New FarCry game features the Alt Right

What are they trying to say?

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

>What are they trying to say?


Pretty much this.

Devs are liberals and have to put out a game with their political views in it.

"Someone trying to push their beliefs on someone else makes for equally interesting plot points, whether they are in America or Kyrat"

>We want to make a topical game about DAE RELIGIOUS PEOPLE ARE OPPRESSORS but we don't want to actually get bombed.

If you're over 18 and give a shit about video games you really need to kys.

lmao are those houses, or what i'm guessing are enemy outposts in the game supposed to resemble christian churches? Oh my fucking god, how delusional are these people

Social Engineering & Programming people to kill the "scary Christians/Populists/Nationalists/Rednecks/Alt-Right/Right-Wing" people. bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

inb4 'subtle' trump references in-game like Watch Dogs 2

Will Pepe be the final boss?

>The alt-right used to be Nazi's but now they're backwoods redneck extremist christians
You are all wrong.
Columbia is the true path.

I don't understand what this is. Maybe I'm too old to get the immature "joke" behind the shitposting. Or maybe some people are just fucking retarded. But this is ths same shit this game series has peddled off for years.

Is this a sarcastic jab at identity polidickers getting butthurt and triggered over stupid shit or are people actually blind enough to be upset that this game features a (thus far generic and pedestrian) plotline featuring dogmatic white christian cultists?

I'm white, and I would not consider my self an atheist, but I am educated enough to see this game for what it is.

>he played Watch Dogs 2
Let's point and laugh at this guy, everyone!

Even if you ignore the "lol evil Christians" thing, I'm sick to death of open world games set in the US. Flag related.

((((((Ken Levine)))))). I don't think so.

Yeah but what about malleable children dude

Do you fags have to keep making 600000 fucking threads about this?

Some of these are buzzzfeed/etc. employees trying to get comments to post on their defense articles

They already took some quotes out of a previous thread

Eh. Who cares? This game is basically a rip-off of BioShock: Infinite.

I'd add that I've never liked any of the Far Cry protagonists and the villains have always been cooler. I was rooting for Pagan Min all throughout Far Cry 4.

>He hasn't played far cry 2

That's cause he was obviously the good guy, even from the start. Think about it. Does he do ANYTHING bad to you specifically even once?

no black people allowed

>reads Wikipedia
>"Far Cry 2 takes place in late 2008 in a small, failed Central African state"

My apologies, I was ignorant.

>constant pushing of this thread
>constant baiting
>constant fishing for the most RAYCISS comments possible

Shoo shoo fake news journalists, this is not a place for you to try to get content for your fake news articles

Why don't you cover real news, like the Seth Rich investigation, the North Korea situation, or the corruption of the Clinton family?

Vaas was good at the beginning of fc3 though. Halfway thru the writers fucked things up and he became a sub boss/antagonist but God damn he was too easy to kill to consider him a boss level enemy. Same as the very last guy in FC1 level of easy.

kill yourself, wannabe journalist

imo far cry 2 had really good concepts and a great setting. Such an underrated game.

>imo far cry 2 had really good concepts and a great setting. Such an underrated game.

The part where you shoot niggers? Sounds about right.

Fuck Donald Trump nigguh, fuck white people.

The game mechanics were broken in FC2.

More anti white propaganda. Get used to it.

One of the "faction" options in far cry 4 was a religious zealot

reeee all turk roaches get out

No, then the game would be impossible to beat

fuck off Hans

>4 far cries killing non whites
>pol doesn't care

>far cry killing whites

what does Sup Forums mean by this

From the start of the franchise the empire were the Nazis in space, at that time (when the first movies came out) there wasn't an agenda to kill the white man. However, nowadays nothing prevents numale cucks and feminazis to use them as reference against whites.


Fuck white people and the pooooor wittttle microaggressions that hurt their fragile exterior. Stupid hicks

projecting their racial insecurity.