Can somebody explain this chess game to me?

Can somebody explain this chess game to me?

sold out his base so hard

What is there to explain? (((Saudi Arabia))) and Israel are allies.

Think he ran a campaign talking about how saudi's did 9/11 and using "radical islamic extremism" as a power word the democrats were unable to say that would destroy isis in 30 days

now he's afraid to say it and selling the saudi's 100-300billion in arms



All warfare is based on deception


oh well.... hmmm

inb4 the left reveals how anti-semitic to jews and xenophobic to arabs redpilling loads of bystanders

continue faggots!

dont forget you played the literally hitler biggot narative for over a year

its going to break the conditioning ;)

>what did they mean by this?

literally diplomatic run of the mill shit every president does
but Sup Forums likes to act all surprised and hurt when a president who never has been a white supremacist doesn't call out the Jew and talks to sand niggers

but at the same time it's a lot of these baby's first time

20D tic tac toe.

Trump is a Neocon terrorist, he 4D chessed OUR asses.


atleast you got a good president in the end though

America fucks from the top, other one receives


What can we say? The man's an idiot.

It's still 4D chess, it's just that we are the pawns.

Meh. 5 more years of political nothingness and terrorism, we can take it, we'll ee next election, and the next one and again until we're all the anti islam of this country win or are all dead.

Also, at least he'll do what he was elected for. Liberalise the economy. He's no traitor just a coward.


israel, the us and saudis are largely allied against the non sunni muslims, who gravitate by necessity towards moscow

exhibit a. syria

They don't call Trump, Abu Ivanka for no reason.

that's what he was elected for?
because in the debate when he was asked for his vision of France in the future, he had no answer ROFL

You guys voted to okay the status quo, honestly incredibly shameful move for your Vassal-state.

we always thought France was stronger.

I guess I need to edit france out of this picture of allied powers now

keep your friends close and yada yada yada


why shouldn't we be concerned that Trump is doing what ever establishment neocon has been doing? When do we stop assuming its 4D chess? when its too late to call him out and he's on the back 9 of his 8 years? Hold him to the fire you fucking weak faggot.

Staying relevant.

It's the strategy where you sacrifice all the pawns to protect the king.


wtf I love Trump again. this proves everything is 4D chess. thanks user.

Plot twist : Trump was not playing 4D chess with the kikes but with us. And he won.

He did run his campaign like you said, but he was just pandering. His true loyalty is to his jewish (masters? comrades?) whatever it is, now he openly aligns with the Saudi/Israeli/ISIS agenda.

Still pretend pandering to his voter base, but that's pretty silly at this point, he has shown where his loyalty lies.

It's still better than Hillary. We get Hillary 2.0 on foreign affairs and wars for Israel, but he may cut us some slack and fix things in America, to some degree.

>america saves the west by destroying its primary enemy, america

Doing what presidents do?

Saudis are jews with turban.