In the beginning Eris created social conservatism and the free market. And the Earth was without form...

In the beginning Eris created social conservatism and the free market. And the Earth was without form, and void; and degeneracy was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of Eris moved upon the face of the waters. And Eris said, Let there be morality: and there was morality. And Eris saw the morality, that it was good: and Eris divided the morality from the degeneracy. And Eris called the morality “Conservatism”, and the degeneracy he called “Liberalism”. And Eris said, Let there be a firmament between the ideologies, and let it divide the ideologies of the Earth from the ideologies of Space. And Eris made the firmament, and divided the ideologies which were under the firmament from the ideologies which were above the firmament: and it was so. And Eris called the firmament The Free Market. And the evening and the morning were the second day. And Eris said, Let the conservatives under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the degenerates be segregated: and it was so. And Eris called the segregated peoples the “Democrats”; and the gathering together of the conservatives called the “Republicans”: and Eris saw that it was good. And Eris said, Let the Republicans bring forth morals , the morals yielding Christianity, and Christianity yielding devoutness after his kind: and it was so. And the Democrats brought forth communism, and communism yielding atheism after his kind, and the atheism yielding degeneracy: and Eris saw that it was bad. And the evening and the morning were the third day

And Eris said, Let there be Authoritarianism in the firmament of the heaven to divide the conservatives from the degenerates; and let them be for big government, and for state enforced morality campaigns, and for youth indoctrination, and propaganda: And let them be for Authoritarianism in the firmament of the free market to enforce morality upon the earth: and it was so. And Eris made two great parties; the greater GOP to rule the day, and the Democrats to rule the night: he made the third parties also. And Eris set them in the firmament of the heaven to enforce morality upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and Eris saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. And Eris said, Let the waters bring forth the Libertarian that believeth in the free market yet are not moral, and Progressives that may foolishly spew uneducated garbage. And Eris created Nationalist Socialists who believeth in morals yet not the free market, and every political ideology in the world: and Eris saw that it was good. And Eris cursed them, saying, Be unsuccessful in senate, and falter in elections, and fail in your attempts to corrupt others. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day. And Eris said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the Libertarians who believeth in free market yet not in morality, and the Progressives who spew uneducated garbage, and the Nationalist Socialist who believeth in morals yet not in free market, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Bump for the Erisian faith




Messages from our Lord.



All bow before the great Eris!


Death to the Vegamites!

Hail, Eris!

Hail, Discordia!

Long Live the Eris! King of Sup Forums


"Homosexuals are good people as long as they ignore their homosexual attractions and marry someone of the opposite gender." ~ Eris

Eris pads her chest.

All hail the autistic/homosexual deity

"If humans are not help back by a strong government, they will fall into the ways of sickness, and commit self harm through the destruction of their pure self being.
There must be laws enforced to stop people from doing self harm.
People do not have the right to self harm.
The government must make standards that people have to follow.
Societal rules must be enforced.
Humans, however, can be let free in the mart place. Market forces usually help out everyone, the employer, employee, and consumer. The invisible hand of the free market is the great equalizer of the economy.
Without the rich, there would be no middle class.
Without government intrusion, there would be no poor class."
~ Eris

"Homosexuality is wrong and deviant. 74 percent of male homosexuals have some type of STD, and Lesbians have a higher chance of Clerical cancer."

The almighty foe of Eris, Vega, tries to convince someone to join his evil ways.

Vega: the one man who will make a deal to take down the GOP

Vega: The person who thinks one person could get support of the left wing powerhouse of which he betrayed to take down a party that is in decline in game.