
Is #pizzagate real after all, Sup Forums?

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You know it's real when they tried to hard and fast to disprove it. And even staged a shooting there.

One name for you Dennis Hastert


Podestas are evil. They must be purged from our land if we're to win the civil war.

yeah but unfortunately what you're really going to nail them all on is drug trafficking and tax evasion. alefantis's locations aren't primarily for child trafficking and its going to be harder to prove, but it's pretty obvious he's running underground clubs with drugs tax free for the washington elites. these are the locations where corruption and collusion live.

how the fuck else do you think a pizzeria owner becomes a multimillionaire and gets that connected?

its the political mafia and it's time for RICO and treason cases.

One shot to the hard drive boys. Yeah, move the fuck along.

Shooting may have been legit, but when your illegal operation is all over the news, wouldn't you move it?

Yes but podesta doesn't diddle children, he traffic's them to Sigmund Freud's grandson who is now jailed. The podestas are just a link we can prove.

>Traffic cam that watches CPP changes angle the day prior to shooting
>shooter has an IMDB page
>fires one bullet, directly into an external hard drive.

Yeah.. legit.


Yup. Anyone who says otherwise either hasn't seen the plethora of weird shit, or is an honest to god shill.

Pizzagate origionally entailed the exposition of high level officials who became knowingly involved in child trafficking/exploitation.

After shariablue got their hands on it, the strawman they threw up focused a lot on James Alefantis, the owner of Comet Ping Pong Pizza in DC.

It depends on what you mean by pizzagate - but there are certainly a lot of pedophiles in government, hollywood, military, etc.

It's very profitible.

Sound proof compartments on ships

distribution centers

cards/ follow the money, etc.

Jesus fuck. Never seen that screencap before. These fucks need to be hung.

He took the site down after it got known to a larger audience recently.
Bonus: He's a jew, he donated 1million+$ to Hillary, he had a talk at a Shariablue conference on how to influence the internet after the election, he's a founding investor of Facebook and Twitter, he's the co-founder of Zynga.

OP must be a newfag/shill, Sup Forums never had any problems believing there's a kakistocracy some of which is held together by pedophilia.

The elite rape and butchery of children is real, fuck off with the what ifs and arrest that chicken lipped walnut sauce fuckface already

Background. This has been around forever.

Mandatory reading is Programmed to Kill by David McGowan. There are free pdfs online. Mandatory reading for pedogate context.

more at

Why did they have (((Artistic))) pictures of naked children in their basement????


What in the everliving fuck?
I hope the sick freaks are just larping

With pizzagate the shilling is definitely noticeable. James Alefantis was lovers with David Brock. Head of correct the record, media matters for America and shareblue. 3 different shilling agencies.

As real as the Trump wall.


Nope. This shit was out in the open for years and police didn't take action.



The only part of your summary that is off is the implication that Alefantis is NOT a high level pedophile / procurer of children. There is not other parsimonious explanation for his e-mails, his disgusting IG accounts and circle of friends, and his connections despite being some pizza guy. Megyn Kelly basically jumped on a grenade by interviewing him, that bitch needs to get gone forever.

It's propaganda. The buzzword today is fake news.
Very clever made fake news.
To discredit Clinton and bring that orange into white house. I didn't like Clinton. The burgers should have voted for jeb or bernie but trump?! The whole planet is fucked for decades, i mean, the WHOLE PLANET felt decades if not centuries behind. I'm tired of this shit. Everyone please fuck yourself. Thank you.




dont get it

>49th most important guy in Washington is baking pizza for a living
>in a street fully owned by CIA relatives
>just over the tunnel that connects the White House with one of the many ancient escape routes used by presidents
>which was recently illegally drilled

>apparently somebody from the Internet shows up with a gun
>all the camera of the street change direction before it happened, returned normal after the shooting
>never moved before in years
>the whole story got reported an hour before the shooting took place
>the article got cancelled and reuploaded at the right time

>absolutely nobody finds it strange

Gets 4 hellmaster Skippy

Fake news was pushed out just as PG really got wound up

No it's not, nothing to see here

Checked my good man.

Yes. It will never see the light of day. The whole truth per FBI user will completely mind-fuck the blue-pilled masses. Total mayhem. I wish for full un-feted disclosure. Burn it to the ground.


The elite started the "fake news" propaganda while pizzagate was discovered. "Fake news" meme was literally invented because of that. So they pushed it to make pizza gate seem more conpiracy-ish because they panicked.
That made people see pizza gate as "fake" right away. People would have been sceptical to begin with, but "fake news" meme made sure it would be seen as BS.

It shows that fake news and pizza gate took off at the same time.

Not to mention posting #hotard on child photos, pic of Antinous, referring to himself jokingly as Pan on IG, IG friends with child coffins, pics kids with bags under the eyes and to this day no one knows who this kids are / their parents are.

Hangs out with Rothschilds / Podestas, visited white House multiple times including the oval office, but is still somehow just a small business owner from DC?

Fuck this, this is Sup Forums , far past the "what if?" shit I don't want to hear this anymore. Podesta and his buddies are pedos. Some elites rape and butcher children. Fake News was invented so you wouldn't find out. Russia/pissgate was invented so you wouldn't find out. Trump was held out as hope, but he's not doing anything, and all the hubbub was only so that people would get tired of it and that more people wouldn't find out.

Shit is real. Fuck you OP

That's why its great we have an influx of normies. It sucks that it takes time for them to adapt to the hurtbox, but spreading this particular message against the elite pedophiles is more important than the sekret kidz klub.

Quads don't lie

Oh also, Trump was brought in to make a dog and pony show of arresting pedos, he's not going after elites and creepy Kutcher and his private unaccountable organization. Fuck all of us

The rich and powerful are into molesting kids. Its a fucking fact.


inb4 shills show up.

You are a gentleman and a scholar and most certainly my nigga. I just poured a little bit of my beer of the deck in your honor.

i remember the first pizzagate investigation sessions here. i was there when the digged in the podesta dump. night and day and day and night everyone crawled through that podesta dump from wikileaks. too much coffee and too little sleep. i became paranoid from the coffeine and after i came down i realized it's nothing real. not more than creepy pasta. those pizza metaphors were creepy and the woman asking another one to bring their kids was creepy to,

Last time I posted this, 4 different legitimate shills crawled out of the woodwork saying Seth rich had NOTHIN TO DO with the leaks and therefore they could disregard the entire infograph out of hand. This was 3 weeks ago. Before all this hubbub about rich. The war is real gentlemen.

where is the option for loo based society?


> correlation
> causation
Pick neither

Fucking hell why are you posting debunked conspiracy theories?


no doubt there are wolves in sheep skins out there, but pizza? isn't it forbidden to boil the lamb in its mother's milk?

shills are coming out, oy veyy shut it down!

Hey CNN what's shaking




Shut it shill. You deserve to hang.




shill named

pizzagate has literally zero hard evidence other than some """""""""""""""""""""codewords""""""""""""""""""""" in some emails


I knew Andrew Breitbart and he really did have a heart condition. The MMFA tweets were related to an ACORN video project veritas did where some dumb nigger employee helped james o'keefe and a girl he said was under 18. video is on youtube

>people will call me a shill and say that isn't what he was referring to

1 reply shill gtfo

> shut up shill you deserve to hang
read in idiot voice, proxy roxxy, and let other people discuss. we're all adults and not believing the same things as you doesn't make others shills.

>I knew Andrew Breitbart

whatever you want to believe

Elite pedophilia enabled by child sex trafficking is very real and it has basically been going on all throughout history. It is naive to think the modern West is an exception.

It honestly doesn't really matter what is or isn't going on at Comet Ping Pong. If I had to take a guess, I'd say that what goes on at Comet is likely some kind of tradecraft, but I seriously doubt the "partaking" happens there, at least not for clientele.

>my first post in a thread is my first post in a thread
wow, really makes me think


There is some weirdness (those pics of the comet ping pong owner's instagram really make you go hmm, especially with that chicken lover bullshit), but probably not weirdness to the point of there being actual pedophile rings.

I'm sure some exist, but I doubt pizza gate will lead to it,

Lad, the "fake news" meme was started DIRECTLY in response to pizzagate. I remember it vividly.

proof that you knew him?

because that video isnt it.



>Is #pizzagate real after all, Sup Forums?
Pizzagate is only a part of the larger Pedogate investigation.

Until there is nothing less than a full and open investigation into Pizzagate/Pedogate the interest and questions will go unanswered. Pizzagate/Pedogate will never die.

Look at her.

I'm not going to namefag or tripfag if that's what you're after. I'm a literal who at Breitbart

I still think there's absolutely pedophilia within elite circles, but dragging Andrew Breitbart into it when he was clearly talking about ACORN pisses me off



>no proof
into the trash you go

Actually a lot of the codewords in the emails were reaching imo.
The shit we were digging up on public social media was, and is, creepy as fuck tho.

Other fun facts.
> Cecilia Kang, who wrote first disinfo story for NYT is a tech writer (weird topic for her to cover), and she was identified in WL as a hack to be used (identified in a list of friendly journos)
> The CEO of NYT was head of BBC and staunch defender of Jimmy Savile. Apparently he just got a new elite media job protecting pedos stateside
> Glenn Thrush (named after yeast infection IIRC), was outed as a hack who sent in articles to be edited by Podesta. Outed and "relocated" to NYT. His presence has repeatedly been normalized by SNL press room skits, as well as Spicer calling on him occasionally without ever mentioning he doesn't belong in the press room.
> In general you should all know this is being stage managed by current admin, and they are complicit.
> Current pres had a mentor who literally rang child prostitution / sex sting / blackmail rings.




No, you know we have fact check now a day? Confirmed debunked.

shills are here, start dumping pizzagate photos to make them angry.



Already on it my man
