Would you die for your country pol?

Would you die for your country pol?

I would not die for kikes, no.

No, only for race.

Why would I want to die for kekistan?

for my country , yes, of course . not for the so called ((("gov"))) .

whoever is willing to die for my shitty cucked traitor country is a fucking fool
Lets just put all the shitskins and syrians in the german army

My country died for all of you.

For my people to be free, yes.

I love this place, but no.

fuck no

No you died because your population is just that bit more suicidal.

Also this

of course not, die for kikes in charge, for all those oligarchs, for that degenerate people, for all those muslims all over russia? Fuck no! Never.

tagging this post for the FIS

Depends on the context and what you mean by "country". For the current ruling government? It can go fuck itself.
If there would be a muzzie invasion coming here to rape and kill? Yeah.

If my country was actually invaded then yes. Shooting other young cunts in sand-land because """"""""""freedom""""""""""? fuck no

I would die for my people not my country.

No, fuck this shit. People are retarded and politics are selfish. Don't even cost drop of blood.

I am willing to die for mass immigration.

Even if I get killed by a tiny minority of new Britons that would not justify racism in the slightest.

redpill me on joining the military

Id die defending this fine land but i wouldnt go across the world to make some cunts richer or defend some "allies"

Country no.. for principles yes.

I'd die to defend white Christendom

but thats about it

the (((military))). That's all you need to know.

No.People are so brainwashed into thinking our country is a sentient being.The country is the people.Most of the people who hate the government wanna take orders from them?Troop and troop supporter logic is retarded.

I would die for my people.

This is how actually globalism works, you have nothing to die for. Only corporations, labels, no local culture, multi race ant other shit.

I would die for my people but not my country at least not until I have absolute certainty that my country is working for the interests of my people.

No, not in its current state...

As someone who was in the Army, we don't defend the country. We enforce Washington's politics and that's about it. You're doing more defending the country by buying a gun and fucking around in the woods with it on the weekends.

Why is the does the soldier closest to the camera have such a small magazine?

What is that? 15 rounds?

I would die for mein führer

Fixed it.

Absolutely not.

And the military complex.

no, I'm too precious.

globalisation in itselft isn't bad. the problem is we havent found aliens to shoot yet


Hell no. If I wanted to die for my country I'd be a firefighter but then I'd be dying for stupid ass civilians who microwaved tin foil or some jackass who wasn't paying attention to his grill. If you join the military and you die in some foreign land you didn't die for your country, you died defending foreign assets for government interests, not the people's interest.

Yes for queen and country

Is capitalistic individum, pretends to be country when sport event hires niggers from Africa to represent your country and Mexican-African-you name it NATO soldiers fight for Jews in some war for paycheck. Why exactly do you pretend to be country when you can't even have country-wide coverage of health care? Your country doesn't exists or cares about you. No reason to fight for something that doesn't cares about you.

I can't even if I wanted to.
No military branch will take me as I have Crohn's.

>dying for a country you had no choice to be born in

no thanks, absolute cancer

If my country needed my life. Yes.

as long as i get to shoot some dune coon sandniggers i dont give a fuck

Fuck off. We died because we trusted a bunch of cucks too afraid of being called racist. I would definitely die for my country the way it was before but nowadays I don't know, it's hard to say I would in its current state

Pretty much this


I would have said no before brexit but since that passed I'll give the UK juuuuust enough benefit of the doubt that they're not a bunch of cucks who deserve to get enriched

however this is in an actual way to die that saves my country like stopping a terror attack or fighting a defensive war, not dying for israel invading iran

I'd die for my family and close friends but couldn't care less about a piece of land or a flag. Although I do kinda like living in an Island and being close to the beach and go surfing every time there's a nice swell.

Only if we're invaded. Not if we're fighting thousands of miles away from our own border.

If it were under attack yeah, in a heartbeat

No. Fuck the government.


Orania will pick up the pieces when my country self-destructs


I would not die for the rich man. War is only for profit nowadays.

yes, If i was physically able to I'd already be in the SASR

No, because my country is not worth dying for.

>Marxist public school so dumbed down is nothing but a day care
>uncontrolled immigration replacement of my people
>out of control crime by blacks and no one is addressing the issue
>poison in our water, poison in our food, poison in our air

A country is not worth dying for when it provides nothing of value to it's people. The USA is only alive today because of immense wealth, propaganda and war-power keeping the population blind deaf and dumb to the world.

The Commisar would like a word Ivan.

The idea is to make the other guy die for their country.

Not unless I have to.

if all the spooks and spics were gone would you change your mind? them being gone would fix the schools too.


Most of you cucks saying you wouldn't die for (((Them))) are probably unfit for military service anyway. Fat bastards.

Naw, if I was old enough when 9/11 happened I would have joined up the next day, but too much time went by and then it kind of seemed pointless for us to be there

Our children aren't being taught about gender spectrums and LGBT education in fucking kindergarten and elementary school because niggers and spics are in the country.

No, I most certainly would not. I have my own family I am raising and I'm not going to die for some elites in power because they have a beef with sand niggers.

If a force invaded the USA I still wouldn't go out and die for nothing. I'd get my family somewhere I know is safe and has like minded folk and I'd band together with them.

what's FIS ?

"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country." - Gen. George S. Patton, U.S. Third Army, WWII

And all those who say "yes" are fit and ready? Aren't you projecting here, champ?

my country has been fucked over since the republic instauration. Would die for my people, the country as it's right now is not worth it

Dying for your country is stupid. Killing for your country is a much better strategy.

Read my post again