8values thread

Prove that you are a true NatSoc.
Link : 8values.github.io/

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Fuck your white trash shit.

Clean your damn room


Sane person reporting in.



Lets go for a helicopter ride you fucking commie

Good choices

Oh look at me I'm so centrist none of my beliefs have any meaning. Im so "sane". Get cucked Muhammed Fritz


what the hell is right wing populism

>Right-wing populism

Sounds about right. Traditionalism should be higher though, and I would hardly call my balance on it "neutral"

anyone get neo-liberalism?




Wat le fugg :D



Distributism, eh?






>all these fascists pieces of shit
leave Sup Forums before we make you leave

centrist is master race



Back to Germanistan you traitor.

whats even the point of being this authoritarian?

either you support authorities, so your views don't essentialy matter
or you support your views in such a manner that you want to be the authority

either way, its either convincing people of being slaves, or wanting to be a slave yourself
both are fine aslong as you aren't authoritarian in your actions to achvie them, but being 90% autoritarian you pretty much are

im dissapointed in you switzerland, living in such a democratic and awesome country

I'm not a bumbling moron, sorry to disappoint.


Hei du!

yo, whats the diffrence between a social libertarian and a libertarian socialist?




>Progress (Society)
>Those with higher Progress scores believe in social change and rationality. Though not always, they are usually secular or atheist, and support environmental action and scientific or technological research.
>Those with higher Progress scores believe in social change and rationality
>support environmental action

All social change is progress and based in rationality. Environment is key.

What in the actual hell is capitalist fascist.

sounds like a good match

pinochet probably, and thatcher if you want to be homurous

>It is important that we further my group's goals above all others.
Classic liberal goals are literally legal equality for all and economic freedom...

This test is retarded.

>tfw i;m a cuckservative



dude its not that hard to understand,
you know how people make fun of the tolerant people who force their ideals upon others? The question is "should we tolerate the untolerable?"
the same applies here, forcing people into a spesific mindset or economic model isn't the same as letting them choose freely




Hallo bror



You people are fucking gay, fuck nazism.



I'm not quite sure what you're saying.

I've interpreted the question as whether or not we should further my race/gender/ideology/religion's (which is "my group"?) goals above all else (in an undemocratic way). This directly conflicts with my idea that all citizens should be treated the same under the law, we should live in a democracy, and certain groups should not be afforded special privileges. Therefore, I'd say strongly disagree.

If I interpreted it your way then I'd strongly agree. It would imply I'd be strongly against anyone agitating to make one ethnic/racial/gender/etc group legally superior or take away free markets/private property/reasonable taxes.





i just assumed group was abstract in the sense of "my tribe" as nothing was spesifid (this includes my political group)

How is Sverige after the hockey incident?
Did it just stop caring again and brush over some more rapes?

rate me, lads

Welcome brother/10



>When you want niggers to be shot and kikes to be gassed but you want to do it yourself

Get on my level you statist cucks.

The PM getting booed by the crowd and called a sossesvin

you are of weak, watch dis


Am 18% Ashkenazi if it influences the results




What does it mean ?


filthy commie that likes traditionalism and patriotism.
you can be thrown out of the helicopter last.

why have an opinion amiright

Maybe I'm just autistic as fuck, but this analysis is the faggiest shit I've seen all day.
>either you support authorities, so your views don't essentially matter
>or you support your views in such a manner that you want to be the authority
Or, you're a crypto-NatSoc, and you want to put an authority into power that will act with most of your views in mind. Unlike commies, most authoritarians here think in terms of the public, rather than the power.

More German men are learning to hate. It's not enough to make a difference yet, but it's something.


I'm a neo-con.

wtf I hate myself now

I think this wins the thread?


Rate me

commie, but one of the better kind of commies.

thanks, australian comrade.

Most people here lived better under the Ussr rule.

ah a fellow reactionary, just a bit more radical than me

I see this comment in every thread. You need to learn up on National Socialism even if you don't like it. Be a well informed human being

haha ok that was unexpected

please dont kill me i belong on this board i promise

no you don't

The only reasonable person in this thread

Good or bad?

garda merge inainte

how in the hell is it possible to be this much of a cuck.