You have become what you faught so hard against

The alt right and the rise fascism presented to me here on Sup Forums has shown me that we have completely lost the way.Do you any of you realize what kind of ideology you are advocating for? A state in which personal freedoms are naught. And whenever an argument is presented your way you all immediately shut it down calling the individual a "cuck" or "Jew sympathizer" or whatever else you have without presenting any arguments. Do you not realize that you are becoming just like the leftist and commies that we have been fighting so hard against? (this of course does not pertain to all users here on Sup Forums and /pol , but nonetheless it is something that has caught my eye)

Other urls found in this thread:

Lurk moar you little bitch-shill, then fuck off.

You seem to describe communism here, fascism is not even really that strict of a movement. Just don't be a fucking kike or a commie about your ideas and nothing happens to you.

Dude I'm a full blown monarchist. Fascism is like a retarded stepbrother.

>Implying right wingers are the ones calling for censorship
kill yourself


>The alt right
Filtered for trash, hang yourself you pathetic failure

>Do you not realize that you are becoming just like the leftist and commies
Anyone who makes this argument deserves to be sent to a work camp desu.

Just stay the fuck off my lawn

Wrong. There was plenty of personal freedom in the 3rd Reich. Why don't you do a modicum of research before posting another shitty brainlet tier thread? Saged.

i am a leftist, i would totally be the muscle for the homo next door if he had some ape chechens knocking his door

yet i use the word "faggot" like in 4 out 5 posts
this is probably the last taste of massive true internet, enjoy and stfu you tremendous faggot

>Do you any of you realize what kind of ideology you are advocating for? A state in which personal freedoms are naught.

Yes. What about it? Free thought seems to be the path to idiocy.

>Do you not realize that you are becoming just like the leftist and commies that we have been fighting so hard against?

That just means some of them knew what they were doing.

Humanity is a plague. We can either try to contain it or wreathe in eternal bullshit. Every grown man knows this.

>x is so free
>as long as you don't use these actual freedoms

Wow, what an excellent defense.

Communist, Leftists, Muslims etc. come to Sup Forums and post everyday on Sup Forums

We welcome all

No one are censored

>SJW isn't that strict of an idea, just don't be an racist biggot!

how does one live with so little integrity?

True freedom does not exist. You think that living in any "free" country today with all of the cultural cancer and "antifa" terrorists is better than living in a state where a government can actually do something in a quick manner instead of allowing domestic terrorism and Jewish brainwashing to destroy our culture. You can always ask someone if they are anti capitalist, anti communist, or any other anti and get a true yes or no. If you ask someone if they are anti facism you almost always get a YES. Most don't even know what facism is, they just say they don't like it. Same with national socialism, which is different than facism. Just because it is run by a nationalist government makes it "bad." You wonder who taught you to hate facists and national socialists when you were in school, which is controlled by the jews.

I'm friends with a few gay people..
Wouldn't fuck m though xD
Still call people faggots regularly..
I even call those gay guys faggots, they don't fucking care because it's just a fucking word.

What do you call fascism that enforces freedom of thought?

You have the freedom to be everything except a kike a commie or a nigger. If that's wrong I don't wanna be right.

just a regular facist, they can't stop the degeneracy that is human thought, they can only stop "some" of the actions and speech

closet homosexuality

You're allowed to be a kike, a commie, or a nigger..
In your own fucking country, NOT HERE!

he means you're free to do anything that doesn't infringe upon an individual's freedom or the nation's sovereignty

stop using the word then, don't try to change the meaning of words you dislike like som leftist

freedom isn't for you, and thats okey, its not for everyone, most people like to be slaves, aslong as they are happy slaves

Read this, you Jew.

pol is a board of peace

And this

We'll just have to agree to disagree.

Look there's no such thing as complete freedom of action in society. Freedom, as conceived within a political framework is entirely about the circles of permitted action. Fascism and related political systems draws some circles around particular things that a full ancap society would not. That does not mean that there is no freedom. I know you're probably a young person thus you're so accustomed to those limits you do not even perceive them. But even here in the USA, we must draw many circles around permitted and not permitted actions.

Freedom is not a binary thing, it is a spectrum. Only people totally disconnected from all civilized structures can be truly free. We give up some freedom to enjoy the company of others, the question is what is the right amount? The correct answer, in my opinion, is the the amount which maximized prosperity without harming people.

Even in a so called free, democratic country there are limits. You're not free to go kill people or steal (well technically you could but there's punishment)
Same for Fascism. You're not free to espouse beliefs that would harm the nation and its people. Communism, cultural marxism, feminism, all of these destructive ideologies should be stamped out with an iron boot.

this works, aslong as its the community that decides, and not some authoritarian dictator who "represents the people"

switzerland is the best democracy, country, and one of the "most free" nations out there, if such a thing can be said about a nation. And they aren't overrun, guess why? Personal responseblity and neutrality. Isolationism goes both ways

the very posters that call you a shill probally don't sage and end up bumping the thread granting it more visibiity, so the whining commies do about getting called a shill is pretty pathetic.

Some leftists may seem to oppose technology, but they will oppose it only so long as they are outsiders and the technological system is controlled by non-leftists. If leftism ever becomes dominant in society, so that the technological system becomes a tool in the hands of leftists, they will enthusiastically use it and promote its growth. In doing this they will be repeating a pattern that leftism has shown again and again in the past. When the Bolsheviks in Russia were outsiders, they vigorously opposed censorship and the secret police, they advocated self-determination for ethnic minorities, and so forth; but as soon as they came into power themselves, they imposed a tighter censorship and created a more ruthless secret police than any that had existed under the tsars, and they oppressed ethnic minorities at least as much as the tsars had done. In the United States, a couple of decades ago when leftists were a minority in our universities, leftist professors were vigorous proponents of academic freedom, but today, in those of our universities where leftists have become dominant, they have shown themselves ready to take away from everyone else’s academic freedom. (This is “political correctness.”) The same will happen with leftists and technology: They will use it to oppress everyone else if they ever get it under their own control.

Not fascism, national-socialism.
Big difference.

Lol. This thread. Shill alert

>muh Sup Forums was always libertarian
Sup Forums was always identity politics for a bunch of immature nerds

fascism suits immature nerds right now more than lolbertarianism does

This is how I know you're a tourist.
Fuck off pretending you know anything about this place.

This. Democracy was a mistake, at least 80% of the people out there are way too retarded to rule anything but themselves (and even that is up to discussion)

I'm 46.
I'm for society having a few limitations in regards to safety. I just, personally, consider freedom of opinion, expression, and speech to be fundamentally necessary freedoms in a society. It's a right to be a degenerate, until it violently affects others.


I love this summary. Is that written by Kaczynski?

you nigga have some reading to do,
people don't rule you moron, they just choose representatives, the representatives rule
representative democracy is not democracy
direct democracy is the real democracy

Learn what fascism is.
Then kys

>Implying money (wealth) isn't the thing that rules

being a racist and bigot is natural. being a kike or commie is unnatural and destructive


This is good.

"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever."

Orwell was right. The only choice you have to make, is if you're going to be the boot or the face.

nobody gives a fuck if you want enough freedom to dismantle society and invite hordes of mudslimes to rape and murder fellow citizens. that's why fascism is rising cause you don't want personal freedom you want the freedom to fucking destroy others since you're sick and twisted. all the marxist leaders are degenerater filth who resent working class and society. their ideology is only meant to cause destruction.

you're agianst society and should be squashed by it since you're a parasite destroying it.

i'd give up my rights to deprive others of theirs desu

then you are part of the problem as you do not want to solve the problem of gays,xxxxx-gender theory, trans rights, Islam... the list goes on

Fascism takes rights that are already taken from you in this form of society where people go to jail beacuse of hate speech and so on

Fascism - non.degenerate society, freedoms restricted, no terrorism, advancment is faster

Fucking lol that OP is not replying.


haha NatSocs are the new atheist.

>Spengler asserts that democracy is simply the political weapon of money, and the media are the means through which money operates a democratic political system. The thorough penetration of money's power throughout a society is yet another marker of the shift from Culture to Civilization.

>Democracy and plutocracy are equivalent in Spengler's argument. The "tragic comedy of the world-improvers and freedom-teachers" is that they are simply assisting money to be more effective. The principles of equality, natural rights, universal suffrage, and freedom of the press are all disguises for class war (the bourgeois against the aristocracy). Freedom, to Spengler, is a negative concept, simply entailing the repudiation of any tradition. In reality, freedom of the press requires money, and entails ownership, thus serving money at the end. Suffrage involves electioneering, in which the donations rule the day. The ideologies espoused by candidates, whether Socialism or Liberalism, are set in motion by, and ultimately serve, only money. "Free" press does not spread free opinion—it generates opinion, Spengler maintains.

>Spengler's analysis of democratic systems argues that even the use of one's own constitutional rights requires money, and that voting can only really work as designed in the absence of organized leadership working on the election process. As soon as the election process becomes organized by political leaders, to the extent that money allows, the vote ceases to be truly significant. It is no more than a recorded opinion of the masses on the organizations of government over which they possess no positive influence whatsoever.

>fascism isn't any less restricted than our PC madness of a Western world
>fascism is therefore the better alternative

I think dictatorships are degenerate, I want to restrict immigration heavily anyway (of course that can be done in a democracy), and I don't prefer terrorism by the state over terrorism by muslims.

what the fuck are you talking about you dumb swede
that's literally my point

there used to be a lot of atheist neckbeards

I'm not even a NatSoc xD

on the current system yes, it's harder to rule with money in a direct democracy
a representative get's payed to vote in favor of a multinational
the people would probably tell the multinational to go fuck itself, and if anything, we can get rid of the conspiracy shit and finger pointing, if only we were truly able to make our bed

>on the current system
Name any system (which doesn't commit mass genocide) in which the rich aren't telling the poor what to do?

Did I say that people rule? NO, you nigga have to learn reading comprehension. what I said is that most people are too stupid to rule anything, implying that even the idea behind democracy is a mistake, not the obviously rigged systems implemented accross the world, which most would agree are shit tier.

the blueprints of the original democratic system exist
don't try to mix it up with communist bullshit
has the modern world tried/applied direct democracy? NO

Before you try and implement a system in which every dumbfuck can control what happens, see pic

and most people think they are smart and all the others are stupid
only one fair solution, direct democracy

>Sup Forums

Sup Forums was never against fascism is you fucking faggot

being gay is natural too, faggot

You better wake up and turn on Keith Olberfuck. These people are no longer satiated by honest discourse. They are liars, cheats and scams willing to do anything to manipulate and lie. If we don't fight back for truth and honesty, we've given up.

you still accept a dumbfuck controlling every aspect of your life
unless you are 1%

The final redpill is realizing the only thing that matters is achieving your vision of the world at all costs.

There's a big difference between giving you shit for your opinion, and down right removing/censoring it. DUH.

Are you retarded? Lurk more, jesus fucking christ


We advocate an ideology that benefits not only the white race, but the human race. Degeneracy will get us nowhere and its up to white people to stop it.

So fuck government.. Let's go with local cooperation.. Want a new road for your town? The entire town (or that block, street, etc.) pays for it together.. Want to kill/get rid of a gang? Hire a hitman/cop/whatever.

How do you decide who governs
How do they know what's the best for the nation.
And then it's Arrow's impossibility theorem all over again.

Sure it's nice on paper but like communism it will be abused by the people in power. Capitalism is a system that fits the best the human's nature and, if properly regulated, is the one who's the most likely to work. Fascism in the end will only end in a brainwashed population (yeah like now), but since it will be more obvious, people will be more likely to revolt against it.

True.. We all die some day.
It's what we leave behind that matters.

Fair? Fair according to who? How do you decide what is fair, darling?
Do you have a divine guide that states what is fair?
If you try to distill the concept of fairness from nature, i don't think i need to elaborate on how it will differ from what you are proposing.
If you try to define it according to your own morals, aren't you just beeing biased?
There is no fairness on earth sweetie, equality is not necessarily fair.

Also why would the fact that most people think that others are stupid matter, about 10% of them are right and the rest is blinded by their own stupidity .

>So fuck government
nation wide effects get decided by the nation
local side effects get decided by the town
budget is unaffected, you still have technocrats in goverment you fuckin moron, how hard is it to grasp this concept?
fair according to mathematics, now fuck you, sweetie, i won't even read what's next



Forgot pic

Yes we know

It's called moving the needle

Which nation wide effects?
Name something that affects the ENTIRE nation?

I can fully admit that 90% of the people in my country, perhaps including myself, are not well versed enough when it comes to statecraft to be allowed to vote. You should read up on your based countryman Socrates.

it's mainly nu/pol and the 'kekistani' faggots who do this. And they do it because they are band wagoners and prior leftists thus soft right or alt lite and so they continue to think the tactics that they learned on the left are an acceptable course of action against those they disagree with 'for now'. These behaviors are what turn off normies more than anything else and won't swing the essential mass of normies we need to absolutely destroy the left to our side

LMAO you've picked the wrong field you poor thing.

do we adopt euro as a currency
do we actually agree on the fuckin Schengen "agreement"
are we so scared "of the muslims" to the point to grant our intelligence services half of the budget of our military
do we want some suits in brussels dictate to us what seeds are we allowed to plant in our soil, and fine us if we exceed their limit?
i can go on for hours, if the common man was informed of that shit (all this happened before the internet) then you bet your ass most of them would pass
that's why you are the most cucked country in the western world, privacy-wise, you are a bunch of faggots, YOU ARE THE FAGGOTKINGS, if britain is any indication of what the humanity is going to turn into i would kill myself, yesterday
ps. Socrates was truly the first cuck

>we have completely lost the way
No. Not "we". You are not one of us. You are alone soon. We are on the path. We are the way. Straight march and the horizon in full focus. Lefties, commies, religions, politicians, political parties - they melt under the hands of the autisitc frogs like wax in the sun. If you press a piece of shit into coal you can press the coal into a raw diamond. This is Sup Forums. Shit under pressure.

Who needs euro when there's gold?
Schengen? We would not have borders, only cities.
Military? Paid by rich kids who want to keep their wealth.
Suit in brussels? Why the fuck does he have merit in our country?
Bitch please you're strawmanning.

Their point is that 80% of the people don't have a clue, meaning whether direct democracy or representative democracy, those 80% will completely fail to make good choices when voting.
There is a genuine need to voting restrictions based on objectively defined parameters that allow for only the most civic minded to vote and hold office.

every fuckin high level politician is entititled to a staff of "experts"
replace the subhuman politicians with the ACTUAL EXPERTS
have them explain to you, in a language you can understand (it's part of their field to be able to talk to retards) the subject you are voting for, then you can go and vote
it seems complicated but it isn't, by my calculations, it may consume 60 of your minutes daily, instead of going 120 minutes bitching about it (that is if you care)

>1 post by this id
Sage it