When did you realise Hitler was right?


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Here is my rough recollection of how i first became red-pilled:
>First went down the rabbit hole when reading Nietzsche while studying philosophy.
>Elaborated on my values when studying the Roman period.
>Saw the vast similarities between Wiemar Germany and 21st century America.
>Started politically libertarian center before the election, then libertarian right during the election, and finally authoritarian right during 2017.
>Saw the degeneracy being pushed by the leftist media who were full of "liberals", minorities, and (((someone))) else.
>Started disliking minorities.
>Crime, IQ, and a plethora of other statistics backed up these beliefs.
>saw the increasing amount of anti-white propaganda propagating in the west.
>Saw how the migrant crisis was unfolding and (((who))) was pushing it.
>named them.
I can only hope to finish what he started.

How to spot a 12 yr old on /pol

whe I found out he shot himself

user, stop being literally me

>the vast similarities between Wiemar Germany and 21st century America.

actually this. who will our next "hitler" be?

I confess hehe

>i can only hope to finish what he started
This may sound cringy, but hopefully me.
>high intelligence
>Writing a manifesto of sorts
>Corn-fed Aryan American
>Going into the military as an officer after college
>Plan on going into politics after my military career
I just hope I'm not too late fellas.

I did plan on remaking the Silver Legion not too long ago...

Corn is shit and has no nutritional value you can't even digest it. Corn-fed is a phrase for chickens you fuck.

I'm still not sure that he was. I've never disliked him though. Reading about his early life and the Great War has left me feeling bad for him if anything.

I figured out that Hitler was right long ago.
However, if one of you newfags are curious, even king Kike himself netenyahu said that hitler didnt want to kill the jews.


of course, it is in his jewish nature to use even Hitler to shame palestinians who the kikes and Rothschilds STOLE their damn land.

There would be no islamic terrorism if Israel did not exist.


when someone told me race shouldnt exist and whites need to go quietly into the night

This a big red pill for me. Even Netanyahu admits that Hilter wanted to expel the Jews like over 100 other nations/empires/peoples have.

when i had to write a history paper and i actually did my research.

When I was 13. But about age 21 I realised he was wrong again.

one day i asked myself, "what did the jews do to piss off the germans so badly"

began research and here we are

su·pe·ri·or·i·ty com·plex
an attitude of superiority that conceals actual feelings of inferiority and failure.

You worship hitler because you failed in life. You are looking for something else to blame or hide your failure. The louder you cry about how great you are as a white race, I can only see your feelings of inferiority.
Hey, at least I found this thread interesting and gave you the attention you were crying for. I suggest you to go join your local stormfront or hitler boyscout. Stop wasting time in /pol. Do something in real life. You will see how your members of stormfront are mostly high school drop outs with feelings of insecurity.

Well i didnt realize he was right but I realized that he wasnt as bad as they say and the allies were not as good as they say

So I'm basically neutral toward him now

have a (you)

Sup Forums +Sup Forums kek

hitler was right about one thing.. the jews with their money

he was a chump. a failed painter. a corporal. not smart enough to heed his excellent generals.

>You will see how your members of stormfront are mostly high school drop outs with feelings of insecurity.
Sure, they are the right's equivalent of the freshman in college who just regurgitates everything his professor says in philosophy 101 without thinking for himself. These people are the idiots of the movie. The smart people on this side aren't openly nazis as that would hurt their careers and personal lives. They do still acknowledge race realism, support fiscal responsibility, etc. Claiming that the ignorant neo-nazis represent the entire movement is no different from saying that violent rioters represent all of BLM.

>have a (you)
>"This must be the work of an enemy stand!"

"Splitting is a very common ego defense mechanism. It can be defined as the division or polarization of beliefs, actions, objects, or persons into good and bad by focusing selectively on their positive or negative attributes."

Your response lacks intelligence and sounds like its purely an emotional, self- defensive response from a person with low self-esteem.

btw, check out these facts.
GDP per capita: $8,727

GDP per capita: $27,663

You are from a third world country, user. You need more education.


have another (you)

Unless you know about Critical Theory - you aren't red-pilled, user.

I agree with you. Your statement does not counter my previous argument.
>The smart people on this side aren't openly nazis as that would hurt their careers and personal lives. They do still acknowledge race realism, support fiscal responsibility, etc

Its not my business or anyone's business to force them to not be a neo nazi. Besides, anyone who wants to be successful in business has to be opportunistic and that means unintentionally giving favors to non-whites for their mutual benefit. Money flows internationally and you can't discriminate business partners especially when China and India are the largest emerging markets.At least they don't have black and white mentality and inferiority complex like most stormfront shaved head tantrum boy scouts.

When i did my research about holohoax and realized it never happened as it's being portrayed in mass media and educational system today.

The jews did die but there are no 6 millions and why no one mentions that Hitler also killed more gypsies than jews?

Western society is criminal and hypocrite, nobody cares about those gypsies or let's say Soviet or German people that died in war. There were much more casualties among Europeans than Jews.

I realized that its impossible to spread such lies without controlling MSM and that Jew conspiracy is at least partially true. Then i got redpilled.


Hitler was alright. The Holocaust happened. But it was partly justified, fuck jews. These videos and reading Culture of Critique, and browsing Sup Forums, seeing patterns etc redpilled me.

Adolf Hitler's Warning

Goebbels on the International Jew:

Why did Hitler hate Jews?

Adolf Hitler - "You Said I Was A Dreamer"

Oswald Mosley - Europe Lives and Marches On

Britain Reborn

Truth Will Triumph

Goebbels: Is it Pagan?

Hermann Göring: The 300 Spartans

Hitler - What is Europe?

Europe Awake (speech by William Pierce in second half)

Dr. William L. Pierce - The Jewish House of Cards

Dr. William L. Pierce - The Downfall of the White Race

The Struggle for Survival

Why the fuck would Bibi sell out a fellow jew?

I used to just joke about Hitler doing nothing wrong until I actually started thinking like that.

Of course that's what Hitler wanted to do originally. And they actually did, 60.000 Jews were sent to Palestine until the war broke out.

One is not 100% sure of who knew about the Holocaust, but Himmler surely did. Here's his rationalization for it:

When I started coming here during the UKIP startup days.

> Didn't think any of the nazi stuff was real
> Thought it was trolling
> Did research
> Realised a lot of stuff about Hitler and WW2 were just propaganda
> Got woken up to the Holocaust being exaggerated for profit
> Got woken up to the Jews

I can now identify a Jew simply by the sound of their voice sometimes.

you'd be killed off real quick by the jews

they have more power than they did back then

Hitler was the German JFK.

fake af


A commemorative coin for a series of Nazi newspaper dispatches from Palestine.

those are some nice videos

It's been 5 long years since I began shifting towards a positive outlook on national socialism and the NSDAP, especially Hitler.

I didn't actually see parallels until I began reading Oswald Spengler theories of a civilizations life cycle. After this I was able to reflect on modern society, ultimately cementing my beliefs on social order.

Shortly after, I began to understand National Socialism as anti-marxian. Which was a hard pill to swallow at the time.

David Irving began shedding new light into the Third Reich. Germar Rudolf and Fred Leuchter later put the final nail in the Holocaust coffin. I remember doing calculations one weekend trying to provide proof in the gas chamber narrative, didn't pan out.

As much as I hate to say it, TGSNT provide many new stories to look into. While it certainly is a propaganda piece, it informed me of claims I had not heard of before. About a month went by, and all I could do was independently research many of these claim. Around that time I had become severely depressed to the point my family wanted me to see a therapist.

But that did not last. I was slowly filling with hatred and rage for the world, which to this day I consider the greatest source of agency in my life. I now have a good outlook on my life. Society is fucked, but at least I can say I'm doing alright.

Hitler was most certainly right.

Hitler was only right because he escaped to a nazi secret base in Antartica, and then traveled to the moon where there exists another secret nazi base, except with a super computer, that Hitler ultimately merged his brain with, in order to take over planet earth

Hitler was Austrian.

when i saw the corruption and the complete cucking of the roman catholic church.
and not soon after that the moral degradation of the "west" began.
then i saw what hapened to sweden and germany.
and i realized that the people who are opening the floodgates to the barbarians are mostly consisting of jews.

still not a natsoc tho but i agree with alot of what he said.

Four years ago.


>officer right after college!

Repostan for the Staatspolizei



kayne west next fuhrer