counted as 3/5 of the population.

Why does an individual person outside the city count as more than an individual person inside the city?

Was about to add this, not to mention at probably less than 1% of the slaves would even know what voting was.

>40% of Virginia is slaves
citation needed

Because the only people with the power to change it are the ones that benefited from it.

I would like to hear the audio recording of that conversation to verify authenticity

rural democrats lose their right to speak in this system as well

Because people in cities are brown.

You know, Hamilton actually designed the electoral college system...

Can't slaves vote now?


It doesn't, what it does is help even the playing field so that politicians would have to address the state as a whole instead of just mega cities.
I did not know that democrats in rural areas lost the right to vote

looks like somebody was sleeping during the 3/5 lesson in history

>this is what liberals actually believe

Southern Brazil is white, rich and not rapists. Yet we are pushed back because of the poor nigger north. Nigger North receives Communist (Corrupt) Government "support". Nigger North keeps reelecting shitty leaders that pushes the whole country back.

So the minority can resist the tyranny of the majority

Slaves weren't part of the census jackass.

Need a new constitutional amendment to overturn the 12th amendment.

People living in large cities are degenerates and niggers.

The electoral in itself is not a problem. The problem is how the votes are split. A state giving all it's votes to one candidate is retarded.

Every state should be required to split it's votes based on approximately how much of it's population voted for each candidate. So if 1/3 of Alaska voted Democrat, Alaska should give one vote to the Democrats, and the other 2 to the Republicans. Easy.

And brown people ruin everything. It is literally why the founders didn't want them to vote let alone count them as people. All you have to do is see the destruction of anything they touch.

Pic related is your average democrat.

Because the voting in our nation is divided not merely in the individual citizens but in the land that represents them. It's so voters in densely populated areas can't pass legislation which exploits less densely populated areas.

It's the same reason why the house of Representatives are adjusted for state population and the Senate has 2 senators for each state regardless of population.

Overlay a map of voter turnout over a map like this, and then it will make sense.

>Why does the electoral College exist.
Pic related is why.
Reminder that Hillary also won the popular vote with pic related.

>40% of virginia is slaves
Weren't cottoniggers so expensive that only the top 1% could afford one?

if you don't like it then petition your elected representatives to put forth legislation to change it, otherwise stop bitching about what the law is.

James Madison correctly called the end of slavery before it happened Nostradomus confirmed.

But seriously, why would he care if 40% of his population was slaves, they werent people.

rural democrats lose their electoral value to rural republicans just as much as the reverse happens in the cities

I am so fucking sick of seeing snarky strawmen arguments every day

People outside cities have different political and economic interests than people inside cities who would basically out vote them every time. The system insures that you can't ignore 49% of the country because 51% of it votes the same way every time.

Virginia and the rest of the North never had more than 10% of the population as slaves before the Great Migration.


More like 20%, lmao

Not to mention
>have a bunch of slaves
>tell them to vote for X
>slaves become free vote for X party
whoa mind = blown why bother even voting?

get in for the happening goys at 100 hes cutting a name into his arm!!!!!

>(((B. Deutsch)))

It's the only thing the left has. When you actually confront them fairly and bring their absurd beliefs into light, they crumble.

It's so the population of one area can't dominate the political sphere. If popular vote decided the president no one would care about the issues facing people outside of cities, and whatever the city folk wanted would be forced on everyone else.

>The Great Compromise
>I'm smarter than a room full of literal geniuses
fuck off, faggot. we're not your fucking teachers.
you should have paid attention in school. now gtfo, chad.

Flying cars will help even this out.

Because we make the country run.

Because it is fucking awesome and you only care either way when you lose.

Because I don't want to be a part of a system where the only issues elected politicians like the president care about are what are important to new yorkers and californians. I want a say as well, otherwise highly concentrated places would decide everything.

Because Republicans can't win without it, so they would fight tooth and nail to defend it.

So mobs of idiots dont make rules on a whim.

Its a good system.

No they don't, rural areas vote in all sorts of different ways. The problem is that if you make it a direct democracy you drown the voices of people who are farming the country's food. City folk have different priorities than rural.
Namely finding a new dick to ram up their ass every week.

>I want to protect VIGINIA'S interest

Immediately disregarded.

Because you vote by state, not individuals. Founding fathers hated direct democracy you liberal commiefornian retard

That poor dog.

I am sure you were loudly leading the charge to get rid of it loooooooong ago.

As opposed to right now where politicians spend all their time in Florida and Ohio.

So California and New York don't control the country.

And lose their votes in the rust belt.

>be me
>me liberal
>have bigger population in the 10 liberal cities then all of the small towns in America
>they win every time
>they think its fair

Because the state itself is a distinct entity.

Should we abolish the "one state, one vote" policy of the UN General Assembly and let China's representatives call all the shots? I didn't think so.

Then leave the union and stop having a say on their life. Pretty simple. What right do the many people imported into a tiny space owned and controlled by a few have over the vast swaths of places that are not the city (basicly everywhere).

You understand the problem with capitalism right?
All the money flows to those with capital who dictate how others live. Capital cities are where people invested capital because that is where the trade and useful idiots are. People can litterally control your livelihood and threaten for the vote.

Throw millions (hundreds of millions?) into one small space and gain ownership over places those who vote for you will never see.

So putting a measure in there to stop this, Especially when the french/brits/spanish/others were vying over the place and importing their people, makes sense.

This is what we are seeing today and why the scumbags who are trying this are so butt blasted about it.

Ok there's a lot of things wrong with this comic but if the Electoral College was a system that was single-handedly drawn up James Madison for the sole purpose of giving Virginia the most power then why the fuck would his original draft include the electors.

Correct me if I am wrong but didn't most of the original dem and republican parties values change through the course of their formation in the early 1800's?

of course they think it's fair, they all think republicans are literally hitler

Because city people will starve without the people outside

Is this image trying to tell us James Madison was a Jew?

Wow, what strong Germanic names those are in the left sidebar! So glad that these proud, vocal German leftists are telling me what to think!

>drown the voices of people who are farming the country's food

%60 of US food is sourced from corporate owned megafarms
%20 of the US food supply is imported
%35 of US fresh produce is imported

To save the people from themselves.

But that's wrong. Instead of ignoring a few towns towns in bumfuck nowhere, entire states are ignored in favor of a few sing states.

Something like 70% of each candidate's time was spent in Florida, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina. Ohio, Virginia and Michigan

Jackson was the first d pretzeldent and Lincoln first r iirc correctly.
Glean from that what you will.

>What is the Missouri cmp?

Whats the fucking point of the senate if it functions on equal representations of the states?!

man these democrats are retards if they think the dismantlement of the election system is going to make it easier for direct democracy to combat the obvious fucking shilling and coporatist lobbying that will shift directly to the senate in order to keep shit in the supreme court from passing.

Its like they're all goldfish with no idea of how semantics of group thinking that the glass bowl their in isn't actually there and they feel the need to go outside the realm of possibility just to fuck it up for everyone else

city dwellers literally can't think for themselves

consciousness has a collective component and proximity to others inhibits individual thought

we diminish the importance of dense populations because we want a bias towards thinking people over collective drones making decisions

Because otherwise the country would be run by California and New York. The idea was actually about preventing any state from claiming an overwhelming majority, and believe it or not you were in favor of it before. Or at least you were blissfully unaware of it. In fact, I'm willing to bet you had never even heard the words before Trump. I'm right aren't I?

>My feels

You forgot to mention where the communists in the government where born and raised

>My source is this political cartoon

But Wyoming gets 3 electors for its 563,000 people- one elector per 187,000. California gets 55 electors for its 37,543,000 people- one elector per 677,000. Wyoming gets about 3.5 more electoral power than California so I think the Electoral College protects small states pretty well.

The Left constantly push this national popular vote idea because with every other method (proportional, by congressional district both either popular or majority) has them losing the last election. They've realized they screwed up cramming so many immigrants, liberals, and welfare takers into too few areas and now they want to destroy the states' right to run their elections and institute mob rule.

because people outside the cities provide food and good for people inside the cities

the opposite is not the case

My dog eats bananas
Tell me something your faggot ass kiwis do

>Places where nobody lives have uneducated hicks
Really activates my brain almonds

Thats because the demon bitch hilldog thought wisconsin and michigan were going to stay blue and there another state or 2 that she thought would stay blue

Democrats would be easily crushed permanently if republican politicians weren't just as bad as democrats.

Because Texas, California, and New York shouldn't decide every election

And cities provide the tax money for people outside metropolitan areas.

3/5 ths compromise

Comparing whether it's "fair" or not to a particular party/ideology is fucking snowflake bullshit. It should be as representative as possible. If that makes it unfair, git good. Not saying that any particular system is the best way to do so, just saying you aren't aiming for the right goal posts.

>my degree in Chicano studies means I am educated
Hmm. If that is the criteria you can keep your education in your cities.

So Rural people don't have to starve the city folk out to get their say. imagine Hunger Games, that's what it would look like with popular vote.

*citation needed


Land mass, agriculture and natural resources

Hey man! Liberals like love like everyone man.
Except the people who live in 97% of the land area of the United States, that is.

Every state deserves a voice. Having more illegals or immigrants hardly reflects the wishes of the nation. You don't sign away your home status to guests.

Nice power fantasy. What would farmers do without their major markets, farm equipment suppliers, etc?

Those GMO crops that increase yields were invented in cities, as were the pesticides used by farmers.

Well of course. They are obviously hate filled biggots who need to be put in their place so that we can progress as a species.

But the electoral college favors states with illegals because total population is used in the calculations, not the voting population.

>Yes you stupid goy, remove the electoral college and fuck over everywhere that is not a major city by turning the government from a representative republic to one run by inner city oligarchs. That will make things better.

>$191 per political cartoon

No wonder it's so shit.

Yeah, man!
Like, love!

they don't retard.

SOMEONE! Please answer. How does the electoral college make it more fair? Sure, every state has two senators but representatives are still based on population. How does this give the small states more of a voice than popular vote would?

Because 3/5 is less than 1

They didn't need need to vote, they were just counted as part of the population, each one was 3/5 of a person