Official race ranking:

Official race ranking:

Finnic > White > Asian > Sand Nigger > Nigger

Other urls found in this thread:

Looks right, except for the finnic part

Finns are Asian.

Hunnic > Finnic

Pretty sure Finnic is just a mix of Mongol and White.

So by your own ranking you'd sit somewhere between White and Asian.

Finns and Poles are the true masterrace imo

Do it by Iq and how much affirmitive action they recieve.

Asians>>>>>some breeds of chimpanzees>>>>>>>whites>blacks.

Nope not just, Finns are unique on of the kind genepool. We got them genes no one else does. Y'all just jelly, mudbloodnigger. Americans are the worst tho. Who knows how much nigger blood they got running in their system. They've been fucking them for over 300 years.

Nice opinion. Too bad you are wrong, faggot

oispa kaljaa

>implying finns arent asian.

>implying that isn't master race

Japan best ally

Blacks evolved from monkeys while whites evolved from swine. The asian man however is in the perfect image of God.

I bet many of you unironically think the 19th century ''they must be mongols because they don't speak Indo-European language'' -idea is true because of menes.

Nipponi comes certainly top 2 or top 1, depending on what one likes.

Finnic = slav + nord + Asian?

Finnic is the one true master race.
>whites will deny this reality

this faded bitch needs some color

Why is this woman not on horseback? And where is her bow?

Finnish traditions are sliding...




>needs to be BLACKED
stay away from her you monster >;((


Happy now?

Turkic > Others

Making distinctions between others would be distinguishing horse shit from donkey shit. All of you are equal filth.

mongrels are not allowed to post on this thread

Jews > goy > dog shit > Mexicans > Niggers > Muslims



Finnic > Baltic > Samic > S. East Asian > Germanic > brown shit > black shit

>t. Chang Xiao Mao

White > (*Insert "Jew" here if you're a jew or a good goy) > Chinks > (*Insert "Kike" here if you're an antisemite) > South americans > Polynesians > Inuits > Sandnigs > Nigs

finns are huwhite

Objective ranking based on achievements


Everyone else is irrelevant


I have just one question.

>none of these groups even invented a numeral system
>theses dumbass s would still be doing math with Roman numerals

Kek. White people(Arabs included) just stole everything from the chinese and Indians. You guys are basically everything you call Jews, (Greedy, deceitful and honorless).

This is true, but horse faced anglos are too ugly to accept this.

forgot pic

You mean regular spurdo spärde or spurdo spärde SA-INT?

Memes aside I really do like Finland

I went there last December to visit Lapland and see the northern lights going again this year.

It's an accurate description of life as a Finnish conscript.

>tfw everyone forgets Latinos exist.

>chubby popcorn fingers
>somehow no boobs?


White australians>everyone else>billnye+feminism>commies>muslims

finns are white

Jews>Mediterraneans>Brits>Germanics>French>Russians and the other Slavs

They're hyperboreans.

it's satire from the army also slightly based on truth, also has details finnish reservists and conscripts notice. all men serve the army in finland so it has a big audience in finland basically.



did you invent the lawn mower?

yeah i thought not.
brits btfo'd

and where would you be without the splayd?

aussies rule

Fuck off Pekka

I'm sorry, but the 1st and the 3rd option is identical.

that's muscular fingers. she's guitar player

Hello friend!

That looks like Allie Sin.
I wonder what Allie is doing right now. Hopefully she's still alive.

i believe she's social worker or something like this.

Well; that would certainly be ironic, considering her youth.

Black hebrew israelites > Dailystormers > Sup Forums > /nupol/ > reddit


Nordic > Germanic > Mediterranean > Anglo > Slav > Asian > Indian > Arab > African

Glad you finally faces the reality that being Finnish means you're not white.

Best tier: east Asians, west Europeans
Not perfect but not bad: east Europeans, jungle asians
Please don't immigrate in large numbers tier: central asians, native Americans, mestizos, Persians, north poos
We're full tier: Arabs, south poos, north Africans
Unsavable tier: sub saharans
Not really even people so I can't get too upset with them tier: Aboriginal, Bushmen

Finland :D is the true heir to the roman empire.
Also finnish girls are hot because I like asians with blue eyes.

Anglo/Germanic > Latin > Nordic > Slavic


>my country so often
what? didn't even know this.

You listed Asian twice on your ranking.


Master > all others

This. Anglosphere is best sphere.

Just admit it Sup Forums, Chines--I mean Finnish people are master race

Asian (women) > *

gtfo with your shitty white race you stupid idiots