
pol i have a problem

so.. pol hates atheists.. however the only reasons i have seen is because of the bible

i am an atheist but i believe in christian values as a good collection of values to live after

am i still degenerate? i just can't wrap my mind around a "god

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fucking Sup Forums sheeps think with your own head sausage

yes you're degenerate and also an actual idiot.
Belief in God is the only logical conclusion that can be made if a person possesses the capacity to actually comprehend what the argument is saying.

Hurr the universe just fucking exploded into existence for no reason one day because um idk singularity or something. Then life sprang into existence for no particular reason whatsoever. And it also figured out how to self replicate. And it also figured out how to eat and shit.
Then one day a retarded fish left the water and flopped up on land. This was a bold move and it was so successful at flopping around on land eating... rocks I guess, that it had lots of kids who slowly got more retarded and grew legs and started eating each other. The ones that could flop around the best ate the most and the population became extinct. Then this new form of life decided to get together and move into an apartment like structure they called a tree and eat all the shit that the little retarded fish babies shat out.

>I think evolution is bullshit, because I don't understand evolution, because I don't want to learn about evolution, because I think evolution is bullshit and so on and so on

that's not the point, i don't believe in a certain god, there probably is one, but there is no connection to the christian god

just christian values make most sense to me you fucking inbred

i am an atheist but i believe in christian values >as a good collection of values to live after

>am i still degenerate? i just can't wrap my mind around a "god

You can belive what you want!
It´s your path!

Evolution is so ridiculous, obviously an invisible sky wizard created everything!

>just christian values make most sense to me
Belief in God is the only logical conclusion that can be made if a person possesses the capacity to actually comprehend what the argument is saying.
Christian values go hand in hand with the existence of God your fucking moron.
They didn't just draw up an arbitrary list of things which were to be considered "moral" like some kind of mormon.
Without the God there are no morals, they are one in the same, each begets the other, they exist concurrently.

but most "real" christians from back in middle age acted the christian way because they feared the shit that would have come on judgement day
while i act the christian way because i think it makes sense

also so you believe there was a god who knew about literally everything, every challenge and physics and shit that fits so perfectly together with so many effects of physics not being used just to create a little project where people start killing each other to fight around who has the better idea of him? sounds like as far fetched as "everything is random"

1. I believe the Christian God exists, therefore I follow christian values

2. If there is no God, whoever has the biggest gun is God

3. If there is an entity out there in space that calls itself a god, it and humanity are going to have a little fight in the future

scepticism is not wrong like the filthy christkikes choose to assert
christians are the rudest of all the religious people i have come across
they are walking bags of shit
>They didn't just draw up an arbitrary list of things which were to be considered "moral" like some kind of mormon.
protestant, catholic, mormon, jew, muslim is all abrahamic tales drawn up by kikes you fool >Without the God there are no morals, they are one in the same, each begets the other, they exist concurrently.
your morals are a bastardization of true religious morality आर्य ārya Aryan >so you believe there was a god who knew about literally everything, every challenge and physics
the simulation hypothesis is not antithetical to aryan ideology

Look up the video: who god is and who god isnt by bishop barron. God is not an entity within reality, it doesnt have a physical manifestation that can be located or known. It is the very essense of reality and the potential for everyrhing in existence.

Why does reality exist rather than not? Find the answer to that question for yourself.

>my magic sky wizard has to exist because there has to be a reason for everything

Do you also think there's a deeper meaning behind something like pic related?

user I'm an ideological nihilist!
But this question you can only answer and not Sup Forums.
It is only necessary to create a consciousness of the maladministration, not to ask right now "give the answer". , That would be exactly the MANIPULATIVE ANSWER, because what does it mean? As individual responses when the collective consciousness persists? It must be broken, then answers can be given. "

thanks tyrone, will check out

>American education

>still more believable that nothing jerking itself off into everything

you're just German and western
you're close to the God like Titanic to Melbourne

"You don't have to believe it to be true to believe it."

t. British Crown Court Judge and Knight of the Realm

>Hurr the universe just fucking exploded into existence for no reason one day because um idk singularity or something.
I don't mean to be disrespectful, but nothing in this argument can't be seen as an evidence that we live in a computer simulation.

hey OP, I'm in a similar boat, but I've come to a much better understanding, I believe, of the message in Christianity after reading Rene Girard.

You may try to do this as well.

I Believe in God, but not because of human evidence or logic. I Believe in Him because I have faith.

>God is not an entity within reality, it doesnt have a physical manifestation that can be located or known. It is the very essense of reality and the potential for everyrhing in existence.


that doesn't mean fucking anything

don't try to justify your make believe bullshit with words that sound important

Hitler was god, Sup Forums

Many Christians believe in evolution. The creation stories contradict each other and we're meant as political statements about other religions and about men and women in general. The editors of the Bible that out it together in the davidic monarchy knew this and we're highlighting the discrepancy by putting them together. The issue was not the details but the recognition that creation comes from God and that it comes with choices. Also the Hebrew word is actually "recreate" not "create".

why would you be degenerate. Believing is god is completely stupid, everything speaks against it. Atheism is the only thing it is ok to sound "arrogant" about because nothing will get closer to objective trush than saying that god doesn't exist.

You might enjoy Ecclesiastes. It's written from an Epicurean standpoint. Was almost thrown out of the Bible several times along with song of Solomon and job.

Your "logic" and "reason" make it difficult for you to accept that God exists. That is God's greatest gift, and test, for you. Faith comes easily for some. It will be more difficult for you to put aside your ego and accept Christ's divinity.

Try reading some christian scholars like St. Augustin and Thomas Aquinas. They weren't dummies

I've always been an atheist but more and more I think the country needs christ.

>strong national religion
>less degerates
>no fags and muslims
>more local community

>ass backwards education of creationism
>have to pay every now and then? God on money?

Cons are a small price to pay.

That is actually really well put.

I am an atheist. Pol can go fuck itself. Larping teenagers or twenty somethinga that want to play conservative.

Is it retarded American meme?
> Not only can faith and reason never be at odds with one another but they mutually support each other, for on the one hand right reason established the foundations of the faith and, illuminated by its light, develops the science of divine things.
Pope Pius IX
>Some new findings lead us toward the recognition of evolution as more than a hypothesis. In fact it is remarkable that this theory has had progressively greater influence on the spirit of researchers, following a series of discoveries in different scholarly disciplines. The convergence in the results of these independent studies - which was neither planned nor sought - constitutes in itself a significant argument in favor of the theory.
Pope John Paul II
>Since it has been demonstrated that all living organisms on earth are genetically related, it is virtually certain that all living organisms have descended from this first organism. Converging evidence from many studies in the physical and biological sciences furnishes mounting support for some theory of evolution to account for the development and diversification of life on earth, while controversy continues over the pace and mechanisms of evolution.
Pope Benedict XVI
>God is not a demiurge or a magician, but the creator who gives being to all things... The Big Bang, which nowadays is posited as the origin of the world, does not contradict the divine act of creating, but rather requires it. The evolution of nature does not contrast with the notion of creation, as evolution presupposes the creation of beings that evolve.
Pope Francis

>strong national religion
>less degerates
>no fags and muslims
>more local community

thats not christ
thats unbeliever talk if you only get into Christianity because the values
and you dont really believe

notice how you shat on creationism looks like you dont even believe in gods word

dont waste your time you need to get saved first

It's memeing.

I appreciate the Catholic quotes, but be warned, that triggers the Proddies on here.

>inb4 antichrist

Left = ideal Atheist society
Right = ideal Christian society

Atheism is bad news even for Atheists.
As an Atheist, I'm very much grateful for living in a christian country. they are objectively the better country to live in for all minorities.

2nd problem:
Atheism is generally creating weak populations that will eventually be invaded by islam. And once your country is muslim, it will only get worse and worse.

>a good collection of values to live after

why are they good though?

Because the alternative is worse.

I wouldn't call myself a Christian, but I would a Theist. Sometimes people are just looking at the question wrong. Are you really going to assert that all Christians always believed that God was physically manifest? Not talking about Jesus as his avatar or whatever.

Look up Thomas Aquinas, that's where my statement came from. Guess when he lived?

Modern Atheists misunderstand the question. Science and theology can coexist. They seek to answer different questions. Science asks how, theology asks why.

Evolution and the Big Bang are the product of what we call God. They are the natural way of the universe; life is a natural manifestation of the nature of our universe and therefore inherent to it. The question is why should anything exist at all rather than not? If the universe was truly meaningless and pointless, why does it even exist?

>Big Bang

none of those things exist though

catholics dont believe in god thats why they accept all the worldly false science and try to blend it together

Noone can accurately say where the origin of reality comes from. Christians say God, Atheists say big bang. Who created God, who created the big bang? It isnt answerable.

The final redpill is that some bluepills are necessary. The truth of the matter is that the statement "We don't need [religion] to be moral!" is simply not true for a lot of low IQ people and historically the way to keep the dumb masses in line has been instilling the belief of a Big Brother higher power to both intimidate and inspire. There literally are people who cannot be good people without some concept of an external force doling out punishment, and there are people who cannot figure out prosperous living without having it laid out to them as an existing imperative from an ultimate authority.

If I had to choose between everyone suddenly being an atheist, or everyone suddenly taking up devout Catholicism, I'd easily pick the latter, because I honestly believe that the majority of the population needs the structure, community, and authority of religion not to become utter fucking degenerate scum, because the average IQ on Earth now is around 88. That's not retard tier, but it's honestly approaching the diminished ability for empathy and rational evaluation of moral actions within a social context. Without the bluepill of religion to provide a rigid framework of moral organization for these people they basically become the degeneracy we see today with the increasing secularization of our social landscape.

Basically, most people are too stupid to handle redpills and the responsibility that comes with them, and so for these people. bluepills exist, not only to improve their lives, but to improve the lives of those who've been redpilled so they don't have tonnes of people taking the redpill who can't handle it.

>Left = ideal Atheist society
>Right = ideal Christian society

Some people do not become non beliver because they are ideologically left!
During the war years, I have learned what religious or political ideologies can do!
So to assume that everyone who does not believe in God is equal to the left is a collectivist statement

Not my concern honestly. They are as free to believe as they will as I am. I think ancient man was more knowledgeable about theology in many ways, when you consider the discussions and arguments they had compared to modern Christians.

I agree with you, I find myself more of a Theist. I believe there is something out there, not to align myself with any one particular religion.

I would say that people would argue your question of "why should anything exist at all rather than not? If the universe was truly meaningless and pointless, why does it even exist?" with a response of something like "there doesn't have to be a why". If we're accepting the fact that we all just evolved from nothing it would just be the sheer luck/chance out of the billions of cosmic entities out there, we are just the best roll of the dice to have the perfect... well everything, for life to exist.

Christianity is a fucking normie religion. There is only one true faith. REEEEEEEEEEEE

there is non believers and fedoras autists
i have no problem with non believers

Maybe you're just an idiot?

I don't care about the finer details, I'm more practical result oriented.

When you weaken your country's religion, you will push the low IQ people to the left, and they will have no resistance against islam. See

Evolution can't even explain the beginning of life.

Not every argument worms for everyone, sure. That one has meaning to me though. I don't necessarily mean there has to be a singular meaning behind it all but the fact that we exist rather than not could mean something. Theoretically we could not exist, but manifestly, we do. Thats the evidence we have.

Protip: at least 10% of people that go to church every week are atheist/agnostic and only go to be part of a traditionalist, non-degenerate community

Let me tell you something, OP. God is a faggot and so is his son. Jesus was a cock-sucking rag head an that's the real reason they sliced and diced him and tossed him on a cross.

god doesn't exist

Quit making Americans look bad you stupid cunt.

People like you are the reason I have to pretend I'm Canadian on here.

Chemicals combine to form simple life that gains complexity over time. We have created organic compounds from inorganic compounds already. That life builds on itself to be more complex to the point we're at can be construed as a work of god.

More importantly, we have proof life is not only possible, but the natural progression of the universe.

>asking an imageboard populated with underage redditors to be your moral compass
Look, man. Just live your life; Sup Forums is mostly white trash and edgy teens so their advice should be taken with a grain of salt, as long as you're a good person does it really matter if you believe in something or not?

If you're an atheist you have two options, either become a cultural christian and therefore a useful member of society, or become a worthless fedora maggot.

Easy choice, if you ask me.

You've taken the latter, I presume?


if you're asking Sup Forums what to beleive you may as well be a christian, but the actual mindset of christianity is antithetic to european ideals of individualism and self-determination. True evil is the manipulation of others, and the manipulated are just as guilty. Whose life are you living? your own, so take responsibility for it and live for your own motivations.

Many Christain values are beta as fuck.

The meek shall inherit nothing.

Atheism is so 2006. It's been kicked to the curb by everyone.

Atheists just can't get over the fact that they lost the culture war.

Let me take you under 18s back to the year of 2006:
>atheism on the rise on the internet with their voices getting more heard everyday
>atheist leaders like Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens are respected voices in the community
>r/atheism is one of the top boards on bleddit
>corporate stores trying to push things like "Happy Holidays" and having "Holiday Trees"

Cut to today:
>Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchen (may he RIP) viewed as complete psychos for their insane political/social views
>r/atheism moved to the basement of bleddit because it was embarrassing euphoric garbage
>things like "Reason Rally" draw less than a Hitler impersonator at a bar mitvah
>atheist communities tear themselves apart over things like elevator gate (giving rise to New Atheism, and Atheism+, which are less successful than just regular Atheism)
>constant rape and sexual assault allegations at atheist conventions (even atheist leaders like Lawrence Krauss are other atheist leaders)
>"Happy Holidays" and "Holiday Trees" are a distant memory
>liberal atheists in Britain crushed by Brexit

And quite frankly all this bad stuff wasn't even needed. All it would have took was one euphoric quote and a couple of fedora pictures. Christianity is still kicking 2000 years later, and atheism is at it knees because of a jpeg of a fat guy in a fedora. Sad

U can have normal morals and values, u dont need to call them Christian...

Nay, sir, I'm a devout Catholic.

The truth OP, is that it doesnt matter if god is real or not, and the decision of whether or not to believe in one omnipotent entity controlling the universe doesnt decide whether or not you are a degenerate.

You decide that yourself.

what created god than you muppet fucka.
>"err muh gerd gerd had to create univurse cuz it cant cum from notin, god can tho cuz god he special so he can magicelly aper n sheeeeiiitt"

>I don't care about the finer details, I'm more practical result oriented.
Well the Devil is in the Detail! Or not!?
To Become Results you need to see the details to!

>When you weaken your country's religion, you will push the low IQ people to the left, and they will have no resistance against islam

What a irony! I come from Country with Ortodox/Islamic background!
And if i remember the Nationalistic Power was the reason for the war in my country!
The problems that Europe has now are not the reason because the religion is weak but I would say wrong decisions of the political elite!
Just like the political elites who themselves have shown themselves to be Orthodox and God-fearing, but from their ideological perspective they have shown themselves with their deeds more than despots!

If you are looking for practical solutions, do not be surprised if the shit flies around the ears!
Practical solutions have their price

>Belief in God is the only logical conclusion
Facts, evidence, objectivity, logic, math, scientific method, reasoning and critical thinking are all rational.

Beliefs, superstitions, religions, myths, bias, legends, supernatural, pseudosciences, metaphysics, conspiracy theories, delusions and hallucinations are all irrational.

That's the inescapable taxonomy.

The moment you add supernatural beings to a logical syllogism, it isn't logical anymore.

>Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchen (may he RIP) viewed as complete psychos for their insane political/social views
This isn't quite precise. The feminist Atheism+ hijacked the movement kicked kicked them out.

Atheist movement was destroyed by feminism, Thunderfoot has documented in pretty well over the years.

>things like "Reason Rally" draw less than a Hitler impersonator at a bar mitvah
>atheist communities tear themselves apart over things like elevator gate (giving rise to New Atheism, and Atheism+, which are less successful than just regular Atheism)
>constant rape and sexual assault allegations at atheist conventions (even atheist leaders like Lawrence Krauss are other atheist leaders)
This is spot on.

God exists as a descriptor of the self. An ideal self. It's all about the psyche. There's no heaven, but there's an ideal that God represents, a utopia that heaven represents. That's what religion is - it's utopia. It's values are most important, it's transcendental nature, not so much.

Inanimate matter appearing from nowhere is more believable then an intelligent, omnipotent, omnipresent sky fairy appearing from nowhere and then creating everything else with some kind of magic mind powers. How can cunts actually believe this shit in 2017? It hurts me physically to know there are actually people this stupid alive today.
Additionally atheists don't claim that the universe came from the big bang, it's a working theory that is just one of many possible explanations, because unlike theists we don't have to pretend to know everything just to validate our existence.

The problem is that as soon as everyone starts behaving like you then the whole thing falls down because there's no-one actually dumb enough to enforce the religious values with authority. I use to be like you and then I realized it's not sustainable to base your life of something that will eventually fall apart the more people act that way.

Hatred of atheists is usually about the Ricky Gervais type. Just don't be an insufferable, simpering, overzealous cunt about it and you're generally fine.

>Facts, evidence, objectivity, logic, math, scientific method, reasoning
Did you hear what the latest science has said?

Apparently the clever women in the journal or Pediatric medicine has figured out that it's unnatural for women to breastfeed their babies.

>Without the God there are no morals,
All morals are created by men and agreed upon by men.

Evil men invent gods to enforce their morals. They prey on fear and ignorance to exploit and subjugate others. They lie and pretend their man-made morals were written by gods.

Details distract too much and are inefficient.

India: tries to fight their muslim problems with tolerance and western values
China: fights their muslim problems with flame throwers

China is at least 9000% more efficient than India. Why? Because they ignore your silly advice.

>What a irony! I come from Country with Ortodox/Islamic background!
Then you agree Christian country like Austria are better than your islamic shit?

>Atheism is so 2006
Non-belief preceded belief in human history

But he is ultimately right. Your movement has been destroyed from within.

>Did you hear what the latest science has said?
Science doesn't say things.
If your mind was rational at all, you'd know that.

>>If your mind was rational at all
Right, right. Attack me instead of addressing your science shit show is going up in flames.

did you know nigger scholars now believe that melanin is the essence of life?

they claim they're scientists so it must be true.

Life is too complex to be a result of randomness.

However, God is complex enough to have appeared from nothing.

My logic is infallible.

also they're women so I'm not exactly sure what you're expecting here.

>Your movement has been destroyed from within.
Atheism Plus is a meaningless fabrication invented by a blogger.

Atheism is not a "movement" It's just non-belief. Theists have to meet weekly for their indoctrination - atheists have no such need for props and crutches.

Atheism has been around a lot longer than any of the Abrahamic religions and it will be long after they all perish from the Earth. Because it's rational.

there are a not insignificant number of catholic anons on pol, and as a catholic i don't hate atheists.

the church's view of atheism is set forth in one of the documents of vatican ii, "gaudium et spes" ("joy and hope"), specifically pars. 19-21.

English-language translation of gaudium et spes:

here is an interesting, rather detailed commentary on ges by an atheist blogger:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

>Whereas a student of church history might expect [GeS 19-21] to anathematize the atheist, no such condemnations are forthcoming. Rather, what follows is a sober, fair and introspective analysis of the significance of nonbelief for Catholic thought...The willingness to look at the problem, calmly and without rancor, is impressive.

>am i still degenerate? i just can't wrap my mind around a "god

Yes, but at least you are trying I guess

>Atheism is not a "movement"
This is a lie. I recommend you to look up the first "Reason Rally".

Then compare it to the other "Reason Rally" that followed it. This is after your movement was destroyed.
Compare attendance numbers.
Compare who made the speeches.
Compare rules and regulations, you wil find some nice "tolerant" and "inclusiveness" policies.

Why do you care what Sup Forums thinks? This board is literally half satire and half people retarded enough to fall for the satire who have become brainwashed (but note they have neither the means, motivation, or balls to do anything about their psychotic beliefs).

Oy vey. Those blog posts were actually written by an atheist who converted to Catholicism.

*smacks forehead*

goyish kop strikes again.


>Right, right. Attack me instead
In the marketplace of ideas, lies deceptions and disinformation deserve no respect. It's perfectly OK to call out the stupid and dishonest for what they are.

>of addressing your science shit show is going up in flames.
Unless you live in a cave in Bora Bora, you probably enjoy the benefits of technology that diligent scientists worked hard to produce. So not only are you a petty liar, but now a hypocrite, too.

Good luck living your science-free life, fibber.

I forgive you.

> Admitting you care what Sup Forums thinks

Find the nearest bottle of bleach and chug it like no tomorrow. Your "problem" can not be fixed.

I am God. I am Jesus. Come and get me. You'll never get past the guards.

>you probably enjoy the benefits
I won't be able to in the future when your atheist friends destroy science.

Same. I don't particularly believe in god, but I appreciate the use of a god to promote wholesome, Christian values.

The universal worship of deity and deities is not because you there is a literal "sky god" you fucking nin-year-old. The Universe IS God. That's what it is, the Universe is God and that is why he is omnipotent and omniscient.

Look at it this way, you are half way to being religious. The word "faith" mean believing or having trust in a noun while there still can be doubt. Have faith, you already have doubt, so you are already accepting faith. This is why people go on the journey from:
>born into religion
>become atheist
>Become AGNOSTIC- having doubt but realizing what faith is
>become religious













>This is a lie.
This is a perfect example of the dishonesty I was talking about

>I recommend you to look up the first "Reason Rally".
There is a difference between non-belief and secular politics. You'll probably need to pass 9th grade civics first so you don't keep making the juvenile mistake.

I don't care if you are an atheist, but people who are secular contribute to the downfall of culture, tradition, and religion as a whole. These individuals tend to develop apathetic views towards everything, and are indifferent to other cultures, religions, etc.

There'd a reason why countries wire already religious populations are doing a better job at preventing Islam from growing there. You can support Christian values but that does not make you a Christian, nor does acting like one make the situation any better. When secularism overtakes Christianity (as in lots of Christians do not actually be love in God or Jesus, etc) this signifies Christianity is corrupt.
