Does Sup Forums know why Antifa calls themselves Jewish...

Does Sup Forums know why Antifa calls themselves Jewish? Is it so they can call people who aren't agreeing with them Nazis?

ANTIFA was created in the 1930s.
The Jews used them in an attempt to conquer Germany.
Hitler rose to become Fuhrer largely by fighting ANTIFA.
Jews are still controlling ANTIFA today.
ANTIFA is controlled opposition.
The Alt-Right is controlled opposition.
Jews are trying to recreate the events that led to Hitler's rise so they can put their own guys in seats of power around the Western world

This. Next Hitler will be zionist.

>next hitler will be Zionist

Because they are.
Their job is to crush any nationalist oposition to the jewish banking system.

Well Hitler himself was also a zionist technically

Well he wanted to send jews to Palestine


Hitler also wanted to send them to Madagascar. But he didn't, because he wasn't a Zionist.

TRS is cancer.

what are you even talking about?

He was the reason Zionism got such a hold within global jewery

He was a Zionist

>hitler was a zionist
is a TRS argument. you can tell its TRS because of how retarded it is.

Israel didn't even exist during Hitler's time.
How could he have been a Zionist?
Hitler didn't create the State of Israel..
how was he a Zionist?

Fuck off with your TRS BS, he said it himself in his manifesto

because he wanted to send them to Palestine, quite easy to understand, and thanks to Hitler, we got Israel

You can be zionist and antisemite, I would deport every jew from America and Europe to Israel for example

he also proposed sending them to Madagascar. Was the Madagascar plan a "zionist" plan? Did Hitler send the Jews to either Palestine or Madagascar or did he realize that's what the Jews want -- they want a State of their own


antisemite is a term coined by a Jew to prevent legit criticism of the Jewish people. stop being a kike.

>he also proposed sending them to Madagascar.
oh did he really? that was a bluff
He invaded France yet he got Madagascar yet he didn't sent there a fucking jew

>oh did he really? that was a bluff
you didnt even know about the Madagascar plan you dishonest kike shill. fuck off and come back when youve read a book..talkin bout

>you can be a zionist and antisemite goys!

should slap you..

Most of the things he wanted have gone sideways

Zionism is more about them having the holy land, not that much about jews having their own fucking bubble where they can live.

Obviously his fucking ego stopped him from acting smartly on the long term and he sperged out in different ways, even before the west allied the Russians

>Antifa starts telling people they are jews / fight for the jews
>Antisemitism sky rockets

All according to keikaku

yes I did mongrel

So do you want jews free runing around in Europe in USA instead of being in a containment zone like Israel?
You are the kike here

Its so nobody calls them nazis.
Ever notice how the 1% always happen to be jewish? I know half a dozen and everytime they rail abut muh super rich I point out that they are jewish and that disowning the jews is very socialist indeed.
Only one ever tried to step up to that and I humiliated him so bad that his final words were and I swear to god "Stop tearing my arguments apart".
Always remember these people have nothing to lose and only fear being ostracized by their equally retarded peers so attack their standing within their gay eco system.