*breathes in*

You sure know how to pick 'em Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:


We all knew he/his kids are jews, it's not news. he's still pushing back against globalists, which is the ACTUAL PROBLEM

>he's still pushing back against globalists, which is the ACTUAL PROBLEM
One in the same

but he is antisemitic...


Nobody on Sup Forums voted for Trump based on facts and actions, if they voted at all.

>"I'm a nationalist AND a globalist"

Border Adjustment Tax is DOA in the Senate, NAFTA renegotiation will basically make it the TPP, and he signed off on extending the EB-5 visa, one of the swampiest most globalist things in the government.


can somebody post kushners creepy face?

>trump is jewish shill
>trump is muslim shill
>trump is hitler
get your story straight retards.


hitler had jewish blood
hitler was sympathetic to islam and arabs
hitler wasn't trump though

Don't care you double nigger. It was him or Hillary.


>All those Jews just eating this up

The one in the hat looks downright gleeful! C'mon! He might as well go ahead and sacrifice his firstborn to Moloch...

but i thought we were building a wall!

a-are those US Marines?

are you making fun of trump for visiting the Jews? Jew?

>being this deluded

Looks like a satanic ritual.

The United State of Israhell.
The coup started full steam with JFK.
Now the USA belong to them. Every part of politic, economy and media are controlled by joo interest and double Israelite nationality.
We're close to the end just wait for the temperature to be colder.

I too fell for the Trumpberg meme, but at least I have the dignity and self-respect to withdraw my support from him when all the Jew brown-nosing and flip-flopping piled up. Some people here are completely delusional and will never admit to having been lied to.

>pushing back against (((globalists)))
>doing jew shit
One of these things is not like the other

Heads, you lose, tails, they win.

Quintessentially reddit




Its a doggy dog world.

This has to be the goyimest thing I've seen this week. Between goyims trying to convince tards that trump is not the best pres ever and retards being convinced and going "Huh, muh retraction", I surelly fucking wish hillary would have won. We don't deserve this god.


Why do those muhreens look so strange?


Anyone who thought Donald was going to be anything other than a jew lover is a moron.


Name of thing trump has done to fight globalism, or at the very least something is being done, not merely talked about it being done.

>when the last salvation for the white race was an obvious shill that was too intellectual incompetent to form a sentence turned out to be an obvious shill that's retarded

Lmao, it's so cash being hispanic. Once we take over we'll show you how to be based and kick the muslims and domesticate the niggers.

dam meme faggots im glad you wastes of life jew cuck is a bitch kill yourselves

so does that mean he has a blank check to be a sellout now you triple nigger?

There is literally nothing wrong with Israel.

They're close allies of the west, and they're the only democracy in the middle east.

Isn't their army like some matriarch full of hot women? How THE FUCK could you prefer Assad and his bearded muslim thugs over Israel and NATO intervention?

Do you literally like muslims or something?

And please, don't give me this shit about jewish conspiracies. I know, they're commie jews, and not every jew is a fucking commie

America now has two Presidents and two First Ladies. Good to know.

>oy vey, is that a penny over there?

10/10 plebbit-tier post, bet some people will fall for it

oh looks its this slide thread again

sage and move on

*squeaking sounds*