
One the report’s authors, Dr Alice Marwick, says that fascist tropes first merged with irony in the murkier corners of the internet before being adopted by the “alt-right” as a tool. For the new far-right movement, “irony has a strategic function. It allows people to disclaim a real commitment to far-right ideas while still espousing them.”

Marwick says that from the early 2000s, on message boards like Sup Forums, calculatedly offensive language and imagery have been used to “provoke strong reactions in outsiders”. Calling all users “fags”, or creating memes using gross racial stereotypes, “serves a gate-keeping function, in that it keeps people out of these spaces, many of which are very easy to access”.

More generally, every “ironic” repetition of far-right ideals contributes to a climate in which racism, misogyny, or Islamophobia is normalised.
“Every time you see a viral video of somebody shouting down a person of Muslim descent in a supermarket line, what you’re seeing are the effects of an environment where it’s increasingly normal, increasingly accepted and expected to speak in this register, whether or not that started out as a joke.”

“Fascism is more or less a social taboo. It’s unacceptable in modern society. Humour or irony is one of the ways that they can put forward their affective positions without having to fall back on any affirmative ideological positions.”

He adds: “They’re putting forward the anger, the sense of betrayal, the need for revenge, the resentment, the violence. They’re putting forward the male fantasies, the desire for a national community and a sense of unity and a rejection of Muslims. They’re doing all of that, but they’re not stating it.”

The best response is to stubbornly take the “alt-right” at their word. Angela Nagle’s book about the “alt-right”, Kill All Normies, is released next month. She says that for the “alt-right”, online irony “is a mechanism for undermining the confidence of their critics”.

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No American is gonna read something that long

>“irony has a strategic function. It allows people to disclaim a real commitment to far-right ideas while still espousing them.”

Kek, the left has done this for decades without irony,they just lie to themselves lr to you.

Who hasn't heard: "I'm not a communist, I'm a democratic socialist"?

Kek what a load of bollocks

Literally a book just to say "wahh they are learning to use comedy to get across their points oy vey!"

>Humour or irony is one of the ways that they can put forward their affective positions without having to fall back on any affirmative ideological positions.”

Liberals aren't ironic or sarcastic?

This is a real world example of accusing your enemy of what you yourself are doing. All that kill all men & fuck white people shit is what Marwick is describing. Like...to a T.

W o a h
This is so powerful
This is really activating my almonds

Confirmed, I'm American, stopped reading second paragraph.

You're absolutely right too. The outward man hating was started in sitcoms where the father is stupid, and stuff like shirts that read "boys are dumb, throw rocks at them".
Now a little over a decade after I first saw that shirt we have adult women literally throwing rocks at the "patriarchy".

Except for the two last it's very true, irony and memes are the perfect tool to break the conditioning they designed

This is all horse Shit. Anonymity and no censorship just brings socially taboo opinions which have basis in public opinion.


>"Every time you see a viral video of somebody shouting down a person of Muslim descent in a supermarket line, what you’re seeing are the effects of an environment where it’s increasingly normal,"

uh no what we are seeing is reactions to the abnormal, we never used to see muslims in supermarket checkout lines...The US was nearly 90% white as recently as 1970 and Canada was 97% white as recently as 1971

Of course we know that but this article is designed for gullible old people and women and minorities who won't think that part through. The main part that's interesting here for me is to see how our culture is understood by outsiders. By trying to understand us, they naturally adapt to us, to some extent at least.

Ironically it was the post modernists and (((progressives))) who weaponised irony to sway public opinion. This was their creation. Don't blame us for merely adopting tactics leftist used to subvert traditional patriarchal society.

>No, manipulative tactics can only be used by US, don't you see? You can't do that.

>her book Kill all normies

Yes exactly, irony is a staple of pomo

It's the Jews greatest tactic, even Hitler knew this. Hillary used it all election. (((They))) are just mad because we are the neo-jews, we got the new school tech and a new way of breaking down thier social conditioning, memes.

Maybe they shouldn't have pushed smartphones and social media so hard. Now every normie is exposed to our culture and believe me, Sup Forums IS internet culture. They are just mad because all the legacy media is crumbling and with the the access to information the internet is archiving all their doublespeak and out right lies. The NORMIES are playing our game now and the Jews are reacting to us.

They are scared.

can confirm

>racism, misogyny, or Islamophobia is normalised

This is what they fear. They think if you can joke about something that it makes means it is acceptable to believe it. There's a bit of projection at work here as this is what they do when they joke about wanting to kill all white people or joke that all Republicans are idiots/racists/whatever.

They realize that their jokes often aren't really jokes, but really just pure vitriol. This makes it more difficult for them to fathom someone joking by exaggerating or saying something they don't really believe.

>we're being ridiculous
>it's not funny
fucking leftists

They are pissed that leftist humor is in the tank. That it was predicated on being an underclass and making fun of non-existent oppressors and now that their egalitarian worldview is being shattered they are looking to shift blame.


It's like cause and effect is anathema to these liberal types. Never once have I seen them ask in any depth, why are so many young men espousing these ideas?

>Angela Nagle’s book about the “alt-right”, Kill All Normies
>Kill All Normies

rally got that nogging jogging



The other interesting thing is that they never engage with the ideas themselves, just the methods used(weaponized irony) or the people using them(losers on the internet). They never ask themselves if these ideas have memetic power, because they contain truth that people aren't allowed to talk about.

>hurr durr fascism is unacceptable
ofc it is but just saying it's unacceptable doesn't make it less appealing to disenfranchised people. the fact that Er ist wieder da(book and film) is a popular in the west is indicative that fascism will never die, it will only change it's skin. first it was the jews and now its the muslims. fuck this guy

>Author Alexander Reid Ross agrees that irony has been deployed by the far right in chipping away at whatever prohibitions have existed around publicly adopting far-right politics
Author Alexander Reid Ross agrees that irony has been deployed by the far left in chipping away at whatever prohibitions have existed around publicly adopting far-left politics

Fucking this I did not read a single letter of your post, OP

>They’re putting forward the anger, the sense of betrayal, the need for revenge, the resentment, the violence. They’re putting forward the male fantasies, the desire for a national community and a sense of unity and a rejection of Muslims. They’re doing all of that, but they’re not stating it.

I don't think normies will ever really 'get' Sup Forums

But I guess that's why they are normies

you could say we are born like this :P

>the desire for a national community and a sense of unity
bad goy! only vaunted minority are allowed in-group preference

Pffft too bad about the whole Holocaust thing. What a tragedy. Oh yeah the Jews totally don't control the international banking system. No, not at all lol. Whatever. Yeah, I'm sure everyone in the whole world is born with identical brains, man, and there's no genetic component to intelligence at all, and it's all spiritual or whatever, even though souls don't exist, and the Catholic Church is wrong about literally everything lmao. I'm voting Hillary next election. Not! *does an ollie*

So does anyone think DFW offed himself because he saw this coming and couldn't deal with it like typical bleeding heart and he saw it as a symptom or sign that his side was losing.

didnt even make it past the headline

just a prank bro

Two words: autoerotic asphyxiation

The suicide thing was a cover in case he fucked up

So much for sincerity

pic related
>his side was losing.
they have demographics on their side. they can run out the clock and win

Sarcasm isn't irony.

Yes it is. Sarcasm is a form of irony used to insult an interlocutor.

David Foster Wallace, and no. I think he was just a little off, but I haven't read him that much


>racism and misogyny are a gatekeeping function to an environment that normalises racism etc
>implying that the only thing stopping people from being hating muslims are facts.


I unironically unsarcastically believe irony should be outlawed

>Every time you see a viral video of somebody shouting down a person of Muslim descent in a supermarket line
No one likes this shit though. We don't bully average normie lady muzzie shoppers. We just like seeing their extremists and moderate extremists get what they have coming to them.

The word "Islamaphobia" really pisses me off.


>“Every time you see a viral video of somebody shouting down a person of Muslim descent in a supermarket line, what you’re seeing are the effects of an environment where it’s increasingly normal, increasingly accepted and expected to speak in this register, whether or not that started out as a joke.”
So how often does this happen compared to islamist beheadings?

Dave's "sincerity" and distaste for irony was all posturing.

I hope she understands that this all stems from Russian shilling. They're the ones promoting this secret club mentality, they're the ones trying to turn people into hate filled fascist sheep willing to follow along with anything. They're the ones stirring up racial resentment in an attempt to destabilize enemy nations. This thread is probably only here so they can control the narrative. They're fond of introducing potentially negative stories against them in controlled ways, usually they'll post a shareblue link and pretend to be shills shilling poorly for the liberals or something else that effectively allows them to weaken real stories into easily toppled straw men for their shills to dismantle.

This. Fascism is spreading like wildfire, when most people believe something it's no longer socially taboo, (((they're))) terrified of that prospect. Fascism is the only effective weapon the white man has had against the jews in modern times. Gif very related.

>Experts say the ‘alt-right’ have stormed mainstream consciousness by using ‘humor’
Oy vey, we must research this "humor" device and possibly ban it!

>early 2000
god damn newfags

how will western liberal societies survive?

>The best response is to stubbornly take the “alt-right” at their word.

- continue thinking up increasingly outrageous and ridiculous meme-opinions under the guise of 'irony'

- leftists take everything seriously because 'that's how we beat the alt-right'

- normies either realise how ridiculous the left is for triggering themselves over ironic memes, or they join in for a laff.

- ???

- Profit


Dammit, I skimmed it and noticed this post. You were spot on. I will now read it because you called me out.

Made it through
Tldr social philospher reading way too deep into memes

But that's not what irony is. For God's sake, It's 2017. How do we collectively not know what Irony is? He is describing sarcasm and satire, both of which are critical modes, not supportive. I'm literally shaking right now.

Whatever weapon you create, it will be in the hands of your enemies within a generation

But the only way that could work you stupid racist is if we progressives are wrong. That's obviously impossible, so there really must be a vast Nazi conspiracy

Just as planned.

>“Fascism is more or less a social taboo. It’s unacceptable in modern society. Humour or irony is one of the ways that they can put forward their affective positions without having to fall back on any affirmative ideological positions.”

So why is it working?

>online irony “is a mechanism for undermining the confidence of their critics”.

Oh the confidence only? Because the critics are of course right and the fascists don't have a single fact on their side.

So only by hurting the fee fees of the right side can fascists make progress????

It all makes sense if you start with the axiom that you can't be wrong.

If everyone's a fascist, no one's a fascist.

I am intrigued to see an ironic porno. How do you even portray that? How does one orgasm ironically?

Kek, wait till the alt right starts using viruses

KeK bless this packet mess

The semite gene is the target. Two birds one stone. Go Go form of a microbiologist!

Well, I just did.

true dat. i used to be very involved in comedy circles, but one day, the people just stopped laughing.

>The best response is to stubbornly take the “alt-right” at their word
Uh, that's the idea.

To be honest, this site is ahead of the normies. We're "2hip4them". that's why we always laugh at them.

>The cited book "GAS ALL NORMIES" isn't an instructional manual


I love you guys.

>Nate Plastic