Is she in the right?

is she in the right?

what should a woman do if she finds herself a man who then installs his inferior genetic material inside her?

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wtf I hope that's fake

why? i hope you don't think she should cling to her retarded baby and a husband who created a retard.

Me too, retarded kid or not its still your child

Would let her blow me desu

>Muh Asian women are pure meme
But she looks like a hapa so no wonder she nuts


Does he need fucking speculums to hold his eyes open?

>dude azn women are totally traditional and Sup Forums-approvedĀ©, I swear guys
>>im willing to give up my downie baby for the right Chad~
really does make my almonds activate

you should never abandon family, especially your own children. only subhuman filth does this. especially children who need your support most

>feminism in action so liberating and progressive

>I'm a strong Asian woman
>birthed a fucking imbecile

I think you need to check your Philippino-to-Western-whore dictionary.

It's her child though, why should the state have to look after it and why does the child not deserve to be raised by its mother simply because it is disabled?

stop virtue signaling, nobody wants to take care of a downs kid just to have them die at an early age OR have to take care of them your entire life


no virtue signaling im as traditionalist as it gets, and would never abandon a child even if it had down syndrome. what kind of person turns on their own blood because of something like that, i'll never understand that mentality.

>Sup Forums supports eugenics
>chimps out as soon as a mother abandons her genetic trash in favor for another try for a healthier offspring
>chimps out even harder if she dares try aborting it


She masturbated to the scene in 300 of throwing the babbies off the cliff. I can see her little gook ass on her shitty sofa holding popcorn in one hand and holding up the retarded kid by it's bib in the other dangling it off the side of the couch while it's doing a distinct retard gook cry.

>an anonymous online forum is one person with one opinion on everything

at first i was baffled as to how they didn't know the kid had downs the second he slipped out of her tight asian cunt.

but then I realized that in Dutch we call a retard a "mongolian", I always wondered why. Well, it's because people with downs, who are retards, look like mongols/asians.

So she had a downs kid but she didnt know cuz it looked like any other asian kid.


if she's shitting out downies at 17 i don't think there's much hope of her spawning something better

to be perfectly honest if you do make a retard, as a male you should take care of that said retard because retard makers deserve nothing more than to take care of them

if you are a woman though, you can't be responsible for a genetic material someone put inside of you and you shouldn't have to be convicted to life of suffering, it should be perfectly acceptable for you to just let the retard go (in most perfect scenario just leave it with daddy)

i honestly hope you are just trolling, and in the off chance you one day find a woman and make a family, unless you are as cold hearted as they come, you would never turn your back on it. all the edgelords should just kill themselves.

Asian submissive waifu trope BTFO. No quality woman would abandon her child for dick even if it was a monstrosity.

You dumbfucks, Down syndrome is due to failures in the splitting mitose of the egg. This is not due to paternal genes, but the state of the ovum. That's why the rate of rate of Down syndrome is increasing with maternal age.

good luck spending your life (you only have one) on taking care of a retard

>Diagnosed at 4 months
What? Even newborns have that downie look

am i fitting in yet guys, alt right nahtzees, muh eugenics, muh masterrace. stop.

this girl is an australian IG model who recently got in trouble for making fun of asian men

fake profile

>gives birth to mongoloid
absolutely ebin


alternatively, sterilize all asian women to serve as fucktoys for white men

It's one thing to not wanting to have a downs kid but abandoning it for the "right man"
That's really shitty
Chances are she'd disown a normal kid of hers for stupid shit
If she didn't want a kid with down syndrome she should have had an abortion

give it up for adoption. I'm not keeping a retard, he will probably becoming some atheist fag like retards usually do.

Even if the child is a failure, she basically advertised she's willing to discard a child if a better prospect comes by. You could have a normal child with he and she's predisposed to just kick it out if a Chad gives her the time of day.
That's a shit mother if I ever saw one.

Man that's even worse

You know that most of these profiles are fake?

>she's a crazy cunt
>she identifies herself as such so people know to avoid her
I don't see the problem

It's fake profile you idiot. The girl in the picture is Lily May Mac a famous model half Aussie/ half Filipino.

>retarded kid 3y/o
>don't give a fuck about the kid
so we have here a 16y/o coalburner too stupid to use contraception, too stupid to go to a doctor while pregnant to tell her the kid was retarded.
Looking for a man to carry with her problems
I'd say throw her to the niggers

>really think of MAC lipstick. That is the average penis size of Korean men

Top kek. Post more of these

It's from the tinder subreddit.

She looks like a westernized cunt.

And this is why Asian people are inferior to Whites. Although they have the intelligence they lack the empathy.

infanticide should be legal with downsindromes


How do you know so much about retarded people? Are you retarded yourself? lol

make it 12

Ffs man

Is she dare i say /ourgirl/, Sup Forums?

Fucking wew lad. That was a good one.

Would racemix with

Can down syndrome be detected early on in pregnancy and be aborted?

Fuck that, what she's doing is morally justified. Downsy people have no placeom this earth.

We should take it a step further and let people on welfare do the same thing.

I agree with her on this, I would entirely put a severely mentally impaired child up for adoption (though this is illegal in lots of US states). You're lying to yourself if you think you would love and enjoy having a child like this as much as a normal one.

>installs his inferior genetic material inside her
Implying it wasn't her

I think she's try to say..
>Iiiii waaannnntttt munny munny munny munny munny munny munny, /uninstall kid. Munny munny munny

Is that Roaming Millenial?

This, when did pol get soft

damn thats good

>diagnosed with down syndrome at the age of 4 months
Is that how long she waited before going to see a doctor?

>what should a woman do if she finds herself a man who then installs his inferior genetic material inside her?

she should deal with it, because she chose poorly when the burden of choice is entirely on her shoulders

Fucking asians, how do they do it?

Cant they see downs 10 weeks in? Why did she bring it to term?

Also this is probably a troll account.

>cutie talking about herself,
all good
>I have a son user
I ain't raising Chad's bastard.

Now THAT'S a woman.

>mfw Sup Forums is mad at the girl for doing this because most of them have downs syndrome

>willing to give up my kid

Eh, to be fair the high functioning ones can be trained for janitorial jobs.
