Just accept that you were wrong


Other urls found in this thread:


No. I knew exactly what I voted for

See, I know I could just agree with you. But then we'd BOTH be wrong.

She's right, seeing him surrounded with all these jews, and none of them in the oven, anyone who doesn't cease their support makes me fear for America's future

We still love him for his malicious hate, it didn't just go away

All I see in her tweets is "Waaaahhhhh, why didn't you vote for the rapist and the crook?"

So you knew you were voting for a jew-worshipping, lying sack of shit? You knew he would be unable to build a wall, incapable of repealing obamacare, and a retarded statesman who gives away code-word classified information to foreign actors? And you still support him? You must be more retarded than the average American.

So you voted for a man that sucks Muslim dick? Cool story bro.

You got your buzzwords confused, faggot

Sorry sweetie, I don't care about your blue cuckmark. Your opinion doesn't matter, roastie.

Who is this cunt


yehhhhhh imma have to say go fuck yourself.

lol, notice libcucks always spew the same shareblue talking points

>these people make me afraid

you want to be afraid
pack your bags and go work on Sudan
these idiots complain with their bellies full

> The people who agree with someone who I disagree with make me afraid for my country

This is fucking priceless. It's not drugdealers, it's not terrorists, it's not subversive elements seeking to destroy democracy, it's not corruption, it's not war, non of that is what makes her afraid for her country.
What she fears above all else is opposition.

I knew he wasn't Clinton. Why do you want to flood the country with spic and sandniggers? You love brown cock that much?

A country doesn't exist without borders. Wish people would stop pretending they care about the idea of a nation while working towards dismantling the things that make it one.

still better than hillary

the liberal tears alone are worth it

Can't disagree

>talking points
So you deny the fact that he's a kike apologist?
You deny the fact that he was unable to get serious funding for the wall?
You deny the fact that Obamacare will remain the law of the land for the foreseeable future?
What campaign promises DID he fulfill?

It's never the actual criminals who are the cause of all this, it's always innocent people just working hard everyday who are the problem. Liberals are insane

See? You shareblue shills are unoriginal

These are the same people that supported Obama in 2008 and still do.

>he doesn't know illegal immigration has been trending DOWNWARDS for over a decade
>he doesn't know how thorough the vetting process is for refugees seeking asylum in the USA

What are you even talking about user?

Idk what else I'm supposed to talk about other than what he has (or rather, hasn't) done. For some reason, Trumpcucks such as yourself refuse to defend his actions, because you can't.

>conservative Supreme Court justice
>increased enforcement of illegal immigration
>immigrant avoiding america bc of fear we are wayysiss
>not engaging in regime change foreign policy
>msm positioned to be hyper critical towards the president instead of apologetic
>liberals waking up to increasing gov power
>cultural paradigm shift against pc culture
I was never naive about what trump was

>1 post by this ID
>not even good or interesting tweetbait
Daily reminder to reply to everything. Keep this board low quality!

She's clearly very insecure about her weight. In almost every photo and even video of her she's taking pains to hide her size with clothing and angles.

Don't be fooled by that profile photo either, video proves that she's not pretty.

>Supreme Court justice
Obama should have appointed a supreme court justice, but Congress was intent on day 1 to be obstructionist and refused to even vote.
>a bunch of immigration Wow
It's almost like you don't know that illegal immigration has been trending downwards for the past decade.
>msm is more critical of the president
Because he keeps doing stupid shit
>liberals waking up to GOP power
Hardly. I'll be more aware of your power when you can actually pass legislation
>paradigm shift against pc culture
Yeah because being a racist xenophobia asshole is the best way to move forward as a country of immigrants. When my ancestors first landed in NYC, they faced prejudice for being filthy micks, but now the Irish are considered to be as American as anyone else.

>random tweet
>le admit ur le wrong ;^) hehe we got thise evil polnazis now hehe

Saged and reported

>1 post by this ID
>refuses to talk about the other issues brought up by other anons in the thread
>checks local time in Moscow
You have to go back, Boris



What does, "I knew he wasn't Clinton" you stupid fuck?

More people voted against Clinton than voting for Trump. What's not to understand?

Pretty much the main reason I voted for him is because he's not Hillary Clinton. So I as long as that cunt is out of office and the liberal faggots are still mad and making shill posts, I'm happy.

You hate Jews almost as much as you hate your own skin color. My country may be a puppet for Israel, but at least jews give us freedom to choose to be degenerate. If we were a puppet of Islam we wouldn't be typing on a Mongolian basket weaving forum, we'd be in line waiting to throw a stone at a rape victim. Say all you want, Trump is on the side thats against white guilt. Dont like it? Move to Venezuela or Iraq.

>I don't give a shit about the standing of the nation, as long as people I disagree with are as miserable as me

Good stuff

Yea and for what? Lol, you can't say objectively she'd be more of an embarrassment than trump has been. You just can't deal.

LOL True. I'm plenty pissed at Trump, but the fooking communists are NOT a choice.
Throw ALL these sorry pieces of crap OUT.

>msm is more critical of the president
>Because he keeps doing stupid shit


I regret voting for him only because he hasn't gone far enough. He's a fucking cuck.



To piss off people like you, and its obviously working :^)

Unprecedented levels of autism here.

I missed this whole meme. We're trump shills genuinely trying to shit on news agencies for making joke pieces about how much ice cream trump demands?

Honestly, everyday is full of hysterical entertainment because of this administration. I'm not remotely mad, there's no reason to be. It's over, he's president. He just also happens to be a train wreck of a president.

Sure :^)

it was literally some "breaking news" story on CNN and they talked about it for a few minutes.

I wouldn't say I'm a Trump shill but the fact that this got airtime is ridiculous. The mainstream medias job is to educate the masses on important current events not literal buzzfeed articles. They could be a great force for good but instead they fling shit constantly

Everything is breaking news in CNN autist. Pay attention.

It was clearly a satirical focus. If you genuinely believed that news agencies making fun of trumps ice cream situation were their actual attempt of reporting news, it's no wonder you autism screech about the dumbest shit.

*circumcises behind you*
pshhhh...nothing personnel goy


It got airtime because it's fucking hilarious. You getting upset about it is fucking hilarious. That alone is reason enough to run the story. It's far from news, but he's been fucking up so royally since he started, it was refreshing to see a joke piece about him.

It's kinda like how hannity bitched for minutes about obama getting spicy mustard on his hamburger in 2009. Except I wouldn't be surprised if that fucking faggot was legit upset about it.

>skips over entire points that user finds legitimate arguments
Are you retarded or illiterate? It's like you just skipped entire sections of his point. *CONSERVATIVE* surpreme court justice. Illegal immigration has plummeted under trump because illegals are too afraid to cross the border. Trumps tax codes are fantastic for the everyday American. Just because you're a rampant faggot with a boner for diversity, doesn't mean I'm a racist. Stop giving us micks a bad name.

I cringed from that

Wait, are conservatives serious when they say trump nominating a justice is an "accomplishment"?

Convinced you have dyslexia or the shittiest ability to argue a point ever
CONSERVATIVE Supreme Court justice. That's an accomplishment. Not that faggot that Obongo nominated.

I've stopped supporting him because he turned out more like Hillary than I'd like

>continuing bombing in Syria
>no hard line on the Saudis

very disappointing desu pham

Why is that an accomplishment? That is his literal job as a republican president whom had an open seat on the SC.

Is it an accomplishment to take a shit a couple hours after you eat chipotle?

If you say it's an accomplishment you reveal that you're a shill that fervently believes that we needed to lower standards of presidential accomplishments in order to make trump look good.

what an ignorant hateful person
how many supporters does she actually know?
uniformed opinion but willing to hate
You have the problem "lady"

what is she talking about? his trips to the middle east?

This. The only people who say that they regret voting for Trump are shills and retards who unironically believed that he is the new Hitler.

You voted for trump?

Are you this dumb? Have you not heard of the "two in one" deal for which the Clintons are famous?

why Niggerland is so concerned?

>Liberals call Trump literally Hitler who is going to holocaust every spic in this country

>Autists on Sup Forums call him a jew and muslim worshipping scam artist

Who do I believe here?

It's best to meet in the middle.

Trump is an incompetent clown who was way out of his element leading to unprecedented mistakes early in his presidency, but is only doing what he thought was right for his constituents.

This was by far the better alternative!
And the problem in this case it's that there is a lack of choice. Why would you only give us 2 people from 300 millions and judge those who voted for Trump on the basis that the alternative was better. Have you seen that creepy old cunt ? She was the embodiment of pure failure and of Marxist positive leftist indoctrination.

People who criticize Trump fail to admit that someone who deletes more than 33000 mails on purpose has something to hide. They believe in someone they have been told to vote for by the most corrupt and empowered people of the establishment.

All of these marxist ill people that are after Trump in The name of "justice" are delusional. They have been indoctrinated by the Frankfurt School...

People who critizize Clinton fail to admit that someone who fires the FBI director while there is an impending investigation into your administrator has something to hide. They just believe in someone they have been told to vote for by the most corrupt and empowered people of the establishment.

>this retard thinks that firing an FBI director means you have something to hide

protip: if you remove one guy from his job, it doesn't mean all operations seize to exist.

>this person is so angry and probably was shaking at some point

Pro tip: trump literally thought it would do exactly that.

You're defending someone you just described as a retard. So what does that make you?

Are you fucking kidding me ??
Are you that dumb ? Hahahaha

Ciney actually stated that Trump didn't obstruct the ongoing investigation

Her you have the proof in video :


You totally lost credibility



Irrelevant country please...

Also that link you just posted, COMEY said that the DOJ didn't obstruct the FBI. Not trump. Care to try again irrelevant country?

Who the fuck is that?

That's the only argument you've got...you don't seem to have anything solid.

retards like you are why we are going to have 15 more years of war in the middle east



See The link you posted didn't even say what you said it did. How much you getting paid?

What's point 1 for, would someone believe her if she said she was POTUS?

She would have opened the gates to them like Merkel has in Germany.

But I wasn't wrong

Wtf shareblue I love Hillary now!

Gorsuch, anything else after this is just icing on the cake. The culture shift is also well worth it, revealing the left for the insane mentally ill fucks that they are and forcing them to play their hand early.
Best presidency we've had in many decades.

trump is a failure but it was at least worth trying. I believe burgers made the correct choice

option 1:
>vote for the corrupt shill you know with 100% certainty will screw you over and lead you to war
option 2:
>vote for the guy you don't know will do this because you have no clue what he'll really do and what he really believes
>option 3:
vote for literally who and have it not count because your country is too retarded to use single ballot runoff

option 2 is objectively superior if you were being fucked. if you're an upper middle class san fransisco leftist who has no real problems and instead tweets 200 times a day about made up ones from starbucks after writing her huffington post article quota, maybe option 1 is for you

>"kike apologist"
>pro-Obama post
>muh Russia

you do understand that you need to be consistent, Shill. You cannot cosplay as an anti-trump nazi-LARPer and as a libtard at the same time.

jeez, some of you people are plain embarrassing

the FBI director was wasting his valuable time on DAILY briefings into a retarded russian narrative. trump would know better than anyone it was a wild goose chase only meant to give him bad PR

Stop playing on words burger. It did state exactly that. You perfectly know that getting rid of Comey wouldn't close the investigation. This investigation will keep on going and so far, they have found Nothing...
Stop getting triggered over Trump and go get a girlfriend

>retarded Russian narrative

Is this the current Sup Forums fairytale? It's objectively false that there's no story there.

And the level of denial from trump and his shills is probably closer to mental illness.

It stated what??? The fucking DOJ is not the trump administration. It clears sessions of interference into the investigation but it says nothing of White House personnel or trump himself. Stop shilling, it only works on people that agree with you.

Ive always though that women had the right to vote. She really made me think though.

yeah sure, whatever you say, conspiritard

>So you deny the fact that he's a kike apologist?
I'm not a stormfaggot yet so I don't care at this juncture. It's when the Jews themselves cry about the shoah that I get ruffled.

>You deny the fact that he was unable to get serious funding for the wall?
Nigger I don't know if you noticed all the Democrats and Neocons shitting up DC, but yeah, they kind of fuck things up. I believe he'll get to more advanced wall construction soon, as of now, what I've seen in terms of pictures of the renovations have been great. But concern trolls and people who've never been patient in their lives will see him not dropping a titanium 50-foot self-protecting god-wall from the fucking sky and see at as failure.

>You deny the fact that Obamacare will remain the law of the land for the foreseeable future?
I'm not too well versed in this but I know the Dems and Republicans alike are spaghetti-ing everywhere with this issue. I honestly don't expect this to get fixed any time soon given all the corporate goons who'd have their dicks in the garbage disposal if they truly repealed it. Plus, we now have a rabid lefty horde that will bitch and moan if they don't increase or sustain their gibsmedats.

>What campaign promises DID he fulfill?
Immigration is hella down. He's deregulating AFAIK and he's pushing on ISIS and Best Korea hard. He's pushing for fairer trade overall, which he said was one of the bigger issues. He's trying to reform things but at every point the establishment is coming at him with everything it has.

I love whenever you faggots complain about what he hasn't done you completely ignore the circumstances of it all (see: every Democrat and seven flavors of John McCain don't want to change their ways).

>Is this the current Sup Forums fairytale? It's objectively false that there's no story there.

You realize at this point you're the conspiracy theorists? All intelligence agencies and experts are aligned on this. You literally have nothing except "daddy trump said he didn't do anything".

Who is that bimbo?

See and tighten that tinfoil leaf

>malicious hate

It's always an emotional projection with these people, very rarely do they have an actual argument

wow, what proofs!

I guess trump is simultaneously a genius who can evade federal investigators and also an idiot who can't run the country