Would you rather live in a racially pure nation of degenerates or a multiracial state of true Christians?

Would you rather live in a racially pure nation of degenerates or a multiracial state of true Christians?

whichever one has the most BBC for white women

I'm a black atheist, you cunt

As a young women, I would choose the latter; I'm sick of small dicked white bois.

>a racially pure nation of degenerates

If by degenerate you mean pagan, i'll take the former.

A multiracial state of pure degenerates 2bh.
That way, I can look forward to seeing it fail.

A state of true Christians would probably only number in the thousands

The latter, of course. Culture is what matters, not race, it just so happens that most of the time the two coincide.

if you mean TRUE Christians as in those that will actually vote against parties whose policies go directly against the bible (IE abortion, gay marriage, etc.) then obviously the second choice, no question really.

the multiracial one as long as they dont interbreed

This is why women need their right to vote revoked immediately. Retarded decisions made by the insane lusting in their flesh.

What if they fuck goats?

Believing Jewish myths is degenerate.

I want to be killed by niggers. The #1 killer of christians.

Whyte bois on suicide watch

ooga booga.

Christians are degenerate by default.
Nothing good ever came from jewland

They both matter.

I forgive you. Kill me now.

>Retarded decisions made by the insane lusting in their flesh.
Men only gave rights to women because they thought that by helping females, they would gain pussy. Of course it backfired, as women hate weaklings.

The average men form the XX and XXI century are lustfull creatures too

The Bible is Anti-Christian. Jesus only had one idea. Let other people kill you, and go to heaven.

True Christians, that will be a small community...

I'd kill myself at the gate of the airport.

Depends which race. Racially pure japanese degenerates is already basically Japan, so that's fine.

British degeneracy is pretty appalling. I guess I'd prefer a traditional Christian society to this, even if it increased the shitskins.

You're a Muslim? Only Muslims kill themselves.

Beating the fuck out of merchants is approved too.

Why not make them beat the shit out of you! That's what I did.

One, holy, catholic and apostolic

The Bible is a sin. A book of lies.

I would rather op would go fuck himself

multiracial is degenerate by nature.

pure nation of degenerates can be redeemed and made non-degenerate as long as it remains pure.


The Crusadocaust is coming.

Faith in God is far more important than any other divisions on this Earth. Obviously the second one.

I'd prefer to live in a spiritual multiracial state than a degenerate pure nation, but the ultimate would be a pure spiritual nation. I say spiritual because Christianity and its denominations have failed the west, and we aren't forced to choose Islam or Judaism or something. Why not make up our own shit? Something that values traditional family virtues and acknowledges the vast complexity of the universe.

Pretty sure he meant degenerates

You can fix degeneracy, you can't fix racial impurity.

why cant we just be atheist

being this retarded

Racially pure state of degenerates any god damned day of the year

>tfw living in a racially pure nation of degenerates and all not true Christians

racially pure. You can always fix a degenerate culture, but you can't fix BLANDA-UPP'd brazil-tier demographics.

Also, the question is a false dilemma, since its the liberal atheist trash (and, of course, kikes) who are doing everything they can to make our nations multicultural and shitskinified.