Left or right Sup Forums?

Left or right Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Both of those doughnuts look pretty good, but I'd go left.

left is a dirty coal burner, so right.


even her doughnut is blacked

Well i have some bad news for you

Id carpet bomb Ariana's womb

the right one looks a little bigger though...

Neither. They are only into niggers. The only skin shade they like.

they both are

keke noticed that too. you know what they say..

our left or their left?

great. well, I'll fuck the white doughnut, then.


U mad bro?

i'd rather go gay

both taken by Dan "hymen breaker man who then sends them off near Iran aka doodoo chest land" Schneider

She is clearly the superior choice

Shitty eyes.

>brown doughnut


Victoria Justice for me


all of them.

Truman Show.(Celeb/Hollywood Breeding program "Bulls & Mares" & Handling since Day 1)

Did a thread on it which you can find in here:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Neither, they're both used up whores.

The right one looks dirty.


Right while Right fists Left t b h

Back then I'd have fugged Ariana no contest
Nowadays she's crossed the line into absolute skank territory to the point I dont find her attractive

What's with this butthurt leftists lately? Don't you have to prep the bull or something?

Right, i don't like chocolate

They emptiness in their eyes suggest they are some kind of sub sentient, like most women. They're probably not very hygienic and certainly not enjoyable to converse with also like most women.

Oh my sweet summer child

A Challenger Approaches



Right you can't go wrong with a redhead

Get this fucking chink out of here

Disney gives the MKUltra treatment to all their child "stars".

I've always found Miranda repulsive

I wonder what their buttholes look like

At that time Ariana was without a doubt cuter than Jennette but she got more beautiful with time whilecArian started aging
Victoria Justice is better than both anyway

left, shes a fucking dame nowadays.


Dan probably gave that girl that shirt.