The Frog will consume its own pond

The Frog will consume its own pond.

The Raven will become the vulture.

The Eagle will be struck from the sky and hit the ground only to survive forever crippled.

The Dragon will set itself and its cave on fire.

The cube will be the revelation.

Saturn will feast upon his child a final time.

Mark my words, for the end if nigh.

>tries to make a prophecy meme
>"for the end if nigh"

Yet, if is the topic of the discussion

The only question if pertains to, is if he waits to feast upon his children, what are the repurcussions. What will the owl say?


come at me bro

dat recovery desu...

Who makes the first move senpai and are there any moves at this point which won't lead to the same end? In life or in death.

>mfw the end is nye

Who is to say, the move is merely the ripple in the water to come before the wave

Didnt moloch also eat his children

This frog consumes his own pond every night, yum.

>the frog
you're trying to meme about Pepe or France
>the Raven will become the vulture
Throwing meaningless babble into your bad meme to make people argue about the meaning
>the eagle
This is the cringiest part because you're so obviously making it about American military misadventures
>the dragon cave
Trying too hard to copy that line about the bear leaving its cave forever
>the cube
Muh kaaba muh muslims, guaranteed (You)s but proof that you're shit at prophecy memes and probably 14, zero subtlety or ambiguity
Yeah I get it you just learned about Saturn devouring his children in art class and think it would add some historical depth to your shitty trashcan prophecy meme but it doesn't
>the end if nigh
Time to moonwalk yourself off my board kid

Without the pond, the frog will die. This means you must be dead.
Frogs, Ravens, Eagles, Dragons can represent multiple nationalities, symbols or idealogues. You are wrong

>when you have a middling IQ and try to sound wise and insightful
Stop this
My face is collapsing like a dying star from this terminal cringe

>the frog
is related to Atrazine
>raven, eagle, dragon
is just mythical hoopla
>the cube
is literally a computer
Jews hide their actual intentions behind occult symbolism because if anyone were to ever find out their intentions, they'd just be called a crazy conspiracy theorist who thinks the planet Saturn is literally Satan

Knowledge without Understanding is impotent.

>what will the owl say

I want more anons to come in here and bully you for making this shit thread, pic related should help

I wish the people who came up with these things would stop using such hamfisted metaphors. Look, there's no 'trick' to knowing Eagle = USA, and Dragon = China.

Gotta get more esoteric with your references broski. Here, try this.

The two sisters will begin their reign as the once great father will lose many daughters close to his heart.

Two sisters = Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
Once great father = England (father of many countries, once an empire)
Lose many daughters = Manchester bombing
Close to his heart = Manchester is near the center of England.

See? Not too hard!

how about kys cuck

Can't Germany, Rome or some other europoor failure also classify with the eagle?
What if wales is the dragon

this requires an iq above room temperature and entry level understanding of multiple unrelated fields of interest. op is too stupid and simple so we get shit like THE CUBE and him talking about water

If I'm dead, you're autistic

Who is to say that all of creation isn't but a ripple in the water? Ah echo of a long dated event that has yet to be fully perceived (((By some)))?

OP will suck a million cocks and remain a fag.

You are so hot, please post more goddess. I want to be your sex slave

Kek is a dead meme. He's gone where all memes go when they die - reddit.

Hey Nostradamus we still have 1,722 years until your prediction of the earth ending in 3797.

Go lurk on /x/ until that time comes

>yankfag tries 2 meme magic about classical mythology
>accidentally Saturn myth wrong