Why is Sweden not worried about Islamic extremism?

Why is Sweden not worried about Islamic extremism?

To my knowledge nobody (pissed off Muslims) have fucked with them yet. Won't be long until some faggot with a bomb goes go blow them up to prove how awesome his god is.

Call then mongrels all you want but at least they know niggers are bad news

Because they are cuckolds

Because their cuck government is censoring as much information about immigrant crime as possible.

They are too entertained by this.

Even if they are, their government won't allow them to show it. Take a look.

They live in a cloud of newspeak and are prescribed to bluepills on a daily basis. Society assures them there is no risk so they believe it.

Then again, there's nothing to worry about anyways.

The future looks bright for Sweden

There are more important things to worry about.

>67% of Poles are afraid of something that isn't even there

Plus, these so-called 'terrorists' are light skinned Swedes, right?


At least the rest of Europe seems to be on-point. 79% of EU citizens being at least concerned is not too shabby.

They have a competent and fair law enforcement to maintain peace and equality.

Because they want to be conquered.

The cultural enrichment is worth it.


Everything is fine in Sweden

They hide the names of convicted child rapists? Or do they wait until the appeals process is exhausted before allowing its release?

>Rapes child
>Gets 40 hours community service

Cheeky fucking cunt. Fucking hell.

They do worse than that, mate; they import new ones by the score and refuse punishment.

Nigga, you know there was an islamic truck of tolerance in Stockholm?

Most of them are Muslim



You see Hans, every Pole has someone in family who works abroad. Also better safe than sorry, it would be close to 100% if we'd have significant number of sand dindus here

That percentage is the same percentage as the group they're asking about.

Silhouettes of Europeans, HA !