Fox retracted #SethRich story!!!!!!!

Sup Forums absolutely, objectively, completely fucking BBB TTT FFF OOOOOOOO

Fucking idiot fucks. Wake up. Leave your hugbox. It's OVER

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Archive Link to the original article or picture or something?

How unfortunate

pol is fucking stupid

it was obviously the Ruskiis who assassinated Seth Rich, and the cover-up is due to the ongoing investigation into Russian meddling into our election. It will be declassified in a few years, just watch. Print this out and magnetize it and post in on your refrigerator

Here it is, in full

No no the article in question i mean

That is the article dude. that's the whole thing

... the retracted article

Who gives a fuck about Fox. They're mindless shills just like all the others.

First time account is active since June 11, 2016

fox among the best. Retracting a story is more honorable than what CNN fake news does (silently deletes, or does not retract)

this is what absolutely booty blasted haters actually believe


>Corrupt News Network

Fuck off abatap

>cuckservative cover the story
>deep state cover the story
>msm cover the story
>family members cover the story

Remind me again why is Sup Forums pursuing this? Even if the FBI or CIA is hit in the face with the fucking evidence it was murder by the DNC, is fucking apparent they wont do jack shit.

They should have just sited "sources"


I had a strong feeling of intuition a day ago that the Seth Rich investigation was bought off, looks like I was right, how sickening.

If you believe that you are completely retarded. just confirmed it was Seth Rich. And theres not one thread about it. Media is recanting and terrorists are activating.

This is getting crazy.

anyone who follows fox is stupid

agreed, but at least I can shit in the toilet.