Start smoking weed

Jeff Sessions is wrong!

Marijuana needs to be legal in all 50 states

Stop making politics a tribe and spark up a doobie

List one reason why weed should be illegal?

Trick question you can't

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Sessions is gone soon. He failed to disclose meetings with Russians on a background check, a federal crime.

Don't listen to this asshole.
Smoking weed is illegal and will make you batshit.
Smoke a-php instead.

You're all wrong. Cocaine for adults.

I don't smoke weed, i stick to safe, legal stuff like alcohol and tobacco. It might be fun but its not worth potentially ODing or fucking up your life.

Weed should stay illegal. It's a terrible drug that makes the average man a useless commie zombie.


If they legalize it they're poison it you stupid nigger.

What is Monsanto?

Because it puts niggers in prison. Next question?

You realize you can't OD from weed and can OD from alcohol right?

Don't legalize more for me duuude ayyy LMAO

>he needs weed to be legal in order to smoke it
>legal weed implies government makes tax money on it



>Not growing any plants yourself.

Fuck's sake, user....

>list one reason
Low t

Off work today, sparking up. Feels good man.

>List one reason why weed should be illegal?
It's unpatriotic, and literally treasonous:

>Smoking weed lowers productivity. (fact)
>lowered productivity leads to lower GDP
>Countries are ranked by GDP
>WeedJunkies are sabotaging their countries Stats.

Daily reminder that decriminalizing marijuana doesnt mean making it legal for everyone to smoke it at their leisure

>smoking the herbal jew
sorry, but im not a nigger

Please only use psychedelics for self introspection and improvement !!

Not depressants

We need it legal so sunsofbitches and losers go to waste

t. a sonofabitch and loser going to waste


This is why your coral reefs are dying

What else is it then you idiot? It ain't a psych, accelerant or a disassociative.

It's actually unique in that it can affect all four pharmacological pathways depending on circumstance.

Cannabis was put into prohibition in 1937 specifically to stop white woman from being BLACKED while they all got stoned together. Just watch Reefer Madness - textbook cannabis scare tactics.

What is this board about again? hmmm Sup Forums?

Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to

Cocaine is just a vitamin that helps you drink more.

I honestly wish people would just stop talking about this topic as both sides are fucking morons.
>dude weed heals you jesus smoked weed your kids should be smoking weed

Wrong. Its also cures the cold.

Sorry, I'm not a degenerate who needs to smoke or drink alcohol to have fun.

Ecstasy works better. Until the depleted serotonin hits you.

How about just do whatever the fuck you want and don't force it on other people?

You smoke alcohol?

>George Soros and Co. pumps millions into marijuana legalization.

I'm sure that's for no reason.

No, it's because it creates a hoard of complacent, stupid and useless pieces of dogshit.

I don't smoke. I don't think it should be illegal, but it's hardly high on the list of priorities for anyone with one pussyhair in reality.

Maybe when it's all over we'll get to it.

Before you go chortling...

Marijuana lowers testosterone and other androgens significantly.

Depression of Plasma Testosterone Levels after Chronic Intensive Marihuana Use

Effects of Cannabis extract on the response of accessory sex organs of adult male mice to testosterone.

Effects of Regular Marijuana Use on Sexual Performance

Effects of marijuana on testosterone in male subjects

Endocrine effects of marijuana in the male: preclinical studies

>literally treasonous

So is alcoholism. You can enjoy a beer like how you can enjoy a little bit of weed. If you're talking about raising productivity, you should be trying to outlaw alcohol too.

Because long term usage leads to significantly decreased blood flow to key parts of the brain associated with Alzheimer's.

I read that the amount of people in Colorado who OD on Marijuana has quadrupled already this year and experts say it will continue to rise.

I do it often, good for the benis!

Marijuana cures cancer.

It should not even just be legal, it should be mandatory for everyone older than 12.

I gotta quit choochin the devil's lettuce



Alcohol is conducive to productivity and is a fair and concise free-market exchange. That's why it's been a part of our society since time immemorial and it's all worked out. It's the other side of coffee. You drink, you revel, you promptly pay, and you get over it.

this is probably bait, but source please?

Playing video games, posting on Sup Forums, and eating junk food can all lower productivity as well, so I suppose those should be illegal too?

>That's why it's been a part of our society since time immemorial and it's all worked out.

Actually, the main reason it's been part of the culture is because for most of our history, our fresh water wasn't safe to drink. Alcohol was.

There is no source because ODing on Cannabis is not physically impossible. Please go watch the video of the retard dab guy taking a 25 gram dab. That guy is retarded and I wish he would OD.

I wish weed didn't exist.

I'm addicted to this shitty plant and it is ruining my quality of life.

I got you bro. The article was posted about a month ago so go find it.

>Marijuana needs to be legal in all 50 states
Wrong it needs to not be an issue it is a plant
the fact is this is nature and humans are a part of it. If it works great if it doesn't well GAIA has her pound of flesh. Fuck this topic for wasting law enforcement's time and taxpayer money. If the Government wasn't involved this would be a Nigger issue that they would sort out but because Gov is involved whites have become niggers.

Post medical literature from peer reviewed medical journals which state marijuana cures cancer.

Then why isn't it recognized by the American Cancer Society?

It eventually desensitizes the reward system just like any drug. Dummies believe the lies that there is no harm. It's terrible for the male endocrine system as well.

The only thing ruining your quality of life is yourself. Grow a spine and quit already.

>Until the depleted serotonin hits you.
And that B L O W S and that's why i dont do those commie faggot drugs.

Cocaine, tobacco, liquor, weed. Weed should stay illegal though cause niggers like it. Fuck niggers.

Oh its this retard again. Yes! Video games, shitposting on Sup Forums and eating junk food should all be banned but they are not because liberals are the ones who are pushing the fact that they are not harmful and blah blah blah. The same retards who push Marijuana legalization.

In Canada we outgrow weed when we turn 16, because it's cool for high school but it's childish when grown ups do it.

You should try growing up and thinking about shit that actually matters.

>implying niggers don't consume tobacco, liquor, and menthol in insanely higher proportions than marijuana
Nice try faggot, weed is a drug for every race and creed

Nah fuck you nigger get arrested. Ya far lip methol monkey

I quit smoking weed about a month ago. You Trumptards don't get it. He's the law and order President. He's going to be the biggest federal enforcer of laws since Lincoln. I'm preparing for the next civil war. States rights over federal. Fuck Trump.

>paying tax to government whenever you buy weed
I'd rather fucking quit smoking than submit to that ultimate cuckoldry.
How is it that libcucked hash heads, who have been complaining for years about the unfair lock-up of marijuana smokers, will throw themselves mouth first at Uncle Sam's cock if it means getting a weed card?

When I buy from my dealer, I see exactly where the money goes: toys for his kids, date nights with his wife, and more ganja for me.
When you buy legal/taxed weed, your money goes into a giant pile of cash that politicians jerk off over before throwing a few cents over to broods of 300lb nigglets that'll keep shitting out future muggers and democrats (redundant, I know) like machine gun fire.

got anymore drug infographics kind user?

NO u

You fat fucking piece of shit. Never speak to me again.

I'll post a few for you before turning in.
Rather do a favor than have a favor done.


Thats the joke you fucking moron

lol fat hands quit smoking weed you high estrogen fuck

I may be fat but at least I'm not a nigger, nigger



Head full of ideas that you wouldn't believe...

Good, fuck that nigger.

god... just smoke your pot and leave politics to the adults please...

I don't think weed should necessarily be illegal, but any crime committed while under the influence of /any/ drug should be a capital offense.

It's the only way to deal with the inevitable tide of animals that do nothing but get high every day, instead of being productive members of society. The only way you can live that lifestyle is of course through crime.

Want to smoke some weed in the privacy of your own home? Sure, why not. Get high, and run someone over with your car on the way to get a bag of chips? No trial, bullet to the back of the head.

Lancet study graph 1

Weed shouldn't be illegal, but people also shouldn't smoke it.

I would tell you why you are wrong, but I am too high.

Graph 2

> Taxation.
Look at this nigga, violating the NAP.

Truth. Weed needs to be legal. Someone has to take all the shit jobs, so those of us who don't smoke (or have quit) can take the success.

And the most detailed graph.

quoting the godfather great scene: "give it to the niggers"

So you're saying I should be eating shrooms instead?

Only degenerates smoke weed

Well Psilocybe shrooms ARE pretty safe and cannot get you addicted.

>Look at these other drugs that managed to take root in society, better make these other drugs legal too!"

Also, that chart is utter bullshit. Studies (actual ones, not the bullshit weed bros like to trot out) are starting to make it pretty clear that Cannabis use by youth causes irreparable brain damage.

Smoking weed while still growing up is a recipe for destroying your potential. There is a reason the average pot user is a fucking retard.

Do you even interact with weed users? Weed is the drug that turns all races into lazy niggers. The /only/ reason some fraction of weed users bother to work is to afford their fix. The rest are criminals of one variety or another, again, to supply money for their fix.

ANY drug use by youth is bad for a simple pharmacological reason: Neuroplasicity/Neural Pruning

Any pharmacologist can tell you this. It's been widely known for a few decades.
It's the main reason why opioids are almost never given to minors.

If is legal Monsanto will fuck it up, the government will tax the fuck out of it making it expensive as shit, our kids will think it okay to be lazy hippies. FYI when Australia made it legal only 1 corporation could grow it.
I smoke but I want it decriminalized. Also sessions is just upholding federal law. That is his job and he can get sued and go to jail if he doesn't.


You'll never be able to convince the average weed supporter of that. Half of them think the shit cures cancer, among other infomercial tier bullshit.