Eiffel Tower to go dark in commemoration of Manchester attack.


That's it Sup Forums terrorism is gone! Let's never worry or talk about it again!

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>activate anti terror plan

guess the union jack is too hard for the frenchies to project onto it.

christ you guys are slipping. soon we wont even have facebook filters or candlelight vigils.

this is one of the reasons terrorism is a good thing, we need more and bigger death tolls.


They should make it go dark, but leave a little horizontal area lit up near the top.

Why White people not bomb their mosque ?
It's time for "White Bomber" to strike back

If the Paris attack that had over 100 deaths didn't do anything, nothing else will. Europe is beyond cucked

Ik right. Lets remember terrorism is part and parcel of living in a city.
Won't even need to waste the electricity soon, as the blood spilt on the streets can power hydroelectric dams.

naw, french still hate eternal anglo

You feeling alright, Argentina? I know we have our differences, but you don't look so good, m8...

>Should we start vetting refugees?

>Nah lol turn the eiffel tower off and on again see if that fixes it

My flag is not Argentina m8

the inevitable nuke incident decades from now could do it but it will have been far too late by then.

1488 1776

Expose the Jew. Name our enemy. Don't let them pit you off against the muslims.
Don't let Jew media shill your reality away.

It's not even a false flag at this point. The jew running the muslims as a proxy army against the west. EXPOSE THIS.
Shill the Truth everywhere. Write it on walls, stick it to bus windows, piss GAS THE KIKES in to the snow.

We have to present this truth to the world, its our offering.


I don't think so, you only end up with hatred towards you if you start bombing people.
That's not the way to win this battle.
Unfortunately I don't know what is.

A gesture of respect for the dead is worthwhile. We can remove kebab afterward.

Yeah I know. It's a commonly used joke on Sup Forums.
You're still going into my (2017_UNCOMMON) folder, anyway.

Welsh First Minister gave a surprisingly good response to that today saying, "We should never get used to this and we should call it what it is, an alien terrorism"

The nigger fucking white people mural will be illuminated, however, in semblance of how we need to unite as one #OneRaceOnePeopleOneHumanity

Let's all just turn off the lights and go to sleep. People are too uninformed and brainwashed.

>Eiffel Tower gets attacked by terrorists
>power is cut
>"uh... we're keeping the tower dark in commemoration of the Manchester attack guys"

I'm fairly rare.

the eiffel tower is a like a conduct for terrorism, that is its only purpose now

Remember when people started clapping in footbal stadiums so you don't hear the islamists screaming?

Based Welsh I guess, shame they'll all probably vote for Labour (not that it will make much difference after yesterday.)

It would have to be like 100 mosques across the nation simultaneously
Really organized
Really devastating

To get the point across

They are meant to put a flag on it not to turn it off... wtf !!! stick to the script!!!

Took hundreds of years before the pope ordered the crusades.
It'll be the same this time, we're only in the beginning, mark my words.
Only when attacks are happening daily in every European country, when hundreds of thousands of proud white nationalists have died will we get rid of them.
It's (((their))) tactics.
(((they))) created isis.
Seriously, saddam is a bad egg so USA and UK invade?
Islamic terrorists kill thousands in our own countries?
>frogs turn off a tower for a day
This is their plan to wipe out the Whites over many years and then the Jews will dismantle Islam and rule.

Gas the kikes is a truth?


Could happen tomorrow, reaction would be the same.

Europe has been conditioned so thoroughly that Pavlov himself would be impressed.

They will deny the cause of their deaths as the knife draws across their windpipes.

Yeah, feels like it. Wouldn't be surprised if Macron tore it down because it looks like a sexist, phallic symbol.



I think there's only one of you, to be fair.
What's your country like? Holy shit, I just went to google your nation and I have learned a new thing. Your flag has text on it.

I've always been told that Brazil was the only international flag with writing. Nice, now I can look even more autistic.

>Effiel Tower is worried about being next

Because it really isn't all Muslims that do that, if you bomb a mosque you run a serious risk of killing people who's only crime is their backwards religion and never would have hurt anyone. We should focus more on keeping out the foreign hordes that flood our cities and practice wahabism.

what is this wahabism buzzword i keep saying

Breaking NEWS
Pep Family was at the concert

Unfortunately he and his family are still alive

You go after the people that enable them.


You'd just end up putting thousands of people who have ever been on Sup Forums imprison because undoubtedly a few of the people would have come from here.
I don't think you realise how much of a nanny state England has turned into.
And for what?
Muslims would get more scared = more terror attacks, government would shut down any freedom of speech we have left and innocent people would end up dying.

a statue in my city used to be lit green or red depending on if there was a death or not that day. this started in the early 40's when the city was mostly white. by the 80's/90's when gang culture and blacks started becoming the majority we saw multiple murders a week, now its a nightly thing. they eventually just made it yellow all the time.

Things are turning quite sharply against Labour here. I do not know a single person who doesn't think Corbyn is a cunt.

Comfy third world city with almost no crime and cheap as fuck.

>Eiffel Tower to go dark
I can hear the police siren from here. Level 9/11 of Paris anti terror plan. We always be here for you bongs.

>Paris getting BLACKED

how figures

Holy fuck, Macron fucking did it...

There's a massive race-mixing mural below the Tower, so I'd say they've already gone dark

It's a form of Sunni Islam that originated in Saudi Arabia. It's where terrorist get their extreme ideology and why Saudis fund terrorist organizations. I don't understand why we haven't been bombing Saudi Arabia this whole time since they are the origin of all terror.

wondering if they're not tired of lighting it up and out every week

Oh good, thank fuck.
Corbyn probably likes all these bombings, reminds him of revolutionary era Russia.

Give me my passage home


we got your back english bros;;;;;;

how does making a monument nigger will make things better

Yeah, probably to make sure nobody chucks a plane into it.

might as well keep the lights off

This, even though I hate their cultures and their beliefs, killing innocents makes you no better than the terrorists.



for everybody telling us to do something, watch this

That lights on that tower are off more than on- we need to #Pray harder

Here we go.

The real reason is they're probably trying to hide it.

hey guys, i'm from the_donald. they told me you guys are good with computers. my grandson downloaded a virus, i think. now, when i try to run my computer it says i have to call a number to get the virus out. can you guys help? i voted for trump.


this makes no sense


Easy one, just delete system32 and reboot your computer then when it asks you to install the virus, do not give permission

sorry, i'm not good with computers, which one is system32 and how do i delete it? thanx and MAGA!

what happened to the good old renaissance days when the turks would get a bit too close to Europe and the protestants make up some bullshit about a holy war to go fuck them up

why is the hook facing the wrong way? he'll never catch a fish that way & there's no bait on that hook.

Holy shit. that'll teach them this time for sure!!!!

deleting this fixes most viruses ;)

Not sure, guess the bait wasn't supposed to work?

The eifffel tower is getting BLACKED

Surely this will show them! Good job OP!

wow, all this time the answer was right in front of our faces

How can it not? With the power of love and friendship we will always prevail!

but step 2 never comes cuc/k

i'm on a mac, sorry, no system32 here. what now?

>Eiffel Tower to go dark in commemoration of Manchester attack.
That will teach the Mujis!

Show 'em boys!

how will they ever recover

>this is one of the reasons terrorism is a good thing, we need more and bigger death tolls

Kek grants you your wish, in exchange you will lose some of your loved ones in an act of terrorism

The same thing happens again and again and again and again. Should've elected somebody who would actually bring about some change instead of doing some retarded shit with you gay ass tower, frogs.

How fucking Jewish is that? The dead aren't even worth the electricity.

So how long until the tower itself is bombed?

We must stand together against these terrorists who do terror to stop us from bombing Muslims in general and themselves in particular

Just bin that shit and buy a proper PC m8

Our prime minister is also very sad and his thoughts are with Manchester.


>we will save money on the electric bill to show our support!
so brave.

Why bother turning it on in the first place? Europe has something like this happening every other day anyway.

I knew they'd figure out how to defeat terrorism eventually.

How long will it take to have a dark Eiffel Tower all year? Maybe ten years or less?


Now we really wont be able to see them coming.

Did the Muslamics steal their cupboard key?
Have France officially ran out of leccy?

Why is the European mainland being so cold towards the UK? (I wonder...)

We tried that, it just forces the government to let in more refugees.

But the tower already got blacked by "art"