Now what drumpftardnazis?

Now what drumpftardnazis?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nashit is a troll.

hispanic != white

thats considered white now?

Your trips have no power here

If White Hispanic exists then Barack Obama is White Black

White hispanic lol!!! Aka a spic and not white


There is such a thing as "White" Hispanic

Just like a "White" Negroid. pic related

>white hispanic

If thats white, we are near 90% white as a nation

>white hispanic



I remember when this guy was relevant!

If this guy cured cancer he would be simply Hispanic.

(((white hispanic)))
can we get rid of one or the other.
it's redundant to classify someone by their skin color and "ethnicity"

>white hispanic

Y'all niggas retarded

Hispanic isn't a race, it's a culture, an ethnicity

You can have black hispanics and white hispanics

that brown cunt in OP is obviously not white, he's obviously brown.

T. White hispanic

>he's a african-native-latin-asian-american WHITE GUY you nazis!

Why is everyone on Sup Forums a moron, Jesus fucking Christ.
White Hispanic here, the denomination Hispanic is only a term to mean "of a Spanish Speaking origin", my family immigrated from Northern Spain (Galicia/Asturias) and from Northern Italy (Friuli Venezia Giulia) to Argentina in the early 1900s, spent two generations in the country, never bred with the natives, and only bred with other Europeans, and then they came to the States and I was born here. Given this fact, I am considered a White "Hispanic", even though I am white and the majority of the morons who use the "White Hispanic" denominations are Mestizo pieces of shit that should have been eradicated when the Spanish were cleaning house, and many of whom, discriminate against me and other whites, as a means to claim we were their oppressors, discrimination towards pure blood whites in Latin America is rampant.
>inb4 ARGENTINA IS WHITE!!!!11!!1
>inb4 Italians aren't white
>inb4 Spanish aren't white
>inb4 you aren't white

White hispanic is not a thing. That's like saying a white black individual. Shitty attempt at peopeganda is shitty.

shut the fuck up you pedantic beaner

Yeah, that guy's mestizo as fuck.

Didn't even fucking read, you're the reason our fucking test scores are shit, it's because low test, low IQ pieces of shit like you are in our education systems. And im still probably white than your dumbass Cletus, probably have 60 percent Irish (Potatonigger), 30 percent nigger, and 10 percent injun, but you're totally white huh?

>only 153 retweets
>gets posted here ten times a day

You need some better material

Spanjaarden buiten

this might be considered a white hispanic.

People don't magically turn white just because some retarded person on twitter wants to be. If your name is islamic you shouldn't be living in America or the West anyway.

So tell that to Nasheed?

White hispanic lmao

Can't wait until they start reporting Chicago crimes as being commuted by white African Americans

>T. White hispanic
Come back Manolo.

>white hispanic

we wait for the inevitable Muslim extremist attack and hopefully Tariq Nasheeeeeeeit is a victim of his own arrogance.


Get the fuck out of my proxy for a start you utter idiot

Stop Naziphobia!

He legit doesn't care, he is purposely inflammatory because it keeps him in the spotlight.


Muslim is a religion.

Being Muslim and "white hyspanic" aren't mutually exclusive.

Assuming they are mutually exclusive is actually racist. South America also has decent population of muslims.

What makes a man white and Hispanic? Seems oxymoronic

He kinda is, I mean he is more Oreo black but white in the core.

Implying those numbers don't seem about right to combat fraud.

>white hispanic

How come nobody else has pointed this out?

God damnit pol, you're better than this shit.

>Now what drumpftardnazis?

Mmmm I think he was a White Black

Muslims are not a certain color.

Muslims are members of a religion. There are many white Muslims.

>thats considered white now?
[ √ ] Right-wing
[ √ ] Conservative
[ √ ] Former military
[ √ ] Aggressive and violent
[ √ ] Insanely gullible
[ √ ] Doesn't play nice with others
[ √ ] Pro-Trump

Yep, he's one of yours!