First Mosque torched in retaliation

First Mosque torched in retaliation.

Expect more to be bombed and set ablaze. Just like after what happened with Lee Rigby.

Other urls found in this thread:

They did it themselves for sympathy and insurance
Same for all these refugee camps, they set fire to their matresses to be relocated somewhere better

dont fuck with the shitty parts of england

My numbers are blessed!

The fire rises

Comments disabled! You know it was getting national praise.

No insurance company pays out for arson.

>radicalising more Muslims who will want to kill whitey even more


Amazing how the "information media" prevents spread of information like this.

stupid fucking dumb kraut/turk

Oh wow it's fucking nothing. "Set on fire" meaning "letterbox was damaged".

>le do nothing face!

Wait, are you admitting that islam is directly linked to terrorism then? Better wipe the religion out entirely since it's a damn liability.


That's what we want, dumbass. The more shit they do, the faster the tide will turn.

I'd prefer it to come to a head when Muslims are 5% of the population than 15%.

The more to die the more the fire rises


if you kill your enemies they win :^)
I guess we'll have to kill them all


They get donations and shit


hey rabbi

that is the saddest case of arson i've ever seen. that door is barely burned. this is why islam is winning. they have bold attacks and the retaliation is laughable

Hey Imam... watcha doin?!


>Put out quickly

I'll admit it's a bit lackluster compared to other mosque burnings.

Still more to come though. HARAMadan is going to be fun.

Was it a Saudi-funded Wahhabi mosque that taught children to murder?

Kek wills it.

He is, but he won't admit it except in this very scenario.


>They get donations and shit
Yeah but the real money is made on insurance/loss of earnings in arson cases which it's proven that you had zero involvement which is hard to prove which is why they don't tend to do it, our insurance companies don't pay out for it. They are kikier than kikes and gibs from the community isn't enough, considering these buildings cost 1-2 million.

>20 bongs killed
>writing graffiti in retaliation

wew that will show them hehe

Sounds like a start.

Trudeau detected

Usually the retards that burn mosques aren't ones for details.

hey imam, whatcha doin?

We are cucks.

sounds like nordfront who gave a stern talking to a rapist on camera in a language he didn't even understand

Fear the white man!

>“But (the) person responsible for this fire are (sic) not only doing exactly what the terrorist and the people behind them want you to do but are as bad as them.
>Are as bad as them

Burning a door is just as bad as murdering 22 civilians!

( Gets lawn chair )
( Grabs bacon )
( Dips rounds in pigs blood just in case )

Praise Kek

>burned a letter box
Yurosissies are too much cucks to start knocking out shitskins on the streets.

>Says the guy who's country was on lock down half of last summer because they couldn't keep the refugees out


Ywah I got mad about that too.
If torching your shitty door is as bad as the murder of 22kuffar you might be supporting the attackers seeing how less you value the lost lifes by relating them to dead but holy entry wood.

quit larping coward. you don't have the balls


at least you admit it. now go back to playing vidya and watching anime

>The front door is a little charred.

Hey Ahmed, whatcha doin?

Not that kind of insurance dumbass

I mean if someone else started a squad and asked me nicely I might be open to the idea

But they fought back immediately!
Manchester on a knife-edge: Screaming shoppers flee as Arndale shopping centre is evacuated over arrest 'unconnected' to concert massacre

It was about a week and they were kept in a 1km2 area. Ther also were beaten by hooligans daily


Torch em all Nigel. Torch em all

...Hey Mullah...Watcha doin'?!

It was probably a kebab or yid that did it.

We need to get the working class on our side.

>says precisely the country who couldn't keep Turks out just the other day

If anyone were to vandalize a mosque, they should write shit that seems so dumb that people are like "oh that's obviously fake, even nazis can't be that dumb."

>super spastika
>Hiiol Hiotlar
>deth ta da tahwl heds

Shit that would be first thought of as someone attempting to make it look like a dumb nazi did it.

Don't stop now. You all need to band together for an all out American Nigger Chimpout. Do what they do. Run the streets and set anything Muslim related on fire. The American Niggers never get charged because there are too many of them and they act fast. Don't sit around and plan for three days hitting individual Mosques here and there. It needs to be a full fledged chimpout.

>A week lockdown because they couldn't keep them out
how is that any fucking better? Also hooligans are degenerate junkie alcoholics

Bump race war incoming godspeed brothas

escalation is the only way this is ever going to get solved one way or the other

You give normalfags too much credit

That was quick. Based desu

back to your vidya, pussy

To do that we need:

There was never a lockdown. And there isnt any here ever since

every time
good. Next step: killing them

>wearing suicide vest
>protecting head with a helmet

Stop projecting.

Hey Rabbi

>First Mosque torched in retaliation.

Oh oh Spider man of peace is on his way to retaliate back for the Mosque burning.

How will brit bongz ever recover ?

lol you bongs actually did it

I thought you were bullshiting in the threads last night.

this is from 2008

>Britain's leading Muslim bodies say they are fighting extremism. In one of our most respected mosques,
>Sara Hassan came face to face with hardline female preachers of separatism.

this is your problem, you let in a bunch of muslims, and dont even care what they are doing when gathered together

what did the uk do about extremist inside their own country
im pretty sure the terrorist was bred and grew up in ur country, and didnt come from the east
it's a problem inside your own country bongs


I'm not saying "do nothing", but maybe burning down a mosque isn't the best way to prove that we aren't the violent ones and that we do things differently around here?

It's not about proving who is violent and who isn't. It's war, bruv.

Only a fucking door was burned.
100% confirmed it was muslims trying to gain sympathy.

Or you could borrow some of our Niggers. I'd be happy to loan you a million or so. And when I say loan I mean give for keeps.

Ave Maria Ave Maria
Ave Maria


Pray for escalation. We need conflict. It's that or the proverbial boiling Pepe.

>checking his own digits
Poor form Britania. If it were any other time I would interdict and destroy your next tea shipment, but considering the circumstances I will let this go with a warning.

We'd borrow your niggers but we have enough of them in Liverpool. Fucking Irish.

The last thing we would want to do is radicalized radicals.

Get 'em dad!

Free and unbiased media in uk.


The other berger is right though. MSM is owned by Soros and is going to inevitably depict you as the badguy.

Trudeau on vacation in krautland?

This shit does nothing though. What you need to do is actually start deporting people.

>But (the) person responsible for this fire are (sic) not only doing exactly what the terrorist and the people behind them want you to do but are as bad as them
>but are as bad as them
>as bad as them
well fuck me I thought killing 20 people was worse that half-burning a door.

Ah shit hey are going to have to repaint that door now.

Photo of suspect seen leaving the scene.

what i would do, is close all mosques that are being financed from "middle east"
build my own, put "tolerant" muslim scholars as imam's

quite possibly

still on the loose??? how does he do it???

>Let's do nothing
That will show them that they can do anything without any repercussions

Do you have your asshole ready Hans?

how many more years before people will get tired of posting that? it was like a mild chuckle the first time


Gas yourself Imam. Building Insurance doesn't pay out on the most common claim you fucking pleb? What next, insurers won't pay out on car crashes. What a fucking dickhead.

The Manchester thing seemed kinda fake then this happens? Mosque burnings dont happen in this cucked country, but one happened right after the concert "attack"?
