How do we fix this shit lads?

How do we fix this shit lads?

Remove kebab and matzo from the premises. FOR GOOD

Kick out most of the non-whites
Drastically curb immigration and refugees
Expose the deep state propaganda machine that is deliberately sabotaging western societies

Remove kebab
Remove kikes
Remove central banks
Install fascism

Italy is not western European?

More kebabs. It's an established fact that kebab majority countries don't have problems with terrorism.

A great great purge

that will never happen

you don't

ehm? we have been dealing with kurdish terror since 1982

Trips checked!
>kill jews
>kill muslims
>deport nonwites

>remove half the population
you need a bigger oven jamie.

Spain is perfect.

Remove kebabs from France, UK and Germany. Remove British and Germans as well.

no. Italy is southern Europe.

Then dont put me in western europe group. Dont want to be without my lovely Italy.


West Europe wil fall, and East Europe will pick up the pieces.

Fund Hungary and Poland until they have to spend most of their GDP on military hardware.

A bunch of kids just got blown up and people are still making excuses. Blackpillers used to piss me off but I took a big one last night.

People would care more if a landmark got destroyed probably.

remove eastern european leeches

>watch Poland take refugees by force
>watch burgers starving from lack of stamps and getting poorer by having less deductions
>watch UK paying even more gibs
>Wait for GOP to be fucked on the next term, talk nice to the dems and receive gibs

All is well.

Sanction Poland and Hungary for not taking migrants, duh.

>IF the Krauts dont fuck it all up and robs everyone in the end

Yeah, forgot that little detail

Delete it

Keep Spain and Portugal tho

no, no people would care if Ariana Grande died. just imagine a famous pop star getting blown up. the outrage would be insane

Get rid of Spain, I no longer like Spain.

Glass it, start over

Remove american media and occupation and disolve the EU

You don't.

And I'm not even talking about muh Darwin,it's just that let people figure things out themselves ,otherwise on the long term it would be pointless

There's always that dumb american that thinks Spain is Mexico.

More tolerance, more multicultural enrichment, stop being bigots and oppressors.

And keep the Nords HAHAHAHAH


That would like cutting only half of a tumor off.
ffs get rekt.

gas the kikes race war now

There's no fixing it goy. Things turned to shit after this man failed to gas all of the kikes

The eternal kraut must be eliminated.
Remove him from his work, his home, his land
Grant all of Germany to rightful rulers; Poland.

Germany is to be stricken from the records.
Prussia is to be stricken from the records.

Bomber Harris' living descendants are to be gathered up and taught to fly.

The Polish-controlled old-krautland is to be bombed until it is inhabitable to even bacterial life.
The maps are to be redrawn, excluding ex-kraut territory.
All of Germany's greatest deeds will instead be attributed to Poland and France.

Only when the Krauts, their home, their legacy and their dreams are forever truly eliminated can Europe be saved.

>but user, what about innocent kraut children?

They will be the first to fuel the blood farms.

They started Mexico.

We don't. We create Intermarium and watch them burn.

This polandball is becoming real life.

unironically, thank god for communism. otherwise we would be just like germany today

Fucking fix your economy and I'm right there.

Build a wall.

or britain

why should we fix the west ??? they sold us to stalin
we just need to build a big fucking wall

Today or tomorrow, what's the difference. We're still getting USSR 2.0 soon.

What people don't understand is that the "happening" everyone is waiting for won't be the *end* of the EU, it will be the *beginning* of the real EU, which will be worse than Comrade Stalin could even even dream of. And it will last long enough for the lives of everyone who's currently alive to be destroyed beyond repair.


that's my opinion exactly, we will all be fat and "happy" while bombs are exploding around us. I tell you, the first chance I get I will move to one of our islands and live in the fuckin hills if need be

>Bulgarian civilian vigilante groups hunting migrants
Why can't we be more like them?

whos stopping you?

>kebab ackbar
im fucking dead

the only silver lining I see here is the rise of the nationalist internationals. How sad it is that you have to travel outside of your own country to find like-minded people.

Italy Greece Portugal and Spain are south, Austria should be center or east geographically but they are too close to Germany to be included with the slavs, all the Kalamar union and the baltic memestates are north


It's all part of the plan.

Scotland here.
Just want to ask why you think I give a shit about any other country than my own? Fucking commie.

the reason why you can call yourself a Scot today is because the french allied your sorry ass to check-mate england. just because you are a bit to the north doesn't mean the world will leave you alone

>just because you are a bit to the north doesn't mean the world will leave you alone
except it's generally true. evidence being that we are the only white country left in europe - sorry mate, balkans/east of the wall/south of the alps&pyrenees doesn't count.
and as for France helping us, those fucks did literally nothing as they have always done except take care of themselves. didn't help us much in any of our wars - in fact most of our oppressors were (and still are) norman kings and landowners, not saxons.

Are u fucking idiot? So UK is northern Europe. We're dividing eastern Europe and Western Europe, not northern and southern, and trust me Italy isn't eastern Europe.

perhaps it's the weather? not even the romans wanted to live there :P but yeah, it seems english tiranny is back on the cards. the EU shielded you from most of their bullshit

I mean I'd be cool if Poland or Hungary complained about Western Europe, but fucking Bulgaria? Who are you?

Italy is Mediterranean. Britain is a mix of North and West. Romans considered themselves closer to Greece and Cyprus than Gaul, Hispania, and Britannia. They were right.

Who cares, let them burn

too many europeans, needs more enrichment. It'll be over when you're all brown.

>Islam takes over the army
>Islam takes over the nuclear arsenal
>Poland bordering the caliphate
What could possibly go wrong?

>he really believes this
Memes aren't real.

Apparently Italy isn't part of western Europe

What do you think is going to happen then?
Even if the West does't turn into caliphate and just devolves into anarchy instead we're still going to have a lot of problems with migrants and wandering criminals unless we start erecting the great wall of Poland now.

Go clean my toilet Seba, I'll give you 10 zł

They even have easy access to firearms...
That's pure laziness if you ask me.

Austria is Eastern Europe

UK + Ireland is not Western but Northern Europe.

Italy is southern Europe.

Heil bongadoff

You don't. It all needs to get worse before it can get better.
>You can not change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behaviour.