WTF i hate trump now?

WTF i hate trump now?

Can Sup Forums recover?

The Epstein-Trump connection

>bernie upset about budget cuts
But free healthcare right, lmao

>not expanding medicare is the same as cuts
just fuck the left.

don't worry user, I hated him from the start

Perry Farrell is looking rough these days

>Implying Trump made his budget and not his double nationality joowish cabinet.

The DA who let Epstein off is part of Trumps whitehouse staff too.

>bernie gutman
>relevant politician
pick one then go read some rape fantasies

They are all in bed together. Anyone thinking otherwise is blind at this point.

>$800 billion in cuts
I knew right wingers were retarded but surely you can read basic words?

>implying that's an excuse

Is he too incompetent to keep any of his promises then? Then why did you vote for him?

It is alexander acosta in case you were wondering.

This just in, Politicians and those running for public office will lie to win favor of american voters.

In other news, Scientists confirm water to be wet. Film at 11.


For once CNN please be non-fake news

I bet you cried when hillary lost
Fuckin cuckhold ( cocul )

>Doesn't check flags.
You're a fucking idiot.
>1 post by this ID

I see this in every thread.

Keep trying to make up false accusations shill

I'm cool with budget cuts. The USA needs to cut all unnecessary funding ASAP. Get rid of all of these BS handouts and even plan to end social security. Maybe people will actually save money, learn what a 401k is and invest wisely.

First off, get rid of welfare. All of it. Let those poor bastards suffer until they learn to be a productive member of society.

Its President Trump you old commie fuck!

>there is no connection to Epstien and Trump
Huh, that explains why Alexander Acosta, the gentleman who let Epstein off, is now a member of the cabinet, one of the highest non elected positions in the land.

Yessir, no connections at all.

So niggers/white trash/spics won't get free health care anymore?

And you try to construct this as a bad thing?

t. shilleinstinsheckelstein

Why don't you watch Director Mulvaney explain the truth rather than eating up the shit the msm spoon feeds you faggot

>Budget not yet revealed to the public
>CNN knows what's in it
Really slops my hogs.