Will europe ever be white again?

im really sad lads.... i cant stop thinking about europe's future.... everyone is still so numb about everything thats happening.... the normies millenials dont give a shit about anything... thousands of niggers get into our continent n a daily basis and people dont care....
i've been all across europe in the past few years and no matter where i go i see niggers and muslims.... i hate them. i want them to go back to their countries.... and on top of that white millenials are not having any children so the birth rates are low...... is just a matter of time til we get outnumbered....

is this the end? will europe ever recover from this?

is this the end of the white race?

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i cant sleep i cant focus on anything else besides this. i dont know what to do. pls advise

Vote for parties that keep the dogs out. Do your part, campaign in clever ways

Englands probably done for. The future is likely Central/Eastern Europe. Hungary/Poland/Croatia, etc.

There's a slim chance the muds will push their luck and there will be a major backlash but I think the population is too cucked.

when a picture speaks a thousand words
enjoy your brexit :^)

Come stake out in the U.S.
We're doing alright....for now...

If this one is true

you're full of niggers mexicans muslims and asians. how can you possibly say you are doing alright?

Our demographics are worse. Google them.

No country is doing alright stop fighting

shut the fuck you pussy. whites are only 30 percent of the world population, you were never shit, your fucking reign is over, if you have a problem go back a few centuries

The night is darkest before the dawn, keep your faith OP

There there man, it's gonna be okay, father your children well, teach them about the darkside of the cuck, and to avoid it, teach them the ways of meme magic. The future depends on us, so make it a good one, try your best, do what's right, and never lose hope, never falter, and never give up no matter what. Believe me, things could be worse, especially if you let it be that way, that is why you must spread the truth and wake people up from their blue pilled state, trust me, you're more capable than you think, nothing is impossible with memes.



I'm sorry for your loss.
We will always remember that Europe was once great.

Jesus, dude. Get off Sup Forums, go outside, make a new friend, fuck a girl, write a story, run a mile, get your head out of Sup Forums and enjoy you limited time on this earth.

exactly, stop worrying about your "race duty"

all you'll ever amount to is some fucking 4channer lmao, you couldnt do shit about your race if you wanted to

nope. you are finished.

Sounds like a plan. I'm ready.

it will never be as white as it once was, we deserve it for abandoning the faith. God will deliver us to our enemies militarily or other wise if we do not follow him. Take heart though, killing when done righteously is a chore like any other and this can only end in blood.

thank you man.

It is not the end of the white race, but Europe as we know it. Even without the immigration birthrates are below replacement level and to see the white race die all you would have to do is wait a few generations, same with Japan.
What you are seeing in Europe now socially and politically, this apathy and delusional ethnomasochism is indeed the end of Europe, the degeneracy and "freedom" is just our death cramps.
"If we were to fail in our mission the Germanic race as a whole will go extinct." - Adolf Hitler.

Well, look at Germany now. Despite their 80 million or so population only about 6 million of those can actually have children, and they are not. This number will only decrease, and the number of migrants in that age group (20-35) will only increase. Germany is dead, and Europe will die too.

We will see a civilizational collapse the likes of the fall of the Roman empire within the next hundreds of years, and humanity and civilization will be cast into the dark ages again.
Maybe a few enclaves of white people will survive somewhere, but we can kiss our continent goodbye.

God I hate you delusional American fucks

Americans in the 0-18 demographic are already less than 50% white officially. I'd wager the actual number is far, far lower.

Nothing you can do

There is nowhere you can channel your angry, I don't see any SS recruitment posters do you?

Just focus on finding a virgin wife and have 8 white children with her, that is the best you can do right now

Have only so much time to live... spend it whining autistically on an outdated image board.

Who knows? Maybe we will have the technology for designer babies one day so this shit won't even matter. But your country will be under Sharia law by then, so it will be considered haram. Kek.

>Nazis recruited me because of my Sup Forums posts

Stop worrying about white race stupid cunts. It will never amount to anything.

This place has swallowed you up and that's because you're a weak retarded imbecile.
Civilizations, countries come and go, the only thing that matters is how well did you do you your part.
Live happily and let others live happily for your time on Earth.

Just be happy you were one of the few people who get to enjoy the peak material comfiness and endless hedonism and of a civilization right before it plunges into nothing, and maybe if you're lucky you might be here for the chaos too.

Hilarious to be born at this time desu

boooo hoooo hoooo. You sound so got damn weak. No wonder the white ladies want big black dicks.

europe is gone. the spirit of western culture is now in america. we must purge these lands and rekindle that spirit. carry forward to future generations of white children.

False equivalency.

I'm sure your "woe is me" attitude is really helping. Man the fuck up.

Melodramatic faggots

If you had any nuts you and your friends would go form street gangs and fight the Muslims yourselves. But no, you're too scared of getting in trouble. Wouldn't want to take any risks, would you? Docile little cuck.

>im so tough. im told them off through the internet on a anonymous website

>The spirit of Europe is a country that is 50% niggers and 50% jews
Keep dreaming.

they still think all those "refugee camps" are to help poor people

Hello I'm from Russia on a trip to Texas to fight the antifa come here to a Slavic country like mine abandon the west embrace Russia the Slavs and asia forget about all the other westerners

I wish Pat was president instead of W Bush

No. Of course it wont. What are they going to do? Round them up? Concentration camps? Come on man, you just have to get used to your kids being blown up. Didnt you see the news?

did you read the next sentence you fucking retard
>puuuuuuuuuuuurge the land

do you need help in figuring out what i mean by that

>When you realize you're part of the problem.

It's NEVER too late, the best thing you can do is speak truth to those that will listen.



I'm not the one over here literally crying that the West is over. Man up and fix it, that's what men are supposed to do. Sulking like a woman isn't going to fix anything.

And yeah, if Europe were my home I would be doing something.

Mixed master race will take over this planet and do better than you white weaklings. The future as far as I am concerned is bright!

>Pick related, master race

My attitude is neither helping or hurting, the fundamental facts that none of us can change is our declining birthrates. You can LARP all you want about 1488 but white people are not having enough children, and are showing all the signs of a dying civilization.


shhh, you should go to sleep britbong, you must be feeling sleepy by now. Mrs May is singing lullabis in the tellie, you should go watch!

>wuahh, so tired anyway.

White people are not even the majority in the US. If anything you will get purged, not vice versa.

Maybe you should get organized and do something then instead of crying like a faggot on Sup Forums

You guys had your little run but you whites got too greedy.

It wasn't enough to colonize the Americas and Australia and New Zealand and bleaching the red race into a light brown race.

You guys had to try and literally control the world. Couldn't just leave the rest of the world alone had to pollute the world with your military bases and banks.

Well you reap what you sow. And if you crackers hadn't fucked up the rest of the world so much you wouldn't have the rest of the world trying to move into your lands.

I say it is a good thing that you whites are dieing out. The world will be a better place for it.

You sound like a racist. Maybe if you didn't use racial slurs, people would hear out your petty woes

>implying there is an individual solution to a systemic problem

Hey you white sissy boys. The future of Humanity is in good hands. Embrace the coming of the new mixed master race.

>pic related

I'm just educating you, you teenager.

Don't lose hope.


Learn Russian or polish and move to eastern europe. We have to make hitler more trendy. Kids these days are retards but if they get redpilled and see how ppl are changing they will too

Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on archive.is; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to hooktube.com


>implying you couldn't network with people if you really wanted to

You're just a defeatist faggot. You're part of the problem, you have the same hopeless mentality as most other people in the West. You're too lazy and apathetic to even fight for Western Civilization yet you want to cry that it's lost. Gee I wonder what the problem could possibly be here!

Be a man.

Nice nigger spelling. Stop shilling Jamal, mixed race kids are ugly psychopaths and can't even be compared to Whites.

Educating me on what? I'm already aware. You think you are some enlightened individual or something? I know good and well what's going on.

Your attitudes of despair and inaction is 90% of the problem.

You're trying wayyyyyy too hard to troll. Turn it down a bit you're making it so obvious u faggot. lol

i cant have children. im a fucking faggot degenerate and cant have a gf or get married to a woman. i cant even do my part and leave my legacy in this world. i am useless

you elitist british dick heads deserve to be taken down a knotch.

you cunts constantly look down on romanians, bulgarians etc etc and now look at you hahahahha, the mighty british hahahahahahahhahaha. I'm glad the muzzies took you down a couple of knotches, fuck off and die.

No, Europe will never be white again.
White girls are submitting to the will of black men.

Yea all you fuckers who think the white race being deluded is a good thing? Are fucking stupid.

Who builds the finest, best societies? Who? And once they're gone and polluted with black blood? The whole planet is going to look like fucking Africa. Not South Africa mind you, because that was a desolate shithole where white people plopped down. Once again, fair example.

The world is doomed without white people. We built...EVERYTHING. Every damn thing has been culturally appropriated from us. We are the ones who create progress. Know what happens once we're gone? Nothing.

If you TRULY were aware then you wouldn't be so assmad at me right now for telling it how it is.

They are worshipping black cocks.


why is is so hard for you weaklings to accept that a mixed master race will be perfectly fine . Matter fact mixing is much better for the gene pool.

>pic related, the face of humanity for eternity.

False start. It's still too early to flee to Russia.

Just be like Breivik and show dem socialist bruv! It will fix the country :^)
You know this is an 18+ board, right?

>please, give me attention!!!

If I were a white woman, I wouldn't want to breed with a small dicked white boy either. Just look at that thing!

They are getting deep, repeated sexual satisfaction from black cocks.

You just gave him a (you), so it works.

Lol no

Still have more whites than all of Europe combined.

you got the brits still scheming and germany never stopped. they havent found all the "kenyans" that europe killed and as long as nobody is watching the mediterranean to closely you have a chance

what will put this all in a tail spin is if the west tries to hard to get a foothold in the east again. it wont distract they will go forward with info and proof... of multiple instances that will cause a new flood in europe

I give too small. He wants rage.

>reverse google image search
>"Kelly Brooks ex-finance Brook David"


Good hands

They are giving their whole naked bodies over to black men, for the black men to use them whatever way they want.

Some nations remain white, others just went full USA. Shit happens.

But seriously guys what's so sad about the fall of Western Civilization? It seems like it was meant to be. Our people are too cucked and the muds are just much better at spreading their kind. We'll all be dead by the time SHTF so why not just live it up!?


inb4 "we wuz"

You didn't build everything you idiot. There was written language and civilization in Asia, Middle East, and Africa before you pale skin weaklings came along. Hell there was written language and numerical systems in east Africa before you North European cannibals were introduced to being civil by the Romans. The mixed race of the future will do much better than you weaklings.

Finally they are allowing themselves to be impregnated by black men's semen, so they can bear only black babies and wipe out the white race forever.

The mixed race is just impossible. Go learn genetics.

Why do you care about civilizing the entire world? You should be happy that everyone will get what they deserve

Unfortunately it's probably going to take some major bloodshed for anything to correct itself.

Look how cucked we are, it's 50% white, we have to live a half hour away from any of the cities we built. This despite most of us owning weapons and if 5% of us decided to fix it by all means neccessary it would get fixed and we still don't. And we're suppose to be to badasses lol. It don't look good.

Europe will never be white

But there will be a white ethnostate, like Israel (but likely far larger)

Whites will get tired of the BS living in a multicultural state, paying taxes while coloureds pay none, with no services rendered by the government...not to mention the chimping out

Whites will move to some rural area....some wild place. They will leave behind their old living spaces, destitute, polluted, ruined...and they will create prosperous, peaceful society

The white man has been at peace for far too long...we do not understand that there are peoples out there who can ruin what we build. Only the crucible of 'multiculturalism' will teach those that do not understand

This is a good thing

Yet you post in latin instead of using the letters your people allegedly invented.

We will never achieve the stars, just accept that. With the violence and low intelligence from the nigger gene pool, humanity will inevitably goes towards a nuclear winter scenario. In the best case, it will end in a cyberpunk future where (((corporations))) rule above all, while the mixed race keep themselves deluded with useless distractions.
At this point, there's nothing to be done, whites have lost when they decided to side with jewish marxism. Y
ou anglos deserve everything you get, now enjoy it when the shitstorm finally got to you, irrelevant middle class man.

Yea and we surpassed everyone you just mentioned, tenfold. And they had to borrow from us since. Thanks for playing bitch.

digits confirm

why aren't you posting in German? Use your brain.

This is exactly how I see it. Good post. The world will turn into Detroit wherever the white man is not, and we will simply move, gather, and rebuild. While the world chases our tails for crumbs.

Jews are Neanderthals

Jews are Neaderthals

Don't be stupid. All Eastern Europe is NATO countries with puppet governments, same SJW indoctrination, lesbofeminists and Soros behind every government and non government organization, etc.

It will just become an Islamized Brazil. A large underclass of African and Muslim underclass with a more affluent White European middle and high class.

My father used to work in Brazil a few years ago, so we often traveled to the country. In all honesty, being white there is not that bad. You can basically completely shield yourself from the underclasses. In the apartment complex where we were staying, it was basically all white.

but the us is the size of europe and most of the mexicunts and blacks are in specific places just go to maine desu


Western corporations and media will could not to keep power without white cucks. There are many forces and interests in the world and (((they))) can not defend their interests without the goyim.