Hey Sup Forums. Why are you so obsessed with us Muslims? Do you secretly like us?

Hey Sup Forums. Why are you so obsessed with us Muslims? Do you secretly like us?

Wouldn't mind having muslima concubines.

There is nothing to like about you.
You are usually inbred, have low IQ, are violent and everything you touch turns into rubbish or explodes

4th Reich when?

I have a fetish for hijabis, Lebs, Iranians, and some Arabs, yes.

I've just reported this post to your local Merkelmen. Enjoy prison, Klaus.

Only as a fetish
And using them as tools for pent up man aggression

If by "like" you mean "absolutely fucking hate,", then sure

Yes you do. You secretly admire us.

no wonder

I have this weird fear of my airplane coming apart at 26,000 ft.

yes, the idea of the 14th crussade brings joy to me.

>hairs over forehead not covered
oh well, i guess she's going to get stoned because haram

>le 52% face suddenly becomes le

Ah yes babe, the 14th crusade where we write detailed sentences of how Muslims are hiding under our beds waiting to sell you halal meats at Walmart.

I'd like to see you hanging from a treelimb.

Hey Canuck, how does it feel to know that Islam will overtake Christianity soon? Time to serve your Muslim overlords now.

>average european couple in 20 years

But really, what does it matter? There both kinda white, whilst being more conservative.

my uncle married an Iranian lady and their daughter literally just looks European.

Atheism is buttfucking you both in the ass.

Fertility rates.

>atheists actually believe this

>dont like shit
>retarded lefties start flinging shit in my house
>complain about shit
>"why are you talking about shit all the time, user? do you have a shit fetish?"

Atheism is not like the pathetic plague that Abrahamic cults are. It doesn't spread by breeding like vermin. It spreads by education. The more educated, wealthy, etc the people, the less religious. Education is improving globally. Poverty is declining globally. So you keep breeding Muslims and Christians and they will keep turning away from religion.

See how fucked you are? The more successful your civilization is the less religious it becomes. You literally cannot win. Either you live in the dark ages until extinction or you progress to the point that your people begin discarding religious cults.

Didn't know moslem wenches were allowed to use smartphones