What do you think about sam hyde?

what do you think about sam hyde?

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I like him but he can't keep getting away with it.

Get lost, Sam.

Some numale libtard pretending to be a racist to make fun of the alt-right and Sup Forumstards

I think he can't keep getting away with it.

Got a job on a jew network so he must of took it up the ass. You don't get on jew networks unless your compromised.

he looks like a cuck

I knew he was cheap but not cheap enough to make threads about himself on Sup Forums.

When's World Peace coming back?

Also, Sam should troll that Anne Frank organization that talks shit about Trump by going into their offices and reading that Jeff Mangum copypasta with a megaphone

Him and Charles and Jordan Peterson were the brothers and dad I never had.

Not funny.

Has had some funny moments, but probably more misses than hits in his career. His show didn't do it for me; I couldn't really get into it. Seems to be having a mental breakdown now. I'd love to see him pull it all together, though. He has a lot of potential.

>IQ professionally measured at 145
>went to Carnegie Mellon university, an elite computer science school
>graduated and got a job as a car salesmen while his schoolmates were going to silicon valley to make 120k starting
>became unemployed and moved in with his mom
>made videos mocking college because he was ultra butthurt and jealous
>finally moved out and got his show
>show cancelled
>now lives in his car
>Nick and Charls don't even talk to him anymore
>balding and fat

When did it all go wrong?

>he can't keep getting away with this

probably the most professional hitman in the world.

Unnecessarily retarded but pretty funny I guess.

stop posting threads about yourself sam

Massive faggot, should kill himself.

He's going to kill himself

What ever happened to Nick?

dying meme

Got a job as a heavy equipment operator at Malone's construction in New Jersey

He's rich and owns antique stores, you can rent his retro mini mansion on air bnb.

He's got morals, ethics, doesn't hang around with sluts. Super tall, a gentleman, knows how to walk a lady across the street. Getting a little fat lately though. That's what I heard.

Sam will be dead in 5 years

I love our Glorious Leader.
Hair Alt Right.

>please don't be Sam Hyde...
>please don't be Sam Hyde...
>please don't be Sam Hyde...


I connected to my VPN and logged into my Sup Forums pass *just* to post here giving my support to SAM HYDE. HYDE has always been there for us, and we can't abandon him like this.
I will fight anyone who puts him down

MDE never dies
he's more successful and funny than you will ever be. Why would he kill himself?
I think he just pretended to be Jewish to get on. Or maybe he is. Doesn't matter. He's Jewish in the same sense that Jesus was Jewish, that is he has transcended Judaism to be a god.

MDE is dead

Sam is a Jew
Hyde is shortened from Hydeberg
His grandfather immigrated to the US after the Shoah

Stop making threads about yourself.

MDE may not be dead, but it sure as Hell is comatose. If Sam wants to make a career out of comedy he needs to start, you know, actually making comedy. I imagine he has to be working a blue-collar job right now unless he's just surviving on his patreon.

Sam is still uploading videos to the MDE channel, so I don't see how it's dead.

Yeah and David Duke is actually a jew by the name of Dukeberg

He's Irish you dumbass

He's high in openness but low on agreeableness. He is very talented but holds a lot of resentment in his heart.

In any case World Peace is art and that's that

He's working on a big project rn and when he's done everyone will be amazed.

>good stuff is coming soon thats all im gonna say.. basically imagine ive been working on badass shit this whole time and keeping it top secret. just stick with me here bros dont worry :) :) :) basically im making a three course meal.. first course you get blown by the ultimate hot babe. Second course i basically set you up in your own customized mitsubishi lancer with 2000hp. third course i come out with the surprise ending and personally instagib anyone who's ever bothered you and thats more or less how you will feel when u get to experience this great shit ive been working on. do you just take my word for it? am i a famous liar and scamsman? youll just have to w8 and C

the MDE crew are fantastic.
The farther i drift from society as a jaded loser, I enjoy their comedy more and more

Who else shows their MDE book to friends and guests who come over to their house? I do it and I always get a lot of props. It is a great book to have as a conversation started, and of course to show how bold and masculine you are. Always makes chicks like you more even if they're very liberal or non-white.

I thought I heard him say "Hitler did nothing wrong" in Boston a couple weeks ago.

I hope he does a comedy tour. I'd check it out

10/10 twitter until it got shoah'd.
I haven't really watched enough of World Peace to have a solid opinion of it. Some sketches like the PUA parody and school bullying ones are good, others are lolwhat and apparently artistic deconstructions of modern life rather than attempts to be funny.

Drug addict

He's a good boy. Charls is streaming on twitch at CharlsCarroll right now btw.

He doesn't really live in his car with one glove you autist. He gave $5K to DailyStormer's legal defence fund on wesearchr recently.

Seems like an asshole, and sick of seeing him posted in happening threads.

He needs to be stopped

I'm So so sick of this maymay
He was never funny and will never be funny other than being fired by a tubby gay twink named tim

maybe you should look at more of his work, it's incredibly diverse. He's the aphex twin of alt-comedy

I bought a hard copy of his book. It was supposed to come with a free digital copy. It did not. Who knew Hyde was a jew?

He's the only Jew I've ever seen that can't grow a proper beard.

If he had an ounce of dignity he'd shave those disgusting matted pubes off of his face immediately.

The comedian the world needs.

I got a link to the digital copy in my email and so did everyone else. You must have missed it.

>probably the most professional hitman in the world
Jack Black better look the fuck out!


>When's World Peace coming back?

turner cancelled it because of some journalist

Did you buy the physical version from Vapes and then got a free download? Or did you buy the digital version separately?

Rate my re-texturing of their book cover


I got the free download after buying the physical version from Vapes.
First they sent a code in the email, then I had to put the code in the gumroad page, then gumroad sent me the link for the book.

Hi Sam

Goddamnit, I've been jewed. No such code was emailed to me.

Most certainly /ourguy/

I tried to talk to him on Facebook but trying to have a serious conversation with him is impossible

they're just being nice so you dont bomb them and the us govt

someone post a link to the ebook i cant afford that shit rn
ill buy it or get my family or girlfriend to buy it for me im a real POS

I'm curious at to how he's doing now. He doesn't seem as put together as he used to. Take care of yourself sam.

They keep hanging out with me, so worked it out well for me either way.


t. sam

I like how he laughs to cover up his urge to scream when talking about terrible things.

He needs to stop feeling blacklisted and find another budget somewhere to make more high quality skits. World peace every episode was a masterpiece. Somebody will fund them. Hulu? I don't fucking know I'm not the one who should be looking. Did they ever have an agent? They should get one with a huge nose and curly fries.

A loser who is losing patrons by the week.

>2 posts by this ID

The shariablue is working overtime tonight

He's at $1921, and was at $2000 in his prime. Big loss. He might not be able to pay his rent!

Story behind the pic?

No one ever accused him of being smart financially.

i think this was at one of the summer outdoor adult swim events

1. youtube.com/watch?v=nXcsVXdqZWw
2. streamable.com/pvj3

i have this shirt and love it


You're alright in my book, Sam.

Damn son where'd you find this shirt?

He's good people

where 2 cop famalam

likes AK's and so do I so.

I cant believe that GCHQ didnt catch him before it was too late

sam is a real silly billy

>2. streamable.com/pvj3

Who's the girl? I'd like to see more of those tits.

personal gift from sam for supra-related services

He's one of the best comedians of our time and I don't say this ironically. He's also manly and confident as fuck, 10/10 alpha


He got BTFO by /mlp/ when he tried scamming bronies and got real butthurt about it. Look up dark skyes if you don't believe me.

I wish I grew up with him throughout middle school and high school.

he's an absolute fag

No clue who he is, looks like a cunt

I did a quick search for this "Supra service you're talking about and nothing came up asshole why are you fucking with me. I can see being flippant for upvotes or likes but there is no hierarchy to climb here. That's why you're depressed. Clean your room Sam. Or your car.

He seems to be quite destructive, he likes to break things, his room always looks a mess, he seems quite angry and nihilistic, I wouldn't want to spend time in his company.

maybe getting caught was part of his plan

ya dingus

Roughly speaking
