British hate thread

reminder there are brits on this board who actually believe they were the good goys in ww2, and actually look up to cromwell.
see, its hard for them to admit otherwise: as the burden of that comes with realising your national pride is on par with giving rise to world jewery AND defeating the last great rebellion against it is just too much for them to bear.

all are welcome: but germans in particular since butthurt bits try and shit on them constantly.

Other urls found in this thread:

white people = pussies with guns

Black people = Apes living in a higher white society

You sure told us OP! I'm going to go get high on cheap MDMA and fuck my Muslim girlfriend, hope you have a good day.

Aren't you supposed to be brits yourself mate?

That's probably a triggered chink tho.

The usual suspects
>An Abbo and a Leaf

either a boat person or a dirty lebo. A real Australian would've had relatives that fought for the crown in WWII.

Yeah its a bit rough.The modern kraut is no better unfortunately, he despises today's pom for daring to attempt to leave the EU, for daring to try to control their own laws and destiny instead of having some un-elected bureaucrats run the shop. He also despises the Polish man for having the audacity not to fill his nation with brown people.

The modern German loves the EU because the EU is an extension of the Krauts will, and the Krauts will is not a good thing these days.

Did somebody say British hate thread?
*sinks 3 ships*


Was that in the war you lost against us?Nobody knows anything about Cromwell, it would be racist to teach white people about their history

Australians are Irish rebels and English criminals

Daily reminder that British were the true villains in WW1
They slaughtered colonials in Gallipoli
and unjustly invaded Germany when Germany did nothing wrong


Yes it was
Congrats on stealing 1% of our land
I'll sot here in my Muslim free country,enjoy the Falklands and cultural enrichment

Yes they are you knuckledragger

the worst part about this stupid meme "redpilled" brits here spout is that they take their insecurity over being the ultimate kike tools and try dump it on germans. its never banter: only spiteful hatred using the jewish narrative against them
absolutely disgusting.

Atleast they're not austrailian

i wonder who could be behind this thread

the whole war was jewish enough
let alone that suicidal campaign
then to be sipping tea on the beaches, while diggers dug their graves?
absolutely ETERNAL

Why did you bring up Scottish people? You fucking melt

Aww. Why this hate thread? I love the Brits. I just wish liberalism wasn't so rampant. It's turning you into Sweden 2.0

you know i'd be fine with bris on here if they didn't use jewish lies to attack germans, and ironically be proud of the most jewish/anti-white parts of their history

wait, you guys are blaming England for the jews? they expelled us even earlier than Spain did.

learn some history, friend:


The eternal Anglo bullied us out of WW2.

brits are a mixed nation now

can we get a compilation of all the ETERNAL things the anglo has done?
it pretty much all stems from cromwell and leading jews to world power (giving them central banks and israel).
apart from the obvious irish bashing which brits here ironically are proud of (would be fine if it were banter but they literally take pride in this anti-white shit)

the destruction of the boers in south africa is just disgusting to read about
starting war, trying to conquer a peaceful settlement nextdoor, burning farms and going full hoxa because you can't win against them, encamping their women and children
the destruction of rhodesia is also on their hands

Fucking this
The pommies invented concentration camps and fed broken glass to the wives and children of based south African farmers defending their glorious land from authoritarian fucks





here's another one: they deposed their rightful (and native english) crown for some german because of protestant chimping

and on the subject of religion: they also have literally the worst denomination ever. anglicanism has nothing good of either protestantism or catholicism. at least german and american prots are proper and consistant and have rational foundations.
also anglicans were the first to ordain women and have the most abhorrent modernist vestments of all time






yes good
keep posting this demoralising shit

just like brit/pol/ does with jewish lies to the germans here


Sorry :(

Fucking disgusting Traitor


One day I came to England without a real passport
I got past immigration without getting caught
Now I'm in England, I must go secondary school
I am 19 but I lied and said I am 14
So I'm in year 9 and I'm doing my SATs
I love to eat chicken and chips and late nights go on MSN

Well, let's change the thread then or is that against the rules? Brit love thread?

Hey look. We're shutting down the nips.

o i see so ur all potato niggers


>resettled jews in england
>gave them central banks
>ruined last non-cucked french empire
>bashed fellow whites the irish
>bashed and destroyed fellow whites in south of africa
>based germany and defeated last uncucked german empire
>created israel
>stopped russia from destroying turkmenace

am i missing anything?

implying brexit wasn't about even more cheap labor


op image is funny, its from years back from when I was fighting with some autist that was producing a lot of meme content here and hated the fact I had drawn what was essentially the same pose
so he redrew it and reposts it to this day, to the point where its saved and reuploaded naturally

true story ;)


That lack of Brits in this thread speaks volumes, can't face the truth. Keep it up Aussie user.

Most of us have jobs you fucking ape. And I'm off. You're in the same timezone, what's your excuse?

i wasn't being sarcastic

Faggot Hitler was the biggest Jewish tool.

If he was against Jews, for what reason had he invaded all the neighboring white countries and then Poland and Russia?

He just rallied all white nationalists together and then started and unwinable war on purpose to cull them all for good, all while creating a meme of the holocaust to make kikes into the eternal sacred victim at the expense of some poor low life half-bloods. And then he just sneaked away to chill in Argentina for the rest of his life fucking mulattos and negresses.

>implying the autistic swarthy manlet with one testicle could get elected on the platform of nationalists without the help from big Jewish bankers in the era before freedom of information, internet and independent press

You have to be seriously medically retarded to believe in this

I'm with the Brits. Germans were scum. Do it again.

Get your tongue out of his arsehole you fucking potatoe nigger.


I run my own business from home.

>Most of us have jobs you fucking ape

How long does praying at the local mosque last?

honestly its overlooked when you consider they literally created the jwo

but yes: apart from that, their behavior in south africa is one of the most despicable things they've ever done to fellow whites

In Molech's name!

>calls other people a nigger yet he can't spell properly

I unironically haven't seen a Muslim this year I don't think. I happen to be from Northumberland which is one of the green areas up north.


Australia is not real. It's a hoax, made for us to believe that Britain moved over their criminals to someplace. In reality, all these criminals were loaded off the ships into the waters, drowning before they could see land ever again. It's a coverup for one of the greatest mass murders in history, made by one of the most prominent empires.

Australia does not exist. All things you call "proof" are actually well fabricated lies and documents made by the leading governments of the world. Your Australian friends? They're all actors and computer generated personas, part of the plot to trick the world.

If you think you've ever been to Australia, you're terribly wrong. The plane pilots are all in on this, and have in all actuality only flown you to islands close nearby - or in some cases, parts of South America, where they have cleared space and hired actors to act out as real Australians.

Australia is one of the biggest hoaxes ever created, and you have all been tricked.

Make sure to spread the world - Australia is not real. It's a codeword for the cold blooded murder of more than a hundred thousand people, and it is not okay. We will not, accept this.

I know fuck all about your counties and shit but isn't Bradford in Northumberland?

I went there last year with family and there were fucking Pakis and Mussies everywhere, fucking everywhere. I saw hundreds of them compared to about 50 white people

Video 30% related to image

i'm not for white infighting and others trying to tell each other about their country (especially demoralising memes used to concern troll normies on those of use already aware of the problems)

but brits on this board use such despicable demoralisation tactics on the germans here that i had to make this thread to bring attention to this.
like i said before: its one thing to use banter against each other and to laugh at our historic mistakes: but the majority of brit/pol/ unironically believes they are right to be proud over this list:

Bradford is 3 hours away from Northumberland and is orange on the map.

>Ancestors get sent to Australia to die
>For the crown!

Are you alright senpai?

>When your royalty got cucked by lebron james

There were programs or rewards for populating colonies. As far as I know Australia was apart of that too.

It's your royalty too idiot.

The prisoners were given farmland after their sentence expired. They did very well out of it in the end.

I'm actually a Britanon in disguise

Actually british royalty hasn't been relevant in my country for a long time. The british "empire" is no longer relevant. I'm sure if you suck enough britcock they'll let you clean their toilets though.

Looks remarkably like a metastasizing tumor.

I wish we had an uninhabitable desert next to us to put our vermin.

what is this list missing, lads?

> am british

> created largest empire in history ruling over millions of non-whites

>In ww2 they sent Canadians on the frontlines because they were too pussy and weak to do it themselves.

used that empire to enslave fellow whites (which you try and pretend you actually consider brothers, when you don't now nor then)
used that empire to destroy other prospering and peaceful white nations - eg boers
used empire to stop other whites from defeating enemies of europe - roachomans

and worst of all:
use that empire to give jews back power and literally create jew world oeder and israel

nuke us, please

yes finally
you understand the attitude "you" have pushed on germans with/after the war: and what literally you (on brit/pol/) have been pushing on germans here

feel the despair...yesss...

this one is petty compared to the world-shattering crimes on that list:

but the brits banned scots from using highland dress and only brought it back to suit them
they also suck at original fashion - all their fashion is french or stolen from somewhere else

as a muslim these get me a hard on.
The fall of europe can't happen soon enough

The Anglo scum must be purged

should have used this as OP
thanks for posting, based mounatindew

daily reminder that jews got their real banking power due to cromwell

is it bad that i read OP's pic in mr mainstream meteors voice?

>its a shock more people have come now we have planes then before we had planes

american education everybody.

You're right time undo Brexit and let the EU mussies kill us

amazing pic btw
i've seen other YUGE edits of it before - but never that one
very informative - ty

The British have done their share of unpleasant things in the world for sure, but to pretend the good doesn't vastly outweigh the bad is just dishonest.

You sit there in a country created by us, typing on a computer invented by us, using our language, enjoying all the privileges of a free society, justice and the rule of law that we developed and exported. And you are upset that a few nasty things happened along the way?

Go back to playing with your boomerang in the stone age.

imagine my shock

nice pasta
i'm actually pro britain - just anti-britsih
my problem is with cunts on this board using the deflection to get around accepting the kiked parts of your history, and particularly using it against the krautbros here