
Dude on the bike was pretty based. Had an opinion and facts to back it up. I'm proud to be of Polish decent.

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You forgot about
>tfw you will always be an influx from wykop that whores for attention on Sup Forums

kys you underage faggot, noone cares about this shithole

stop shilling, we are poor and nobody wants to live here
This place is even too extreme for gypsies

>last bastion of white identity
>still not considered white by the western faggots

Polska stronk.

Good post.

This thread is now a poland appreciation thread.

>people will start to visit your country to see the exotic white and Christian society in your lifetime

feels weird

>tfw you live in one of the most red pilled country in Europe
It's as degenerate as western Europe

>tfw you will NEVER have (((multicultural society)))
tfw your country has been ruined by Hitler and Stalin, and a fake elite has been installed

>tfw you will be one of the last bastions for white race in Europe
tfw you have to emmigrate to Germany and Britain, because Polaks are shit

>tfw you will not be able to surrender to, nor forgive, your enemy
we don't have any direct enemies as for now, you're only creating a fake world in your dumb head because you have a boring life

>tfw your failure may be the end of white race

Polaks are dependent on western financial transfers, 50% of our debt is owned by foreign banks, our welfare state will go bankrupt

Are you just a dumb Seba or something?

DON'T read this fucking moron, he's making me even more ashamed to be a Polak

>tfw my children will be going to Poland to clean toilets

Rebuilding a country takes time.
We lost our best in WWII and comies finished the rest.
We don't have the advantages that Germans have so it will take longer but if we stop now we will remain just a province in EU.


Weź już wykurwiaj gimnazjalisto.

No, I actually admire what you are doing and how you are facing the EU. And many people here also does.

From what I saw in Poland, a lot of younger people seemed to be leaving Poland to go to countries like Norway or Germany for jobs. Hopefully the economy can become better and younger people can stay there.

All this too


Nothing will happen. Westfags will simply be degraded to the lvl of Brazil, but still better. There will be a muslim underclass, and occasional terror attacks. Get used to it. No more peaceful high trust society for you, especially in the cities. Which you fucking deserve anyway. It won't "fall" there's not going to be any "race war" you dumb neet faggots. Brazil is a massive shithole and is still growing and doing OK. Things just don't work that way.

>Rebuilding a country takes time
You'll keep repeating that even after 50 years when it still will be shit?

>We lost our best in WWII and comies finished the rest.
a big part of Polaks supported commies

>We don't have the advantages that Germans have
Germany sooner or later will fall, like the rest of Europe

>we will remain just a province in EU
so what, Polaks want to be governed from the West

>be Hitler
>think eugenics will create superior whites
>invade Poland
>kill most people in the universities
>leave the rest to build shit
>lose thee war making sure all your best men are dead too

It's an uphill battle

>a big part of Polaks supported commies

>a big part of Polaks supported commies
I remember 1919 too Ivan

>Germany sooner or later will fall, like the rest of Europe

I can guarantee you that in 50 years Germany will still be here. You can screencap this. It'll be less white, maybe bigger shithole, who knows. Nothing will fall. It's all just bored neet faggots larping. The world moves forward and doesn't give a fuck about Sup Forums fantasies. USA is creating all the future tech and science, meanwhile 100% "white" shitholes struggle to create a decent sustainable standard of living. I'm not saying I want to live in multicultural society, I really don't, but saying that the west will "fall" is fucking retarded. If by some unimaginable chance the west "falls", we're fucked anyway, we can't do shit, out political classes are useless retards, it's all just larping and beating your chest like Polaks usually do.

So yeah, go back to cleaning toilets.

No seriously. Who do you think was in those secret services, secret agents, militia, ZOMO, Communist Party, etc.? Those were all Polaks. Who supported communists at universities? Polaks

>Nothing will fall
All I meant was that there will be a huge socio-economic crisis. Of course Germany won't disappear

Also if anything's fallen here, it's Poland itself, it's a failed nation and rotten to the core for the last 400 years it's just the same shit playing on repeat. Doing the same mistakes over and over again and not learning anything.


It's like saying Rome never fell since the city still existed.

>USA is creating all the future tech and science
You are saying Europe does not? the only problem is the EU bureaucracy stifling any real innovation.

>meanwhile 100% "white" shitholes struggle to create a decent sustainable standard of living.

They don't exist in a vacuum. Comie bullshit devastated Eastern Europe not only economically but also mentally. to recover from the post-soviet passiveness you need at least 30 years of not demoralised nation building.

Probably the same thing like in russia.

"The sad truth is that our secret services in the 1950s were dominated by Jews. They were disposed to Communism, perhaps it is genetic. All the people connected with the arrest and prosecution of my father were Jewish, and most of them went to Israel.

"Nobody says sorry to us, but nowadays we have to say sorry to Jews all the time. Our government apologised for the Jews killed by the Germans: now Israel should apologise to us."



Always archive known clickbait sources. If site, dump on archive.is; if youtube video, rewrite domain in link to hooktube.com


>the only problem is the EU bureaucracy stifling any real innovation
Rather small inner market

>Comie bullshit devastated Eastern Europe not only economically but also mentally
Eastern Europe was weak even before communism. Polaks are simply too divided to run a country, Bismarck was right

>You are saying Europe does not? the only problem is the EU bureaucracy stifling any real innovation.

Well you answered yourself. Look where all the self driving or AI tech companies are based for example - it's all USA, rarely UK. Europe is just mostly protecting it's old industries and following USA, while choking out any progress in our shitholes.

I'll be happy if we'll ever reach the economic lvl of Spain, and still remain irrelevant enough to not have niggers and arabs. That is if we don't fuck it up, like we have tendency to do - see II RP, PRL during Gierek itp..

>Polaks are simply too divided to run a country

America went trough civil war and never seems to fully agree at anything.
It will not be perfect but people need to stop expecting perfection and do what they can.
The real divides come from, like in most countries, from outside interest.

EU is an (((American))) creation.
(((They))) advised it as a way to stop European conflicts and solidify American hegemony.
People controlling it don't feel any connection to the European people.

>People controlling it don't feel any connection to the European people.

America is committing cultural suicide, wait one more generation and the vaunted American technical institutions won't exist, someone else will take the lead. Even top places like Stanford are becoming marxist, given time they will lose focus on science and technology.

i need redpill pictures where it shows progress of redpiling, the last state is natsoc
does anybody has these pics? pls post them, ive lost them inside my 4chin folda

If people don't wake up and demand to reduce immigration in Europe it'll maybe reach 50% white in like 50 years, but it'll still be there. I doubt that it'll be that bad. If any fall happens it's still a VERY long perspective, more like 50-100 years by which time we either have some super advanced tech that makes all this shit irrelevant or we revert to middle ages. Hard to say.
It'll be annoying, but it'll die out in time, all the current absurdities of cultural marxism. This comes in waves, last wave was in the 80s, they it toned down a little.