#NotAllMuslims is a weak argument

actually it's a Logical Fallacy, but hey, what other arguments do the left produce that are fallacies?

And why aren't we calling them out on it?

>You're a nazi!
Nice Ad Hominem.
>#Not All Muslims
It'd be a shame if somebody pointed out that's a "No True Scotsman" fallacy you've got there

Other urls found in this thread:



> we meme the names or pics of all Muslim happenings
> #allmuslims


Holding liberals to a logical framework is like when they try to accuse white nationalists of being racist and therefore evil and therefore incorrect. If you fundamentally misunderstand your opponent's position and value system you're going to keep making mistakes like this.
Calmly accuse them in public of being anti-white if you want to watch a cognitive dissonance meltdown. This is the winning move not enough of us are making presently.

Nyc was def the US gov lol

>It'd be a shame if somebody pointed out that's a "No True Scotsman" fallacy you've got there

But it's not.
"These guys are not true muslims" is, though.

Burger understanding of fallacies.

what did kek mean by this

Also, fallacy fallacy and appeal to probability, fi you want to go full fallacy measuring.

Haha better lose that one...

I'm starting to think most of these are the us government.

Saying "not all muslims" wouldn't fall under that fallacy because it claims members of a group aren't a certain way. I think it's more of a strawman because it ignores the problem of islamic terrorism to justify increased immigration.

The Christians and Muslims are being fought like fight dogs by the Jew.

They got us to bomb the shit out of their countries to no avail, and now they are intentionally crashing millions of third world barbarians from a war they damn well know we created into the west. Needless to say, they do not integrate well, and whenever a terrorist attack happens, Christians will be labeled bigots and Muslims will play the victim. Tension is growing on both sides and the Jew will use this in the interest to exterminate both.


So you're saying 10th crusade is nigh?

That is not how that logical fallacy works pal. In this case it would be saying that the guy who committed the atrocity wasn't a real Muslim because real muslims don't do that.

Fucking burger logic.

Better to have genetic diversity than be an inbred like you who's more prone to disease lol.

We also have more facial symmetry.

Do you see your muslim neighbors waiting outside with a knife? No?
Well then basically it is not all muslims, so logically this is absolutely correct
I know your peabrain wishes to oversimplify, but as always it is much more complex than that.

Being from a specific country doesn't make you inbred retard.

>logical framework
You mouthbreathing chimp barely managed puberty, what are you talking about?
If you want to see reality as it is I suggest not oversimplifying things.
Is Dylan Roof #allchristians?
Your third graders attempts at logics is amusing to any developed cortex.

on average it does.

most americans have mixed heritage which is why they have much less homozygosity than the average european.

Ok I suppose animal species are inbred too. I guess we better start exporting Red Squirrels around to fuck all the Brown Squirrels, and vice-versa, because these poor squirrels are suffering from genetic degradation due to the massive inbreeding problem.

It's also a strawman, because almost noone is saying "all muslims"

Outside of here that is.

here is the thing
we don't have an objective threshold for determining what is dangerous or not
going to a bowl of 10000 skittles
is 1 cyanide laced skittle threshold for rejecting the whole bowl? well, even japs are here
5? whites are here
30? spics are here
100? nogs and muslims are here
250? drug addicts are here

t. Ahmed Mohamed

you tell em bro.

to these white nationlist retards, a fraction of a percent means 100%

>Do you see your muslim neighbors waiting outside with a knife? No?
That is what is called a strawman
Not all Muslims will try to kill you for insulting their prophet, but virtually none of them would object to you being killed for it.

>Is Dylan Roof #allchristians?
Did he do it in the name of Christianity? Did he yell God is Great before he killed people in a christian church?
You are comparing apples and oranges.

dont forget the rampant doublethink.

but to play devils advocate your using the fallacy fallacy.

sombody using a logical fallacy doesnt emiadiatly disprove their argument.

Half of British Muslims would not go to cops if they knew someone with ISIS links. The actual figure is most likely much higher since many refrain from answering this honestly due to a fear of being put on a watchlist.

>but virtually none of them would object to you being killed for it.

you got any proof for that claim?

your inplying not a single one.

Needs to be updated, Pulse night club definitely needs to be on there.

luister hier jou fucknut.

white women love my big kaffir cock deep inside them

so why are you guys making a race issue out of this?

why not focus on eliminating religion from the world? i mean, if you really believe shit a bunch of a ancient goat herders wrote a long time ago, you must be retarded

25% of British muslims (30% in US) OPENLY admit that killing those who insult Mohamed is justified.
And these are just the one who have enough balls to be honest about it.

>t. Triggered pedophile worshipping nigger.

>your inplying not a single one.
Can you read goat fucker? I said virtually none
And most those that do object, do so as a means for damage control.

remember kids - offering people a lift makes up for killing children


agian your inplying in your post that virtualy no would mudslime would object to the murdering.
thats a very bold statement.

>goat fucker?
dot cut youself on the edge mate i just wanted to decuss.

d you realy want to play the sick game of death with the mudslimes?
the eye for an eye mentality is going to make it so both sides will excuse the murdering of children.

deportation and the closing of our borders while reforming islam like we did christianity the ones who dont (get deported to their containment country) seems just fine.

No, it is not a logical fallacy. You simply didn't understand what they are trying to say and/or intentionally misinterpreted the meaning so you can parade with your fallacies.
All people are trying to say is -> Don't blame ALL muslims because someone destroyed people or killed someone.
If you blame the whole group for something part of the group did, you are literally illogical.

Lol, exactly my thoughts. OP doesn't even understand this.

Don't blame ALL Nazis because someone destroyed people or killed someone.
If you blame the whole group for something part of the group did, you are literally illogical.


You are from Belgium - the jihadist capital of Europe. You are defending Muslims and their shitty relogion/ideology. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

>You are defending Muslims and their shitty relogion/ideology

bullshit srawman.

eportation and the closing of our borders while reforming islam like we did christianity the ones who dont (get deported to their containment country) seems just fine.

im a black american thinking about moving to south africa.

do white women love black cock over there like they do in america?

sa is an interesting country. the politics are very entertaining too. i wanna join my brothers and sisters that you white savages oppressed during apartheid

not all natsocs where persicuted burger.

and some even got free of the nuremburg trails.

how do we speed up the reformation?

Totally don't understand what you are trying to say? What Nazis? In your world Nazis = Muslims?
What are you trying to say? Oh god, you are trying so hard to defend something that is literally totally illogical. Even today being a Nazi and holding a Nazi beliefs is not punishable by law (pol being the No 1 example) , unless you do a crime.
Thanks for proving my point.

Yes, fully agree! It is about the values.

You're not trying hard enough

well there are 3 options of doing so.
>make a giant disclaimer on the book explaining and saying why these laws dont apply anymore in the modern age. if the still act the same way deportation.
>the second is a complete reform of the quran making something like a new quran but seeing as the damige has already been done there already here unless you want to jumpstart a superjihad i dont see this being a good solution.
>the third option is the deportation of all illigals and every single jihadi and preacher the moskes will be put under exstreme survailence like japan does.
islam needs to be cucked like christainity.

>it would be saying that the guy who committed the atrocity wasn't a real Muslim because real muslims don't do that.

But this is exactly the argument put forward by the mujahs & their communist allies, and is entirely fallacious because, as anyone with any knowledge of Mohammadenism knows, the "best" Muslims from their point of view, are the ones killing and raping for their Bronze Age moon god.

It is, you blind mole

fuck you nazis can be whatever they want to be

More than that it actually makes them not a good Muslim.

>Bronze Age
please stop this retarded saying.
the islamic world in that time spicifically the ottomans knew how to craft steel and iron.

Race mixing among whites in South Africa is pretty much non-existent.
The only thing oppressing your brothers and sisters is their 72 average IQ.

Under apartheid South African blacks had a higher standard of living, longer life expectancy, lower infant mortality rate and higher litteracy rate (went from 0 - 85%) than any blacks in Africa or in any time in their history.

In the early 80's blacks in Soweto (a single black township) owned more cars than everyone in the USSR combined.

But please, come live here. These niggers will rob and kill you within a month.

This. It's equally fallacious to claim that only true muslims are committed to terrorism.

I know, I want people who use the "not all Muslims" to admit not all Nazis were bad people because most of the people who use this argument are leftists who would never say this.

I think it is valid to say all muslims in the west who choose to be muslims are bad people. I think Islam is the work ideology ever created.

Period 609–632 of time that to quran was writen in.

the roman empire collapsed before that.


Islam will not be reformed in our lifetimes and anyone believing that it will is dilluded. The most powerful Muslim countries are also the most radical and they do not tolerate the subversion of Islam.

>nder apartheid South African blacks had a higher standard of living

how can you have a high standard of living when ambulances are prioritized for whites? blacks can't access the same schools. they couldn't start businesses in most areas. sounds like bullshit.

>In the early 80's blacks in Soweto (a single black township) owned more cars than everyone in the USSR combined.

need a credible source for this bullshit

>Race mixing among whites in South Africa is pretty much non-existent.

this is BS. i know a couple of coloureds in Cape Town draining their nuts inside white women

Don't you see that you're all pushing THE JOOS agenda with all this muslim hate. You're all worse than shills since you don't even get a shekel for your troubles. When you realize mudslimes are the only redpilled ones you will reach enlightenment. Who else in the world is so motivated to stop joos? Even the Holy Qu'ran talks about it. Open your eyes gents.

>I think it is valid to say all muslims in the west who choose to be muslims are bad people
But do they really choose if they're born into it ?

>I think Islam is the work ideology ever created.

what is communism marxism?

the invasion of afganistan was the mean reason islam become exstremly radical.
also consider that you funded the anti soviet worriers and killed gaddafi fucked the middle east i ca confidently say its americas fault.

the middle east is like a retarded child dont provoke it and leave it be.


> The most powerful Muslim countries are also the most radical

i wonder why?
coup in iran done and plotted by the cia.

the removel of ghaddafi his country was litraly the only thing keeping the refrugees from flooding europe and islamist from taking over libya.

not to forget the incursion in syria (you know that pipeline deal?)
when the soviets invaded afganistan the us funded the rebels (muhhadjeen fighters the where the precursors to jihadis) osama bin laden was one.

the middle east needs to be left lone not provoked just leave them in their containment country's.

So many rapefugees these days

>i ca confidently say its americas fault
Yawn, stale rhetoric, the ideology has violent conquest & bloodshed at it's core, did America create boko haram in Nigera ? did it create the Ottoman empire ?

Yes they are born into it, but in the west they should be able to leave it, if they can't it does not belong here.

Islam has been a violent, militaristic, supremacist ideology since it's inception. Playing 5 degrees of blame the US for everything wrong in the world doesn't work here.

>the middle east is like a retarded child dont provoke it and leave it be.
I agree I would leave as much of the muslim world alone as possible. Let them eat themselves.

Bullshit. In all my years I have never even met an interracial couple nor do I know any white male or female who has ever fucked a colored or a nigger.

feels bad man

the poked the islamic beast to the point of letting it go comletly beserk.

a reform is always possible look what happened to WW1 turkey and attaturk he litrally reformed it and seprated church from state.

>did it create the Ottoman empire
the ottoman empire was created in the middle ages

>the ideology has violent conquest & bloodshed at it's core
considering this wasen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breaking_wheel
considered an punishment in the middle ages should tell you something every body was savige in that time but now its inixuseble.

the thing is the quran still has its writing of the middle ages it needs an update.

what area are you from?

UCT campus is filled with interracial couples

Gaddafi was a muzz version of Fidel Castro
But Fidel Castro was way much smarter than Gaddafi indeed
" Megalomianiacs like Qaddafi seek to control every neuron in their peoples’ heads and to control every aspect of life. They destroy all outside authority and civil society."
" Qaddafi’s unhinged narcissistic oddness seems to be the key to his longevity. So remember: If you’re going to be a tyrant, be a wacko. It’s safer."

> keeping the refrugees from flooding europe and islamist from taking over libya
Gaddafi himself was an islamist
Also he was encouraging refugees to flood Europe during his despotic personal regime
" Gaddafi behind wave of migrants to Italy, say refugees"
" The Gaddafi regime is tacitly encouraging a trade in illegal immigrants that transports thousands to Europe every year,"
" What is clear is that the man behind the trade - the man with the power to shut it down overnight but whom it suits to turn a blind eye - is Muamar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader."

Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on archive.is; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to hooktube.com


>not all Muslims

Fuck off Achmed latrine duty calls

Add the sweden truck attack, the london attack and the manchester one

>Libyans claim they cannot control the coastline without hi-tech items - such as radar, helicopters and binoculars. All such "dual-use" items are banned under a European Union embargo. Libya is demanding the embargo be scrapped as its price for compliance.

i forgot about the restrictions and sanctions the put on the economy of libya.

Most true.

you're replying to white nationalist fags that look like this

>Mr Mesrati said last week: "We need money, lots of money, and lots of hi-tech equipment. Our technical commission has drawn up a long list for Italy of what it needs. But there is the problem of the European Union's embargo. We have asked Italy to be our spokes-man in Europe."

he was good at one thing and that was preventing libya from giong into a powerstruggle where islamist now controll the goverment.

many people dont realize that but if you remove a dictator you often times have even worse people giong to take controll.

i know its severe autism but vikings id not look like that.

the nordic ancestors of the modern northern country's looked more like this.
dont forget zaventem.

Nice try Tyronell Napowleeon IV


Hi there :D
It pretty much goes like this desu
A person insult us(not threatening us with weapons)=its ok
More = still ok
They started to interrupt with our religious activities(bombing mosque n stuff) = not cool bro,we gotta retaliate
They wage war against us(killing us)= we are allowed to defend ourselves
-So it pretty much goes for the one that "wage war" on us,we aren't allowed to just blow some people up,even muslims misinterpreted quran sometimes,islam is a religion that can't be studied alone,find a muslim teacher and also islam is a religion which "if we look with one eye,it would be extremist,if we look through all perspectives,it would be a way of life"

Islam is unreformable. The Koran specifically states that it is the ultimate and final word of god & commands that it cannot be changed by so much as one letter. Combine that with the personality cult surrounding pedo-Mo, who Mohammadens regard as the "perfect man", and you'll find that like all cults, Pisslam can never be changed, only defeated.

Any muzzie calling for reform inside an Islamoid regime would be punished for apostasy & ones outside would be accused of siding with the infidel.

>REMOVE KEBAB is the only option.

Wait how did that "desu" went there...im not a weeaboo,no..NOO


>Bronze Age

The only retard I see round here is you t. Achmed al-Sandgroid

>a reform is always possible
The best reform about Islam is to anihilate Islam in its entirety

> turkey and attaturk he litrally reformed it
Mustafa Kemal hated Islam and he failed, look what is going on in Turkey now
Thanks to Erdogan and his islamic regime Turkey will be 'another Saudi Arabia'

You don't know shit

Barely 1 out of 25 Soviet Citizens owned cars compared to 1 in 5 of South African blacks
This sited in several books. Mao, Marx & the Market: Capitalist Adventures in Russia and China; The POLITICS OF BAD FAITH
Here is a comprehensive survey of Soweto in 1980

Blacks under apartheid had a higher standard of living than ANY black ruled ("non-oppressed") country in Africa.
>How can you have a high standard of living when ambulances are prioritized for whites?
In other non-oppressed African countries they did not even have ANY ambulances to priortize.
Even with lower priority they were still much better off than other self-ruled niggers in Africa.

The biggest hospital in the world at the time was Baragwanath in South Africa which was built exclusively for blacks where they recieved world class FREE healthcare provided for by whites.

Under black rule the life expectancy of South African blacks have dropped from 64 to 49.

I did it actually this time but I kept the link for myself in case

Attaturk did not reform Islam, he crushed it as a political force in Roachland, and built a secular state. That is not the same as reforming Mohammadenism itself.

t. retard who doesn't understand the fallacy
#NotAllMuslims is not the no true scotsman fallacy. Saying that the terror attacks are being done by not real muslims is.

I lived in Stellenbosch for 7 years and now I live in Johannesburg. I also travel all over the country for work. What area are you from?

you have a point there. though the people who use #notallmuslims tend to use it in that context and imply that the terrorist attacks are not done by true muslims