Jewish Redpills

Okay, I just oficially took the last redpill of the jewish conspiracy medication, I'm completely convinced. Thanks, fat internet celebrity.

To make it clear what I mean, in this video at 1:13:05 he starts going into complete jew and starts defending pedophilia and later claims rape is human nature and just starts jewing all over the place.

Sorry to have ever doubted you guys, you were right about everything, drop all jewsih redpills in here please, I need them all.

Other urls found in this thread:

Please stop watching this kike from now on OP he is pure cancer.

>watching a comedy channel by a jewish normie to form political opinions
Glad to see you are based in the most objective measures in your decision making, OP.

nice try, heiko

- Judaism is not Christianity
- Jews are not raised like Christians
- Jews aren't conditioned to think like Christians
- the beliefs of conservative Jews and conservative Christians overlap on some things but not everything.

I've known a lot of Jews. There will always be a wedge between a Jew and Christian that thinks alike because of important issues.

Even the most religiously conservative Jew can be too liberal for a conservative Christian when it comes to personal morality, punishment for bad deeds, the belief in hell, etc.

Christians are raised to spread the faith, save the world by making people like them.

Jews are raised to keep their culture alive, protect their own kind, and don't actively recruit people to join their midst.

Christianity produces people to see the world in a particular way and Judaism produces people who see the world in another. This is where the clash comes from.

Is that woman retarded?

Mail order bride from Pakistan.

No, she is Israeli. Same difference.

>- Jews are not raised like Christians
>- Jews aren't conditioned to think like Christians
Elaborate on this? What are some of the fundamental differences that I might not be aware of (I don't know much about Jews or Christians honestly)

Does anyone have the screencaps where the guy explains how the rothchilds came to power?

Modern jewishness is not judaism, the holocaust is the religion of modern jews.

Not that it matters all that much, still a persecution/superiority complex which allows them to rationalize duplicity.


Just leaving this here as I always do...

is joji liberal faggot?
Is his character filthy frank just thing to entertain ppl or he means it?

Name calling doesn't accomplish shit, smart guy.

Ever talk to a Jew? They don't believe in hell.

Getting into a religious discussion could lead to an argument or butthurt. Don't discuss religion with a Jew.

Their morality is different, too. Some things that are super bad for a Christian are not-so-bad for a Jew and dietary laws don't matter to a Christian but could be important to a practicing Jew.

Jews also don't evangelize, proselytize like Christians. Many Jews are also taught that anyone trying to make a Jew convert to Christianity is being antisemitic.

Christianity is a religion that has bred warriors and spawned empires.

Modern Judaism is a religion for survivors.



May as well dump some Jewpills while we're here.

Where does he defend pedophilia? He asserts the idea that the cause may be neurological. It makes total sense to try to fix people with these urges because they're not something you can just gas out of existence, and condemning those who haven't committed the act but feel the urge only encourages them to hide their illness. The danger lies in the Left trying to normalize a severely harmful mental illness. These people need to be pumped full of drugs and put through lifelong therapy.






>Ethan is Louise Theroux fan




I think you took that out of context.
I know he's a normie leftie but he redpilled about some things. On that same podcast he talked about how the Gaza wall haven't benefited the Palestinians. He also said that he reads a newspaper owned by Hezbolla.




Zionism is the weakness of Jews... the Achilles heel. It proves they are warm blooded and not Reptilian.

Zionism is a romantic dream for the Jews. They stake it all in a small patch of land with sentimental value.

The White Man sees the world as his domain, his holy land.

Wherever the White Man is, that shall be the land of God.


He's neither.
He doesn't give a shit about politics. He has made fun of both sjw and altrighters. I know he said some stuff about US funding Israel to bomb Palestine in one of his Frank videos but I don't know if he was being satirical or not.

Just realized this thread was probably made to advertise his channel and/or because of the message about Trump supporters before he goes into pedophilia.

Saged and hidden.

I feel like Ethan is really abusing his role on Youtube. His channel was a comedy channel which was SOLELY reactions/parodies. This past year and in 2016 he's been a lot more political and SJW-ish. (((He's))) the only comedy channel to do anything like this (as far as I know).

The only time I have seen Ethan be political was in the BLM video (that was some sjw shit) and the YouTube censorship video.
I'm more upset about the fact that he's now e-begging because he lost "so many" sheckels when he got sued by that /fit/autist, when Ethan is one of the wealthiest youtubers.

Weren't they technically Jewish apostates?

How can you be an atheist, communist and Jewish?

You'd be an apostate.

You must be 18+ to post here, OP.

ITT: OP was a faggot

>Even the most religiously conservative Jew can be too liberal for a conservative Christian when it comes to personal morality, punishment for bad deeds, the belief in hell, etc.
That's why God punished them with 40 years of wandering, or rather that old Mediterranean fuck'n fried their brains.


>and starts defending pedophilia and later claims rape is human nature
He defended pedo-sexuality, NOT pedophelia. The difference being if the pedo has touched a child or not.
He said rape is human nature, but we've grown beyond it and are now fighting against it, which I think is true. I'm raping women by watching porn every day.


>implying its fine to be a pedo as long as you didnt touch a child
>implying CP is fine since you never harm children

Why is FilthyFrank even there, he's just sitting in the background not even on mic

georgy has chronic depression

>watching porn is rape
can't tell if feminist or cuck

Joji is a filthy subhuman halfbreed chink with no backbone or stance to discuss politics. so he just sits in a corner and smiles n nods , ching chong

In a recent video he talked about where he got to knew his fugly gf.

It had some pretty intesting insights on jewish young adult life. like those programs to force young isreali women and men to go on trips together and breed. Also he said the jews had it coming.

Where does Joji stand politically

He's certainly redpilled a lot of young people with his very anti-PC videos, but I'm guessing in real life he's bluepilled.

Hes based af

Not every jew is actively conspiring against white people or traditional values. Its so ingrained in jewish culture to be insanely liberal and anti-conservative that they do it without even thinking. Like a californian white woman or an effeminate nu male, these people will work against western society because they have been programmed to do so since birth.


Why did invite Joji and let this creep degenerate be the main guest ? That alone makes me hate Ethan.

What, is that Ethan? Of course he's a greedy jew. After the whole youtube adbucks fiasco he made ton of videos whining about 'muh shekels'. Meanwhile, he went to Vegas, acting like a rich bitch.

>Nothing wrong with pedos goys.

From what I've heard, Pinkguy, or whatever, is satire. In real life he's a libtard. He probably would have voted for Hillary if he lived in the US.

What, is that Ethan? Of course he's a greedy jew. After the whole youtube adbucks fiasco he made ton of videos whining about 'muh shekels'. Meanwhile, he went to Vegas, acting like a rich bitch.



H3 has no idea what he's talking about. Pedos are pedos because they were raped by pedos. The first pedo was a fag who couldn't get dick so he raped little boys or girls. Rapists are sexual power hungry deviants. End of story.

He comes off as a bernbro. I think Jojji is smart enough to know Hillary is corrupt.

Hey, goyim. Did you know "Jews did 9/11" theories are fake and gay? I'm gonna strawman my opponents by making them look completely irrational and not use any actual arguments.

I forgot to mention that Joji knows about pedowood.