Should Islamic bakeries be forced to bake cakes for gay weddings?

Should Islamic bakeries be forced to bake cakes for gay weddings?

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>Should Gay bakeries be forced to bake cakes for islamic weddings?

No, they should not, all businesses should retain the right to serve anyone they choose. The government should have no right to force people to do something against their own views

should anyone be forced to bake a cake?

Americans man, I tell ya. They have some weird opinions I tell ya.

If christians are forced to then yes.

> should muslims be forced to bake gays at Islamic weddings

That's the real issue here.

What kind of asshat posts this shitty thread time and again, day after day???? WHYYYY??

What the fuck is a gay wedding

Poofs can't get married

That's a Sikh you dumbass

>If christians are forced to then yes.
why let anyone be forced to?

no, but if they're going to force christian bakeries to bake cakes for gays, then muslims should be forced to as well for equality's sake.

Equality is racist.

>install sharia law in your community
>lolbertardians will defend you
can't make this shit up

No they shouldn't be forced only cucks want muslim made cakes to their wedding

This fucking thread again and same leaf again.
Last thread anons said guy in op's pic is sikh

He's Canadian

Should gay bakeries be forced to oven Islamic people?


What the fuck is wrong with you?

why make them bake cakes when you can bulldoze them instead?

Seeing as how Islamic bakeries should only exist in Islamic countries where being gay is illegal, I'm gonna say no.

No. And Christian bakeries shouldn't be forced to make cakes for homosexuals and NO FUCKING BUSINESS SHOULD BE FORCED TO DO ANYTHING. Sorry. Just say, "Not interested" and let the patron go elsewhere. That's the way it has always been.

I believe that Somali has learnt sarcasm

Should Isalmic bakeries be forced to bake cakes out of gay people?

I understand that. But what is really wrong with you leafs? Why? Also, day of the rake. When?


/nupol/ can't tell the difference between Sikhs and Muslims apparently

Well that just means you're taking Muslims that are making an honest living out of business because we aren't cucked so we won't do it. More pressure on welfare in that case. So it's up to you.


Muslims don't give a fuck they would just put some razors or cyanide in the cake

The Swedish, man. You sure can destroy your own country.

Except that making cakes for gay people is OK in degenerate countries

if christcuck bakeries must service fag weddings, so must goatfuck pedo bakeries

>for equality's sake.
Yeah, and where did this kind of thinking get us, burger???

And reddit still thinks sikhs are """based""", apparently.

No because they spent so much time escaping the brutal civil war in Syria they can't handle any more stress bigot.

Better question - should kebabs be forced to serve me bacon?

But so called 'christians' wanted this type of 'equality'

no they should be forced to close down because everybody should boycott them

We should have just nuked them and ended the suffering.

They are nice guys here

This is why Arab countries are fucked. You think doing haraam is okay once you leave muslim lands. Its not and you are being punished for it

>Should Islamic bakeries be forced to bake cakes for gay weddings?

No one wants beard hair in their cake anyway.

That is a Sikh gentleman.

Thats a sikh you cunt

Says the guy from Iraq. Next.

I would be all in if those cakes were made OUT of gay people.

When will the Leaf ban start?

Islam has no interest in non-muslims that have nothing to do with Islam nor target it.
non-muslims gays are meh.

Islam is against leaving to degenerate non-muslim countries.

Islamic bakeries should not exist in the west, as arabs have no place in western countries. In Saudi Arabia perhaps it is up to the Arabic people to decide on that matter.

it should cover its fucking face and not get hair in my tart or whatever it is working on

You're the first step for people to start going towards degeneracy. This is how it started. Giving them an inch. Inch by inch it eventually becomes a mile and boom, you're taking care of your wife's son while you're on estrogen hormones and start calling yourself a woman. Kill yourself please

I'm gonna screenshot this thread, and post your comment on Facebook, as proof we should shut off immigration from your country. They like fags here in America.

For some reason Canada allows two dudes to get hitched. Bunch of weird cunts mate, Why would someone want to give another dude half his stuff?

Ahmed pls

>Only Arabs can be Muslims

Leaf education

And destroy the site's profit? Probably never.

Hi, neighbour!

a business should retain the right to refuse service to anyone regardless of who owns it

yes, bacon and bourbon cakes to be exact

Because it's too late for us. Only you can stop the left wing oppression.

Yes and no.
No because get the fuck out of my business if you don't like it.
Yes because fuck them if christcucks gotta do it, they should too.

Actually there is no problem unless we are forced to eat it
Hi there habibi

I know more about Islam than people who throw acid at women's faces.

It is ok but hated

No different than trading with non-muslims.
Gay muslims, though, you have to tell them it is wrong and might as well deny them service.


no, it's the choice of the business owners to serve who they want and gays must be thrown off from high buildings
that guys lucky assad didn't bomb his bakery

Absolutely. Since everyone else has to

>asks islamic question
>posts sikh man


>they aren't real Muslims


I agree.. but with the way things are now i'd say yes... they do.


Huh? user, are you retarded?
Of course, non-muslims are not real muslims.

If Christian bakeries are forced to, then absolutely. Why should muslims have religious freedom, but Christians should not?

Christian bakeries have to. You have to as well.

Also, this in non-muslims countries.

No. They should be burnt to the ground like all other Islamic owned/operated establishments, followed shortly after by their homes and the deportation (or execution for those who refuse) of all Muslims.

Physical removal of 100% of Islamic presence in the western world is the only valid option

Not even muslims are real muslims.

i don't give a fuck who wanted what; what's good for the goose is good for the gander. either it's ok to take a pass on a job you don't want because it fucks with your morals, or it's not

Underrated as fuck holy hell

Thats a sikh you retard

Physical removal of non muslims is preferable and the only way to save the degenerated west.

How do you define muslim?
There is a practising muslim and a non-practising muslim and there is a disobeyer..etc
Anyone who believes in allah and his prophet is a muslim.
The thing is that retarded people link what other retarded muslim people do to Islam.

Gay bakeries would never pass health inspection. Too much semen everywhere.

this. don't deport, destroy.

muslim= follow the bearded leader.
pathetic really.

you were cucked by arabs, lel

Don't destroy, import.

Muslim = submit his/her will to god.

Remove islam is the only option friendo

Christianity is weak and cant save the west

Should fags and sand-niggers be allowed in bakeries?

1300 years ago ? yes.
now ? brainwashed suicidal niggers.

christians - mostly white - should be cucked

muslims - mostly brown - should be exalted

You left out christinity.
I guess you can't remove something that does not exist.

I was using the saudis as an example, pakifag.
besides like the german said... you were cucked by the muslims and you take that islamic shit up the ass daily.
"ALLALALAHAAHOOOABBABABOOOGA" praise my ancestors who surrendered to Muhammad the fifteenth

islam is literally not "the west"

thank you Jill

>now ? people who are killed by the dozens daily and don't give a fuck
Only idiots fall for that stupid brainwashing.

Honestly if you aint a pan-islamist then I don't know what you're doing with your life at this point.