Careful with what you say about Muslims

If you really think us Muslims are as dangerous and as evil as you claim we are, then maybe you should tread lightly.

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They will catch a bullet to the head

Sup Forums gentlemen don't fear the mudshits

Daily reminder that the soviet leftists killed more muslims than anyone else ever will





kill jews also

oi vey


so powerful

Islam must be banned from the West. All Muslims must be slaughtered. Their desert must be purged. Every Quran and symbol of their history must be burned and destroyed. Future generations will never know the goat fucking, suicide bombing desert barbarians. Slit the throats of Muslim of people. Kill Muslim people when you can get away with it. Kill their children and piss on their Quran. Kill as many Muslim people as you can before you pass away.


>us Muslims
move back to the shithole you belong you sand monkey.

Not scared

Kill all the Jews and your problems will be over Mudslime

>don't call me violent or I'll behead you
Typical mudshit lmao

We know you are dangerous. 1400 years of history has already proven that.

Only problem for you is: we are more dangerous.

Pic related.


why do you wanna wake up the white man again?


This post is a shitpost. Newfags will be Newfags and won't sage.

They are dangerous because we let them. Our only problem is how hypocritical and cowardly we have become. Conflict is inevitable, we have to adress the invaders problem right now. By violence if necessary, and imo it is necessary.

Dont be fucking silly. Its muslims who need to tread carefully. Eventually people will get sick of it and thats when the fun will start. White westerners may be patient, but when they snap, they snap.

Islam is a religion for untermenschen nobody fears you, you little rat.

I wish a nigga would.

you cucked yourself many times over, stfu



Give me your home address and I'll cure all your ills.

whites arent united enough, the muds will band together


>fearing danger and evil
Hatred is not fear.

lose some fucking weight, mike, god dammit

How about you give me yours and I'll send a package over?

I promise you will be blown away by my gift

If it wasn't for the seudo-philosophicals and the spazzy western left, your pea brain goat fucking ideology would be wiped off the face of the earth because of the cancer it is.

>If you really think us Muslims are as dangerous and as evil as you claim we are, then maybe you should tread lightly.
Stop blowing children up in the name of Allah and people will stop perceiving muslims as evil.
Lol you muds couldn't even beats Jew, the most unathletic race on the planet.

Our governments are inviting muslims in to save money sending our troops over to bomb your countries.

Bringing mohammad to the mountain of bullets if you will.


i keked

>tread lightly
America is literally the most bloodthristy nation to ever exist
We have only had 14 years of peace since our founding. 224 of the 240 odd years we have existed we have been at war
Go ahead, try it and see what happens

No they wont and even if they could they would still loose. Muslims have 0 military power.

If Western Civilization can shake off its jew brainwashing it will easily wipe islam off the face of the earth.

Yup. People seem to intentionally mistake these two.

I hate. I do not fear. I hate.

You're dangerous like the flu is dangerous, it takes aids (liberals) for you to become a real threat

>Eventually people will get sick of it
Yes, but it most definitely will not be you

>Muslims have 0 military power
they can do what they have always done, take it from others. france most likely actually, just outbreed you and usurp the democracy

we will turn up as service tech.mercs. we do our job , than we will interrupt your water supply and your power grit . then we will make sure that you niggers do no longer breed . Waffen SS .

Mm k, Zipperhead

>Go ahead, try it and see what happens

I think they know dude.

t. Hasn't Seen Money Masters

w-what did he mean by this?

>damn OP, its the truth though

muslims have killed several whites, and instilled fear in their minds--heck,muslims have killed several white kids, while the reverse has never happened

i guess, you're winning heisenberg



>muslims could use our weapons and nuclear arsenal anyway.

Muslims are a real pain in the ass but they are powerless on the global stage

>poking the white man
Maybe this time it will go well for shitskins.

Not dangerous, just evil. Evil enough to shred 22 little girls with a suicide vest nail-bomb. The dangerous ones are the leftists who let it happen.

you should be afraid of us whites goy

> beat the shit out of each other for hundreds of years
> get bored and fight other people on every corner and face of the earth
> conquer the entire world
> get bored of that and have two of the most devastating wars in human history
> the last time whites got mad at another race we wiped two of their cities off the face of the earth

we are made for fighting and it may take until the last second for us to wake up to this invasion, but when we do you better hope you're back in the 3rd world shit hole that you came from

>photo of jew

Keep poking the bear. It'll be your funeral.

Your stupid country bitches about actually having to send troops on the ground all the time.

You are a nation of cowards that only have the edge due to your size and technology.

Muslims will gladly fight in war without any debate because we are not pathetic cowards.

That's why you fear terrorism because you cannot fathom such a selfless act of sacrifice for a cause bigger than your own personal comfort. We Muslims understand that sacrifice. We will gladly do it when we are needed to which is why you are afraid.




No, we keep you weak as you always been

t. hasn't seen addicted to money

Fuch off mudshit


It's not as simple as that but, you're right.

Our ancestors literally told the worldwide empire to fuck off, then proceeded to carve their way out of complete wilderness.

>If you really think us Muslims are as dangerous and as evil as you claim we are, then maybe you shouldn't let them into your country

fuck off mike

Kek try harder you irrelevant worm, you can't trigger me.

Finally I can use this reaction pic

Eat a dick fag.

don`t think so , a so called "refugee" in a supermarket ( today ) was about to challenge me . he lost . I was in Afghanistan were I killed and tortured shitskins . cops turned up an I broke the niggershitskins legs . " take me to court fukkers" - I went away , i do not care about CCTV or fukk . his wife was on the parking yard ; i destroyed his car , opened the engine and turned it into scrap . cops take picture and I give a fukk

Why do you think ANONYMOUS message boards are the leading place to talk about this?

>Our ancestors literally told the worldwide empire to fuck off, then proceeded to carve their way out of complete wilderness.

This is why I respect you guys. Too bad you let your country go to the sewer just like us.

i dont want you to be exterminated by vilent idiots in our civilisation.

you have to change... for fuck sake this isnt the 7th century anymore.

moderate Muslims have to drag the rest into the present.


Too true.
Feelings took over policy and here we are.

In other words, women got involved in making decisions.


you were in ISAF?

lol you're a 12 year old who lives off your grandmas internet please stopn

This multicultural cancer really shows how retarded the masses truly are

Just imagine the amount of idiots who think these terror attacks should just encourage us to more tolerance. This level of stupidity shows that human beings are mostly just a bunch of dumb plebs who don't deserve to feel good about themselves for one second. (((Media))) is misleading the public so easily that it's depressing. We will never learn from history and we're always doomed to repeat our mistakes.

Humanity is overrated.


>If you think Muslims might attack you, we will attack you.

Gee user, thanks for putting my mind at ease

Because we cant get our reputations and jobs ruined by bleeding heart libtards and kikes.

I'm neither a goat nor a child. Ergo, I have no fear of anal rape.
That DLC was pretty dece.


always violent

Malaysia is a Muslim country.

We have a small chance of victory but if we win be sure you'll end up in a camp if not lucky enough to die.

Was the Prophet Muhammad really a pedophile?

Careful what you say about white people
If you really think us Whites are as genocidal as you claim we are, then maybe you should go back to your desert shithole. Or else I will hand you over to mkhabarat.

White people nuked a defeated Japanese Empire twice for no fucking reason other than they were a bunch of Japs... And you think you can threaten us?

A handful of white people conquered the entire planet and held on to it for centuries. It is you that should tread lightly with us.

Islam is at war with the world and it needs to be destroyed for the benefit of humanity.

Islam is the enemy within all nations.

Why tf you guys can't understand that belonging to a muslim country doesn't make all of its citizens muslim . In most arab countries , referred to be muslim , which is wrong , the majority are muslims just because they are born there not because they understood what islam is about and wanted to obey the rules , i'm pretty sure that all over these f countries most people who say they are muslims dont pray and don't do the many things their god told them not to do . A clear fexample , prostitution , nudity in beaches , the way girls dress in public etc .. all of these things are forbidden and dont make one a muslim , still , everybody says he s a muslim because every since we are born we ve been taught to say we re muslims , islam is our pride , its a sin if you do not say you are a muslim , like even though you don't believe in that shit you MUST say you re a muslim , if not you just get criticized by those brainless people who f would want to kill because they think its djihad . Just wanna let you know

I've lost internally never said Muslims are dangerous. All I've said is that they're stupid, smelly, ugly, and weak in comparison to westerners and we should eradicate or contain them like Abos.


lol we're not scared of you. We're just trying to rally enough support to holocaust you.

Never treat Muslims like emotionally mature adults, got it.

This. The intellectually inferior aren't a force of fear. They're a force of self destruction. Islam will be gone within the next 20 years. It will never improve but civilization will. The incompatibility will only become more clear until it's so obvious that not even leftists will be able to deny it

She's so inspiring.

I don't get the term 'islamophobia'... Nobody is afraid of you and nobody fears you muslims. You are evil and you are dangerous, but that doesn't scare anybody. Wanna know what we do with evil and dangerous animals who won't leave us alone!? We kill them.

that's nice montenigger, but keep yourselves in your own mudslime shitholes otherwise you wont exist even in your own "countries" that really dont even exost and are just balkanizations of the ottoman empire
really islam is just a holdover and a clinging to the dream of the ottoman indoctrination
if only ataturk had the conviction to send pisslam to be forever lost at the bottom of the sea

Beyond killing a couple dozen people while at work or enjoying their leisure time, what have you guys actually accomplished?

t was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

This desu senpai