His dad has access to the gmail account

If there was evidence in there, he'd have gone public months ago


Other urls found in this thread:


Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on archive.is; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to hooktube.com


> When Seth Rich’s Gmail account received an alert this week from Mega.com, attempting to start a new account on a website created by the New Zealand-based Internet businessman and convicted hacker Kim Dotcom, his family knew that something was off.

> Over seven frenzied days, Dotcom had become a leading purveyor of the theory that Rich, a staffer at the Democratic National Committee who was shot dead near his home in Northeast Washington last summer, had supplied DNC documents to WikiLeaks and was killed as a result. Multiple security analysts and an FBI investigation have tied the release to hackers with ties to Russia. D.C. police have said repeatedly that they think Rich was slain in a random robbery attempt.

> According to experts and Rich’s family, the emailed invitation from [email protected] appeared to be an attempt to gain access to Rich’s email. Joel Rich, who maintains his late son’s Gmail account, did not click the link. Meanwhile, Dotcom was promising on Twitter to prove that the younger Rich had been in contact with WikiLeaks — and Fox News host Sean Hannity was telling his 2.37 million Twitter followers to be ready for a revelation.

> Hannity had invited Dotcom to appear on his show for what he said on Twitter would be a “#GameChanger” interview. The implication: that Dotcom would finally offer evidence of his claim that Rich had sent internal DNC documents to WikiLeaks before his death.

> All that began to unravel Tuesday afternoon, when Fox News retracted a story that had claimed the same Rich-WikiLeaks connection, telling readers that the article was “not initially subjected to the high degree of editorial scrutiny we require for all our reporting.” Fox News did not respond to a request for comment, but Dotcom wrote on his website that he would not speak further about his allegations.

We should start a hashtag calling out his dad.

How about #FuckSethRichsDad


Kim is a con artist, but it's rich to see WaPo calling others fake news. RUSSIANS HACKED THE VERMONT POWER GRID!!!!!!!!!!!


Plus, they have their Russian-collusion fake news, no matter how many intel officials (even fucking Feinstein) say there's no evidence of collusion.

Are you retarded? His parents are obviously being paid to keep quiet why else did his dad hire wheeler in the first place.


So.... where's the reputable source disputing this because all I see you citing is trash media.

This is why you don't announce your announcements days in advance, gives them too much to prepare frame jobs like this

genetic fallcy, read the sticky FAGGOT

You're only making things worse for yourself when the truth we all know comes out.

I trust WaPo as much as I trust Kimfatcom

If investigating the murder of Seth Rich is upsetting the family so much why is the Washington Post still talking about a conspiracy? Really makes me think.

Did kimfatcom back down from testifying?

I wouldn't put that past Kim, but it doesn't make all that much sense.

1. Anyone could enter Seth's email address into the Mega registration page to try to discredit Kim.

2. Kim could've added Seth's email directly to his site's database, not needing to go through the registration process.

3. "appeared to be an attempt to gain access to Rich's email" is dumb-dumb.

Kim is a bullshit self-promoter, but the uncharacteristic energy with which these outlets are trying to shoot down the Seth Rich story is odd. The most charitable explanation I can think of is that they perceive it as a threat to their Russia narrative, and they perceive it as such because they're a bunch of Democratic-aligned hacks, which is consistent with their muh-Russia fake news, after all.

you seem upset

My wife could open my email and dig around and never ever ever find what ive done in the past with my email. Why? because she knows as much about computers as Seth Richs father. the article is just another form ofproof of complete dishonestly from the media covering up this murder. THEY KNOW a forensics team would find everything versus a scared father looking through the computer. last night hannity became proof that they are willing to destroy you over this.


Why would you maintain your dead sons email account?
Surely you'd just close it if you had any sort of access.

Its all lies isnt it? Outright fucking lies.

Delete this you mong. He lost his son and is clearly subject to immense pressure rn.

Any chance is girlfriend would help? Her name is kelsey and her last name starts with an m but i cant fucking remember what it is.

Obvoius psyop slide thread. Go tell your boss Soros how much you love the taste of his cock

Try to imagine this:
OJ Simpson is rumored to be a suspect in a double murder. The family of the victims and the media beg the public not to investigate OJ out of respect for the victims families.

THATS HOW FUCKING BIZARRE THE RICH FAMILY IS ACTING!!!!!!!!! They dont even want to know. Thet literally dont want people to find the killers. They literally dont want strong leads investigated. I have NEVER seen a reaction like this EVER.

FUck off shill

Except they put out a video a month ago thanking everyone for looking into it

If his dad actually wants to find out the truth, tell him to check Seth's protonmail account.

Its washington post, so mostly lies, yea.


don't listen to this retard

Wait, how does making a mega.com account give you access to his gmail?

someone in the last thread hinted to a protonmail canary, could this be it?

"In February 2017, we received notification from the Geneva prosecutor’s office regarding an impending data request from overseas that will come with a valid International Letters Rogatory. The most probable data requester is the US government. Update: The request is from the US Department of Justice in a case of extortion against a prominent advisory firm. After reviewing the relevant evidence forwarded by US authorities, criminal intent was apparent, so Proton Technologies AG decided to comply with the data request, to the extent that it is possible, given our cryptography."

So possibly (((they))) already have his protonmail?

Holy shit the shills are being more retarded than usual today. Seeing washington post as source on several subs which should be well aware that its just a CIA propaganda-piece who happens to employ our favorite pedo Skippy.

his dad has access to his gmail account?
How did this happen?

is it common for an IT expert to share their password with their father?

>last night hannity became proof that they are willing to destroy you over this.
No, it became proof he's a pussy who won't talk about it again.

Who the fuck shares an email account with their dad at 27 years of age?

wapo is not a credible source

You're doing God's work.

How do you like being Soros' cock holster?

Thank you-people aren't getting this. We can't be so reactionary. With all of the time we spend on this site and having a common goal, we really could use some organization. This website is becoming the OWS of the net. We will be gone and taken over by the next swarm or this site will go to shit eventually, the site that was rife with anonymous, that's doxxed and raided so many people/businesses and we can't even avoid click bait links.

Also-archive any "evidence" before going public. If you believe that you found something significant, look for those who have made headway and figure out how to speak with them p2p

he seems to have used very trivial passwords.
"remember me on this computer" or similar on dads comp is also a possibility.
It being the (((spokesperson)) having acces via DNC hacking squad is another possibility.

when will this meme die? this has got to be the cringiest and fakest conspiracy out there. take this stuff to please. no one is buying it.

I stopped reading at "the fake-news tale"
Thanks WaPo
May your stooges rot in hell with Jeff Bezos and all the CIA hacks who own you


I hate WaPo as much as the next MAGA PEDE, but please keep in mind that Kim Dotcom is a fatfuck con artist and literally nothing ever happens when he gets involved. You're certifiably retarded if you think KDC has ONE (1) single shred of evidence.

it doesn't. thats how retardly stupid this attempted smear is.

Holy shit these childish smear campaigns just dig them in a deeper hole. I have no opinion about Kim Dotcom as a person but its so pathetic and transparent when people try to discredit him.


name one time he conned anyone.

What is there to discredit? All he ever does is post unsubstantiated one liners on twitter.

An advisory firm is something like a bank and the extortion makes me believe it has to do with ransomware, not Seth.

>baby's first attempt at shilling
yeah right, should have noticed earlier
I'm now #teambadluck all the way
Poor Seth, so unlucky to be the only White murdered in D.C in 2016 while coincidentally working with senior IT clearance within the DNC as a Bernie supporter at the exact same time when it was rigging the primaries against him
imagine being that unlucky
poor Seth
very very unlucky


He blueballed us with the hillary email thing, but he never explicitly lied.

The entire general election his twitter feed was full of "SOMETHING BIG IS GOING TO HAPPEN JUST WAIT IM AN INSIDER LUL". He's a wikileaks clinger who tries to take credit for shit he has no involvement in.

ok, how about this then?
"In the 4th quarter of 2015, we received a request from the Swiss Federal Police to retain data for an account that was the subject of a criminal investigation. The data preservation request was made by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation via MLAT agreement. After consultation with counsel, Proton Technologies AG decided to comply with the request and preserve the requested account data. No data was handed over as we have yet to receive a binding court order requesting this data.
n the 1st quarter of 2016, we received a request for user data from the Ministère public of the Republique et Canton de Genève, originating from the United Kingdom, which was legally valid under la Convention européene d’entraide judiciaire en matière pénale (CEEJ Strasbourg 1959, RS 0.351.1) and the Deuxième Protocole additionnel (Strasbourg 2001, RS 0.351.12). The full facts of the criminal incident was provided to us. Given that a criminal action was clearly involved and in breach of our terms and conditions, we declined to mount a court challenge against the request. Proton Technologies AG decided to comply with the data request, to the extent that it is possible, given our cryptography."

or other

its not that they don't want to know, its that they don't want Rich's death to be politicized and clearly the DNC has gotten to them in a big way as they now have an official PR guy running the show now.

>Justice for our son
Choose wisely Rich family.


Repeal of Smith-Mundt January 2nd, 2013 never forget

In New Zealand somebody anonymously leaked an alleged letter saying that Kim Dotcom was going to use said letter as proof that a New Zealand politician had done wrong. But the reality is someone connected to the politician just did that an attempt to discredit Kim.

It's like if Trump said he is going to make a speech tomorrow about building the wall and then conveniently tomorrow some *staffer* anonymously leaks a supposed draft about Trump gasing the mexicans and saying Jews did 9/11. Its the most basic politicking redirection play and people buy it hook line and sinker.

Contributing columnist: archive.fo/cImzy

I do think Rich was involved with the leaks but I really doubt he would be so stupid as to use his personal email to do so or have any communications with Wikileaks. He set up several Twitter accounts, I don't doubt he understood the benefits of anonymity.

If Kim Dotcom is for real he needs to provide communications and other emails Rich was using.

Kim Dotcom is a false flag, Sup Forums called it as an assassination the day it happened.

This is an interesting theory, but you don't need FISA to surveil foreign agents outside the US or unmask intel reports.

Why are you shilling the Amazon/CIA Post, Pajama Boy Faggot?

seth rich would not have used gmail to contact KDC or wikileaks

Rich's death is certainly suspect, but that does not mean Kim has any connection. More likely he saw an opportunity to bait some retards into believing he is some sort of international man of mystery as he has done.

>If Kim Dotcom is for real he needs to provide communications and other emails Rich was using.

then pray the US gives him temporary immunity to testify. He faces charges from his megaupload days if ends up in the USA for any reason unprotected.

Here's the red-pilled list:

1. It's plausible that Seth Rich was murdered for political reasons, whether it had anything to do with the WikiLeaks releases or not.

2. WaPo peddles fake news. Muh PropOrNot. Muh Russians hacked the Vermont power grid.

3. Kim Dotcom is a self-promoting LARPer who's full of shit.

He posted his gmail account on Reddit multiple times so I doubt he understood the benefit of anonymity

look at the effort you are forcing operation mockingbird to put out

you are winning the war through relentless pressure

why should a young jewish dnc staffer's murder not receive our help when the detectives themselves knocked doors for help?

The Fire Rises brothers and all the disinfo agents won't be able to handle the light oof truth

It was NYT last month.
Do you guys just flipflop to fit?

That's the Russia narrative-
We were hacked by Israel and China too but they don't want to go there. The Russian narative wasn't fully embraced until Obama signed the disinformation and propaganda act. This whole Russia narrative is all about public perception. Just go back to December and find some news clips in regards to Russia narrative, then search after the date that this bill was signed, they went all on.

They just so happened to have brought it back to life during the primaries. Not sure of its original intentions but it was "bipartisan"

lol no. state run propaganda is Voice of America and a couple dozen radio and other media creators that pump out shit in a bunch of third world countries. the reason the Obama admin allowed VoA and others to promote here is because they started filling America up with 3rd world shitskins who can get their commie propaganda on the tv and radio but they couldn't get their American propaganda on their tv and radio.

you have probably never even seen or heard VoA or any of the propaganda b.s. because you don't speak Somali or any form of Arabic.

the US govt was worried that if they don't allow their US propaganda they may get radicalized. as far as Federal propaganda goes, its almost unnecessary considering how almost all news packages that national and local media plays comes from the exact same AP or Reuters sources which has long ago been compromised.

this is Kek confirms, Pedomolester is likely getting rattled expect non stop assaults from Wapo and other infiltrated orgs

Wow. What a surprise. Who would have guessed.

You fags are so damn gullible. In your minds the DNC is already guilty and no amount of evidence would prove otherwise. You're worse than Liberals shilling any Russia.

Out of 65 names on the unsolved homicides list for the DC metro police, there is only one white dude. This needs to be investigated. archive.is/1V05T

You are mistaken. archive.fo/cImzy

>checked and confirmed that Sup Forums is never wrong. Was there that day and seems no one remembers
I wonder why?

why is it so unbelievable that a leftist techie who is involved with politics would have contacted Kim to discuss the internet party and such ?

I fucking wouldn't go public against the Clintons. I prefer my airplanes not to crash and not to suicide myself with shots to the back of the head

Using your primary gmail account to disclose information.
From a somewhat tech savvy guy.
When you can literally rent a server for a month at 10$, install mail client with cryptics, register it under dyndns.
Why would you do that?

It's like there isn't a massive body count following the Clintons and so many suspect narratives floating around. How stupid of me, sweetie.

What is this fucking normie cuckservative Seth Rich fucking bullshit?

he had a protonmail you know.

What's unbelievable is that KDC has even a shred of evidence that could be used to do anything. The guy was silent on the matter for almost a year, then the PI report makes news and all of a sudden KDC is the smoking gun? This guy likes to LARP and pretend he is more important than he really is.

I'd love to be proven wrong, but KDC has ZERO credibility until he provides something substantial.

His dad might of had access to his email. but its obvious that seth had MANY alternate email accounts that his family didnt know about, did his profile from the dating site show up in gmail? More then likely NOT.

Don't give up now lads we are gaining ground on them.

I literally could not care less about Kim.
If he has something fine, if he doesn't it will just fade away.
This shit is much bigger than him, if he's willing to sacrifice what's left of his image cause he's full of shit that's his problem. Hopefully for him he's a bit more clever than that.
Seth Rich is big. It is the thread that may untie a large part of the knot. We will not stop until we get to the end of it. You will have to literally end Sup Forums and imprison hundreds of anons.


No idiot would send leaks over gmail (well, maybe HRC). Check his proton accts

He waited until hillary was not in power, and comey was fired

I warned you all that Kim would kill a legitimate enquiry into the Seth Rich murder. Looks as if this fat fuck is taking Hannity down with him. No, it's not because he's on some government payroll for a psy-op. He's just that fucking shameless.

He has precedent for jerking people off, he conducts himself as a showman, and now he's conveniently made the release of "evidence" contingent on a condition he knows will never be granted to him.

Yeah, I'm sure he only has a gmail account. And if he were to leak info, he would most certainly use gmail! Not like he has a more secure account for that.

Jesus fuck. I hope ppl don't fall for this.


Them trying to influence an investigation before coming out of the dark and putting a target on their back is usually how it works moron.

Since you guys appear to be getting assaulted non stop, let me give you a lead

Brad Bauman is more than a DNC crisis consultant.

Here is his families foundation and why he is arrogant:


This is a known CIA front.

The Fire Rises Brothers.

>The guy was silent on the matter for almost a year, then the PI report makes news and all of a sudden KDC is the smoking gun?

because he has a shitload of charges hanging over his head in the US. Yes just let me casually mention I was involved with hacking the US election, its not like the US won't extradite me for it or anything.

>cant archive source
>reddit spaces
op confirmed plebbitor

I knew as soon as the fucking idiot got involved things were going to get fucked. I fucking hate him. And it pisses me off people still fall for the fucking shit.
>OMFG Kim Dotcom said he knows what's really going on!!!!
Why the fuck would he? I wish that idiot would just fuck off and die.

kys fgt

I don't want to sound gay but you have beautiful digits