Sup Forums was right after all

> Sup Forums was right after all

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>after all

arr rook the same

Really makes you wonder how the bomber passed security with a fucking bomb... even the police are fucking Muslims.

The UK is finished.


Degenerates, Cucked Police?

false flag? the police look creepy af

stfu bitch

Just remember, they voted for it



What? I don't get it.

>m-m-maybe the racists ARE right ...

daaaaaaaammmmn son that's some good shit right there where did this pic come from and why hasn't it been memed to normie status yet?

So you dont have muslim cops in the US?
Dont make me laugh you fat lardass.

looks like a tranny to me.

since when can 13 year olds vote, by the way?

Who is this wiener-redeemer?

is the rozzer at the right doing a charlie chaplin impression?

It's shopped

oh? what gave it away? The axe wound in his back? All the best memes are shopped.

I seriously doubt it.
Our cops aren't allowed to have facial hair here.
You'd never see a bearded shitskin in uniform.

That's just Britian, bro. They're inbred and everyone has the same doughy, pasty, horse-face. It's a land of 2/10s.

Yeah grooming standards are hard to bypass but im sure there are liberal ass depts. who would put their LEOs at risk even more by hiring mudslims.

stfu americunt
you barely speak english, we dont expect you to even know what is happening in your country, let alone the world. fuck off to mcdonalds and leave the grown ups alone

Maybe you should leave your house once in a while buddy.

>greece is triggered, once again. his 3rd world temper is so easily evaporated, it must stuck being a hairy unemployed retard

your muslim police officers are coming to get you for hate speech and incitement to violence cuntie

>he doesn't know about the 1st amendment
it must suck having such a small and simple brain due to undernourishment in your youth, europoor



>american education

Wtf does this pic show?

>Our cops aren't allowed to have facial hair here.

That is a real good picture.

lol you expect me to read that kike shit nigga

didnt the same thing happen at the Paris concert attack? muzzie security just let their bros inside

He did not pass. He was caught at the gates so he exploded. Bombing happened at the entrance-area.

Sup Forums is always right. When will they learn?

nigga just move on
like close the tab

Oi m8, bin that Knoife

Bankrupt pussy says, "what"?

jokes on you i don't know how to read or use a computer

>All of those roasties were against Brexit.

This is the epitome of the movement. Rich trendy white liberals getting social points for supporting "refugees." Purely selfish.

if you go to a concert expecting to see Arena Grenade you have poor taste anyway

Never saw one in philadelphia, nyc, seattle, dallas, portland, cleveland or tampa.

>American education

can second nyc, dallas, and tampa

also, never seen muzzie cop in miami, denver, houston, tacoma, las vegas, and anywhere in montana/idaho/utah/wyoming

>So you dont have muslim cops in the US?
I'm not joking when I say I have never met one. Every cop I've ever seen in real life has been a white man and I didn't realize how horrible Europe is until you pointed out that it's something special.

I live in Los Angeles, never seen a Muslim cop but I've seen mexican cops
>fuck yeah unbanned

To be honest, security checks on gigs can be total joke, Muslim guards or not. They hire these inexperienced idiots with shit pay to check people who are coming in which usually limits to just telling people carrying their own bottles to throw them away.

I'm surprised this shit doesn't happen more often.

Sup Forums is always right

>Our cops aren't allowed to have facial hair here
You were saying?


wtf did you?
I got banned for posting tinyblackcocks...

Yeah man, all those 11 year olds who voted for immigration.

>What exploits have you done good sir?

Go ahead and add Chicago to that list. Although I did see a Chinese cop in Chinatown one time, and he might have been Uyghur because he had ligher hair; i'm not sure. But most likely just an elliot rodgers with a white dad


These are clearly sikhs

They are part of a goddamn warrior cult!

They didn't vote for it
But their parents did
Reap what you sow
One way or another

UK/USA/France sells weapons to terrorists and their borders aren't actually protected either. They killed millions abroad and play victims. They import millions of foreigners and then they want us to wonder how could this happen, literally police made out of foreigners. I wonder what other crimes they hide.

Thread theme

Blaming immigration is dumb. They voted to go to war in the middle east however. It's easy to forget that the UK is at war, as it's usually so one sided.

You have spic and nigger cops, you dumb burger mongrel.

I know some people died from those mushrooms, but that don't mean that all of those mushrooms are poisonous. We eat a multi-caloric diet here, and that will lead to that we might end up with some poisonous food once and awhile.

ive seen nothing about what happened; not a big news watcher. can someone fill a guy in on what this is about with more detail than Arianna Grande?

Some people died because of an explosion. That's all anyone really knows yet.

Those do tend to be the best of the niggers and spics but I see your point.

So now that the UK is leaving the EU, who are they going to blame for terrorist attacks?

They are sovereign now, so they can't say it's the EU's fault. And they have conservatives in power so they can't say it's the left's fault

Who is going to be the next scapegoat for all of their problems?

Clever girl.

Muslims will be the scapegoat for the foreseeable future, until there's another shift in politics, e.g. a few years ago it was the commies.

Invasion. Here, i corrected it for you.
We are at war, by we i mean NATO. The only solution to problem is to kill every foreigner and move out of their countries, they aren't here for anything else than money. International globalists aren't here for anything else than money. Let us stop pretending. It should a death sentence employing foreigners, it serves no other purpose than destruction of own country for profit.

the only cop that only gave me any trouble was actually a female negro but the other 300 cops ive seen are all white dudes

>Who is going to be the next scapegoat for all of their problems?

Dear Europe. Deeply sorry that you're going through all this. It's the worst, we know.
NOW do you believe us that there's no negotiating with these people?

or are we gonna keep playing these silly games of 'blame the Jews for what's happening is Israel but blame the Muslims for what's happening in Europe'?

It doesn't have to be like this. This isn't patronizing - it's only due to the fact that we are here deep in their midst, and we've tried everything, and we've made it work. we don't have these kinds of huge bombings anymore -just the odd stabbing once in a long while.
LISTEN to us. Let not our experience be in vain. Despite everything we are on your side!

(except Germany. They are unforgivable and hopeless anyway. It's this German thing it's either "we're saints' or 'we're gonna kill everyone' with them. no sense of subtlety. so fuck them)

I hold the belief that one of the elements blocking Europe from taking a strong stance against the Muzzies is that for so many decades they were so dedicated to accusing Israel for every conflict with the Arabs that coherence requires them only to blame themselves. THAT CAN STOP. Starting with accepting that Israel is not to blame, Europe can move forward to accepting that she is not to blame either.
Remember history did not start with the enlightenment. THEY INVADED YOU FIRST.

Well, they can't blame the Irish either.

Maybe the Scots will get the blame this time.

/pol is always right .

support your local

like us on..f._b._

I'm a foreigner in this country, and I'm here for quite a few reasons. You shouldn't think with such silly generalisations because that type of thinking is way to simplistic for the real world.

whats up with the tweet about muslims also driving cabs and opening thier doors and shit? Theres apparently a fuckton of missing girls now

They are British they all look the same.

UK is moving out of EU, yeah, in couple of years and they have not written any anti-migration laws, so what will change? Nothing. Only change can come from people rising and start killing foreigners, that's the only salvation for your race and culture.

we will remove the shitskins by 2033 , don`t worry my nigger

I live in Los Angeles.
We have a black Muslim cop who purports to be a representative of Islam for the community.
Blacks feel the need to have an identity.
They've chosen Islam in many cases.
Fucking idiots.

>'blame the Jews for what's happening is Israel but blame the Muslims for what's happening in Europe'?
No Rabbi, i blame the jews for what's happening in Europe.

>14 year old girls can vote in independence referendums
>80% of the 18-24 demographic actually voted in the referendums and elections

Burger education

It's not simplistic, it's how it is. Cancer needs to be removed, foreigner countries where you came from should be helped. Importing problems here solves nothing. Also, i have no obligation to help you, we have international organizations who should find the responsible people for your downfall of country and they should pay. I take care of my environment and people, i don't need to serve you.

Yes. Sup Forums is always earlier than the "breaking news".

Keep in mind that only 1 percent of Americans are Muslim

Israel is the world's number one problem

The whole middle East deserves to be nuked

>tooth brush doesnt use Hitler
>Walrus doesnt use Jamie "The Walrus" Hyneman

>New York

And being for it sure stopped the last two terrorist shitskin attacks. Maybe it'll stop a terrorist attack someday.

Isolated island, smaller genofond. Not enough UV rays to randomise genom.

bollocks plenty of 9's here and you don't understand how easily I can tell a yank girl is a yank because guess how? she has that stupid yankee look, it's so off-putting... the ones that don't have that look as much are ok.

My boi Artour

>record scratch
>freeze frame
>"Yep, that's me."

I take care of my environment too wherever I'm living. I'm always employed and law abiding, I respect my neighbours and pay my taxes.

Oh wait, I'm a foreigner which somehow magically makes me a cancer on the nation. For some reason.

> I bet you're wondering how I got into this predicament
> It all started back in 622 ad

>precedes not to take responsibility for own behavior.
>b b but a tiny nation is 'manipulating me'... what could I do?? waaaa

Good luck with that