Anyone else wary about Cernovich?

Anyone else wary about Cernovich?

This guy was heavy into the PUA community writing about sex pillows and womanizing in Las Vegas a few years ago, and now he's everyone's favorite right-wing Twitter Jew.

I'm not saying the guys a fraud but does anyone have any information on the guy's past?

Other urls found in this thread:


retarded conmen and scumbags-anyone on the alt-right

opportunistic celebrity whores-anyone on the alt-lite

I will give it to Gavin though because he has been consistent in his beliefs long before this was a thing. What I hate is people like Paul Joseph Watson or Mark Dice because they were Illuminati faggots forever, then when people stopped giving a shit about that, they jumped on the Trump train.

is the tranny story true?

yes, be wary of everybody.

Seriously what does this guy and everyone else in the 'alt-right' do?

It's like they make a living by inconveniencing sjws and are proud of it.

He is a lispy piece of human garbage. He constantly makes up nonsensical sensational headlines to plug his "brand" And he got the embarrassing hashtag StandwithFLynn going while Flynn was lying to the president.

Cernovich has broken a lot of news stories before MSM did. He seems to have develop a legit source network in the past 2 years.

There is huge overlap between the manosphere and the alt right. We even stole the term "red pilled" from them.
You're on the wrong team if you don't like that kind of stuff. The alt right is basically the love child of the Manosphere and Gamergate.

His was a lawyer for Hotwheels (the former 8ch admin) at one point. He looks like a kike.

I don't trust any e-celeb today, they're all in it for the money and will comprise on any issue or principle just for more popularity.

who gives a shit? did you elect him as your leader? no? then shut the hell up.

His kid looks incredibly brown. Deep down it pisses him off. He wishes he could have gotten a white wife.

I was so disappointed when I first heard his voice

I used to read /r/TheRedPill

I grew out of it.

I'm an oldfag info warrior, and I've read and listened to enough PJW over the years (dating back to at least 2006) to know he's genuine and that Trump was the logical choice for him to back as a candidate based on his beliefs. Can't say the same for Mark Dice. I really don't know how long he's been around.


I can't stand it

LMFAO... what has he broken? The Susan Rice thing? You mean the thing Sup Forums was speculating about for weeks before Thernobitch said anything? The only thing Thernofaggot may have broken in that regard is the fact that some in the media knew about the Rice thing and were sitting on it. That's it. Everything else that faggot has ever said has been legit fake fucking news.

I don't trust any guy who self-promotes a lot, I don't care what side he's on. Insane levels of self-promotion almost always means the product is inferior.
The only guy on the "alt-right" I pay attention to is Vox Day because his content-to-shill ratio is very good.

Cernovich got a (((nose job)))

From early D&P article on sex pillows

Speculating about shit and speaking to actual sources and confirming what is actually going on are worlds apart.

>scooter gang

someone should try to find an early pic of him pre nosejob

Spewing a bunch of shit from Sup Forums and then being right 1% of the time is not "having sources".

Seriously Mike, you need to just end your fucking life. Nobody likes you. You've become a lolcow. That's legitimately the only reason anyone follows you. Just for the LOLs.

Found it

why would you defend this creepy loser?

kek, you don't have to be a libshit to see that the alt-right worships some really pathetic people

Lmao you think he is just lying about having sources? That he gets his information from Sup Forums? Jesus, try doing something with your life instead of raging at people more successful than you for no reason.

I don't see anything wrong with those tweets.

the bottom tweet is true tho

he's just getting his - he is someone who spend 2002-2008 on "make money forums" he probably sold that energy drink for a while
he emulated anyone who was making waves
but why bear him any grudge? let him get his
we all found our path, i did a lot of fucking stupid shit and ignored politics for a long time, but in my defense I was out in the country and not giving a fuck
good times
oh, all his edgy shit stems from the "we have to legalize rape in homes" comment by some faggot pua (they are stupid, like "I have a phd in being attractive to women" no, I am attractive, I have a big dick, I am instinctively good at picking up women, i don't need to be a fag about it)
where was i? yeah so this comment was just about fending off rape charges - so, if you enter a home you sign a waiver that it's for sex or something, that's what he was saying, because women were starting to actively target men at expos to spread rape accusations (see assange)
he was trying to build his social lolfuck empire from that kind of shit - but anyway
stop being fags on fags on fags and just fucking talk about IDEAS not people you FAGS

>I'm not saying the guys a fraud

Hes a fraud.

people ARE ideas you fag

Have a (you), I laughed.

Kike. Controlled opposition, good friend of that plant Alex Jones. What else you need?

trump was the obvious choice for anyone believing the illuminati exists you fucking retard

since at least 2006

plebbit you have to go back

It's really not hard to be more successful than Mike Cernovich.

Step 1: Work for a living and DON'T just live off your ex-wife's alimony
Step 2: Congratulate yourself for being more successful than Mike Cernovich.

Guy is using his PUA bullshitting tactics in media and the goyim just love getting fucking lied to.

Beware this guy.

And his squeeky bitch voice.

Always remember, at least you're not Anthony Burch.

He's right. I don't even like the guy. YOU are the creepy feminist loser.

There's more to success than just money. Does it bother you that this ape looking motherfucker has 10000 times more political influence than you?

>mike cernovich is a cuck

No, because he has no legitimate political influence. He's a fuckin LOLcow. LOLcows don't actually have any influence.

I don't like his style (reminds me of Russian paranoia) but he one of the few people in media who aggressively cover or push info about what is going on in South Africa.
For that alone he'll earn a place in heaven, no matter if he's a jew or not. (I don't even know if he is)

You must be living in a parallel reality. You have to believe he is a lolcow because your brain can't comprehend the reality that he is becoming a legit journalist now. Lolcows don't get White House press passes.

>Lolcows don't get White House press passes.
Are you kidding me, CNN is there every day.

You don't really have a handle on what a lolcow is. Chris-chan is a lolcow. Jake Tapper and Rachel Maddow aren't lolcows, even if Sup Forums laughs at them.

>Applying for a day pass to cover a White House press conference is actually pretty easy and awarded to most bloggers and journalists who apply, even from small outlets. Day passes are awarded directly by the administration. A day pass is much different then a “hard pass,” which allows for a permanent spot in the White House press corp.

>Other pro-Trump “alternative media” bloggers like Lauren Southern and Gateway Pundit’s Lucian Wintrich have successful applied for day passes. Cernovich’s case appears to be an outlier.

So basically, he applied for and was originally denied a day pass - which is really easy to get because even Lauren fucking Southern got one - and then threatened to sue unless he got one.

Yes, you read that right, Lauren Southern - who is barely old enough to drink - got a press pass when Cernovich was originally denied. Then he threw a hissy fit like a little bitch and was eventually given a day pass (which anyone with a blog can get).

Anyone working so hard to tell you how alpha they are is not alpha. He is a little cunt always trying to prove he isn't.

>what is a joke

Either way, the MSM is constantly ridiculed while they themselves don't have the slightest idea why anyone would ever not take them seriously. Didn't you see the CNN host sperging out violently after one of her guests said CNN's anonymous sources were shit? And did you forget how Trump turned 'fake news' around on the MSM brilliantly, creating months of hilarious squirming?

>Then he threw a hissy fit like a little bitch and was eventually given a day pass (which anyone with a blog can get).

You're mischaracterizing it, they didn't deny his pass because he's Mike Cernovich. He misunderstood what happened at first, he had just missed a deadline.

Anyhow, you still haven't shown how he is a lolcow.

Yes, I do know what a lolcow is. Mike Cernoviich is a lolcow. He tries to be serious and does not know that everyone is laughing at him and making fun of him behind his back, and most of the people who follow him are doing so for the LOLs. He is the very definition of a lolcow.

>Anyhow, you still haven't shown how he is a lolcow.

Ummm... Have you heard him talk?

>everyone is laughing at him and making fun of him behind his back

So his meteoric rise in popularity in the past year was just people following him ironically? You're delusional.

FUckin BuyMY BOOKs GOYths

Is there a lower form of """"man""""?



so am i and Rand would have been his choice if he had principles. he might have been skeptical of trump for a day or two but when he saw his fanbase liked Trump he changed on a whim, when he saw a lot of his fans claimed to be alt right, he called himself alt right, when everyone came down on muh alt right for being racists he started counter signaling. he's a disingenuous con artist and dumb as fuck to boot.

Its funny when he deletes his tweets when trolls dog pile him for taking swings at the alt-right on twitter and mock him

I didn't mind him at the start but after following him for some time i am suspicious of him its funny that him and milo are almost both hated by elements of the left and right for different reasons
he talks about himself a lot also he constantly repeats himself in periscopes god its annoying if your waiting for information, the world revolves around him its unbearable to listen too,
But i get it i know what hes doing
If it was just going after and exposing dodgy cunts trying to topple trump i wouldn't care in fact that's a good thing trump needs people exposing the lies about him, but him and watson shouldn't act like they are the counter culture or that anyone gives a shit about the issues from their cucked point of view
They wont be able to compete with RedIce and other you-tubers who give no fucks and tell it how it is, also they don't try to make money off it or market it as a brand
Some times i think they are trying to be gatekeepers and guide it for as long as they can away from the real counter culture and what that means for non whites in Europe

>yeah mike, you're just soooo popular

yes, that's how these scammers work. see jake prosobiec for example. thernovich wrote a blog with rape strategies on it that was laden with referral marketing for flavor of the month miracle supplements. he doesn't have any sources.

>it's the google search trumpflakes
top kek at you idiots

lmao monkey boy could you make it any more obvious

That's not fair, Milo was the most popular alt-media figure in 2015-2016. This is a fairer comparison. He ain't doing so bad.

Remember when he was assaulted? Poor guy!

>tfw not even as popular as a 21 year old canadian college student

Top fucking kek.

Ya but when he says shit is going to break and it doesn't 95% of the time it still doesn't matter.

I got into this redpill business through the PUA scene. Cernovich is clearly a product of the same pathway. He's got that same get rich quick sleeze one is bound to pick up from the David De Angelo/ Jeffries NLP crowd. I've followed his stuff on and off. The whole time. I don't think he's controlled opposition or anything.

Seriously though Mike, you really need to consider just ending it all. I mean, I hate to see a little girl grow up without a father, but its probably for the best. Better to have no father than to have one that's a roided up monkey kike that essentially advocates for rape and also fucks trannies.

Yes. Allison Rapp's husband. Anthony Burch is just happy he's not him.

>Moooom it's not fair! I'm so much better than that stupidhead Cernovich! He doesn't deserve it!

Dang, this whole irrelevancy thing is really getting to you. Maybe you should stay out of politics, for your own sanity.

PJW is a sell-out. I have been watching him since 2004. Infowars used to be about false flag terror, exposing the deep state and police state, and touching on libertarian issues. Remember that PJW denounced Trump as a Hillary plant (which I think was true initially, remember the Bill phone call to Trump?). Then when the Trump train started rolling he got on board, then de-boarded because of Syria, then re-boarded because he was losing followers. He used to call himself a Rothbardian libertarian (AnCap) and now sells "Conservatism is the New Punk Rock" shirts. Very cringey to watch his decline as he tries to appeal to the canaille.

>implying lolcows are somehow relevant

It's an undeniable fact that thousands of more people listen to him compared to you. His tweets get a good amount of likes too, compared to his follower base and tweet frequency.

>implying I give a fuck about twitter likes or mentions

Not that I give a fuck about (((twitter))), but there are literally thousands of absolute morons and lolcows who get more likes and retweets than Thernodouche.

He's married to a god damn muslim, if that's not the red flag then I don't know what is.
>the real secret of thernokike is (((s)))he's FtM and controlled opposition being set up to be knocked down

He's not jewish, he's croatian

Guy is subversion Jew 100% not to be trusted

hes a pure fucking con man

he was charging retards like 400 dollars to watch a video of him telling you to breath in really deeply and then exhale really deeply for like 5 minutes

Therno raised 5k usd on his manchester livestream for charity
His audience is 50 year old widows and PUAs
Hes here to stay

>false flag terror
You do realize that 99/100 attacks are real?
This is a Intel community tactic because it implies "nothing actually happens, there are no bad guys, only ebil gubberment" and this allows Leftists to continue saying we should not "fear" enemies in our midsts or "hate" ideological opponents.

False Flags became a huge meme folowing the London bus bombing, and they were used to sow contempt for Right Wing policies by claiming that Blair and Bush were orchestrating all of it themselves.

The Thought State absolutely has and it is controlled by leftist Globalistas who advocate white genocide.

He makes decent points every once in a while, but he legitimately believes he can vibrate his atoms through walls with the right state of mind.

cernovich was a regular on the rooshv forums a few years ago. i haven't been over there in a long time, ever since i closed down my manosphere blog because that shit is dumb.

I get it your a shill nothing you said made sense plenty of people don't like him here and can do a better job of articulating why,
If you people actually lurked and observed then you would know that,
People don't like him because he tries to sell everything as a brand, hes a milk toast classical liberal or so he says, nothing about him is right wing or edgy he is terribly narcissistic
some photos hes taken and shown with interesting people not all of them but some are quite telling, he is very in the open about it if you can read in-between the lines
He has an agenda to be the big dog in alternative media and i don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, alot of autists follow him vary carefully if you people want to destroy him or shill him you cant he will do it himself or the autists watching and waiting might if he over plays his hand
This is something out of my league the game being played
Shouting something about mike being a tranny will cause people to lose brain cells reading it, Come on do some research its so obvious you don't belong here, you don't understand his motivations or the people here we are not all the same also we know hes jewish yelling kike doesn't make you fit in or look like a regular


He is, unquestionably, an insufferable lisping twat.

faggy snarky liberals talking about some con man

>Lauren Southern (Simonsen) is a Jew
>Mike Chernovich is a Jew
>Milo Yiannopoulos is a Jew
>Ben Shapiro is of course a Jew
>Alex Jones has Jewish children
>Donald Trump has Jewish grandchildren

This whole "mainsteam alt-right" is very Jewish, I would not trust these people.

>Jared Taylor has no Jewish connections
>Richard Spencer has no Jewish connections
>David Duke has no Jewish connections

This is the people who you should follow.

Lauren is not Jewish. When will this retarded meme die?


>Richard Spencer

Aren't the three you listed as trustworthy KNOWN to be limited hangouts?

I always wonder why they would create 'controlled opposition' that fundamentally undermines and damages them. The GOP, yeah, obviously. Not sure how Cernovitch and Alex Jones are making life better for the """elites""". If anything they are stepping stones to farther right.

he loveth traps, tho he can't be all bad.

99.9% of the time when Sup Forums claims someone is "controlled opposition" it's bullshit based on how they FEEL about a person, not on any hard evidence.

It's also a shill tactic to call people controlled opposition to create confusion and infighting.

>being too smart to understand satire

You do realize how obsessed he is with testerone levels right? He monitors his blood work and takes more hormones than most trannies do.

Come on man
the difference between the
Alt-right and the rest of the anti globalist's
Is the Alt Right advocates for white interests it was always about that some didn't know it or pretended they didn't know it during the American election,
Also many of these commentators get lumped in with the alt right as a shilling tactic which is what you are doing, its painfully obvious with your wording and some of the names you mentioned
Also if someone is jewish and is anti globalist and doesn't have a problem with whites advocating for their own interests that's fine that isn't a problem also Israel existing is not a problem, if you understood what the alt-right was you would would realize that.
Showing a picture with Gavin and the star of David doesn't mean anything it doesn't make any sense in what ever shilling tactic your trying to push i could think of several ways to shill and cause division but your post contradicts itself several times no matter what angle your trying to push,
You don't understand these people you mentioned you don't listen to their interviews the scripts your following are not coherent

Well shit my autism is showing

How else am i supposed to react so many of these posts are just horrible none of them make sense people are just throwing names around and shouting jew,
I think im going to get a nose bleed reading these threads they are that retarded

All PUA's are ultimately after one thing: numbers.

Cernovich simply realized he could never fuck a million women in a single lifetime, but he could get 1 million twitter followers.