So the Harvard niggers only graduation (aka Affirmative Action Day) went exactly as you expected it would and ended up...

So the Harvard niggers only graduation (aka Affirmative Action Day) went exactly as you expected it would and ended up looking like a rap music video...

These "people" need to be gassed.

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where are the mooslim nail bombers when you need them?

Would you rather have them live in the ghettos with no education and committing crime? End yourself please.

As an Ivy League graduate, this is completely embarrassing.

I think about all the qualified and brilliant people who were passed over for this nigger shit.


>having prestigious unis getting fucked is a better idea

sweden, you guys are done for

Yes actually I would.

Fuck black people.

Is this what their grandparents fought for? So little niggas can segregate themselves?

I'm not complaining. If they will just segregate themselves from the rest of society now...

Do you think they had an MLK quote at the graduation?
I can't think of anything more ironic.

In other news a black Harvard student submitted a rap album as his senior thesis.

Harvard is officially a nigger-tier filth school.

At least it was the English department and not a science department.

Apart from the nigger music and all, that's great for blacks.

At least, they're not robbing a store and killing people.

How long until a degree from Harvard is equivalent to NYU.

Wow I was against this but it turned out to be the most interesting social experiment of the year. Congrats Harvard. Next year put all the latinos in a bouncing car.

Ironically, I am willing to bet that most of those niggers struggle with proper English.

In my English class in college we had to write a 15 page paper on any topic but was related to our major and present it in a PowerPoint to our class.

I wrote mine on the aesthetics of architecture and why we deem things beautiful. My girlfriend wrote hers on current epidemic outbreaks in the world.

There's only three niggers in the class, right? Well the first gets up and mumbles some shit about basketball teams and their mascots...I think to myself wow. The teacher applauded him and the next one went up, she did hers on the kind of drugs available on the street and what they do. The last one gets up and he did his on the fucking trajectory of a basketball into the hoop. All he did was copy some physics formula in one slide.

They're not people nor do they deserve to go to university.

I love how these niggers are more educated than most of these cuck white boys on Sup Forums are.

congrats on your worthless degrees now pay me a gozillion shekels over 30 years back

its not since they got in there because of affirmative action at the expense of other more capable would-have-been students

Most of the ones I see at university always sit in the back half asleep with their hoods pulled up and their earbuds in. Granted there are the few outliers that actually put in the effort, but they seem rare.

This is just subversion 100%

They are tearing down US prestige and institutions by blacking everything in site. Hopefully the US will die before it can finally finish off Europe with this same cancer.

Hitler was 100% right in his analysis of America being a Jewified nigger nation.

You don't know anything about affirmative action students do you?
A black kid will get a degree for simply staying 4 years at a university and even then they have a 90% drop out rate

Imagine if you will
A group of people
Given immediate acceptance to college
It is paid for by other people
You literally have to do nothing other than show up for 4 years and you will get a degree with 0 debt.

what would you say about this group of people?

Masters degree bruh. Fight me.

Granted it isn't from an Ivy but I didn't have to pander to "them" to get there.

>We need more Muslims!
>Racist! Bigot! Xenophobic!

>paying 200 grand to be unemployed

dude they are black with a Harvard degree, they are getting hired anywhere with any pay they want.

Niggers want to self-segregate? Good, fuck 'em. Sick of their jigaboo shit.

You can take the nigger out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of the nigger.

They made it. They will make 6-Figures soon. They are probably even younger than you. They a getting ahead, while you're still shit posting on /pol. When will you start ?

Think about it.

Can you imagine the smell? Ugh

>Sending your kid off to uni to better him/herself only to discover he/she turned into a marxist beta cuck or a whore.

LMAOing at american affirmative action universities.

Meanwhile I haven't seen a single black person in my whole department because everyone is treated equally, the only foreigners are educated slav/east asian/pajeet phd/post docs

>they are getting interviews more easily than others

fixed that for you

You should be more concerned rather than finding humor in this, considering we are exporting our cancerous culture to the rest of the West. In case you haven't noticed already...This will come to you soon as well.

It's almost as if it's impossible to not be racist towards blacks.

To add to your story though-

I had to write a 20 page argumentative essay over a topic of our choice but people weren't allowed to use marijuana as a topic because I'm in Colorado.

I decided to write how 9/11 was a giant lie and an inside job and I actually got an A-.

I'm 28 and have been at 6 figures for 7 years. The difference is I don't have all that student debt. I just started dumping money into my house, truck, 401k, and my stock options. I'm literally making doctor money as a ups driver.

lol no.

they get hired for a few months then fired for incompetence.

If I was a white graduate I would be so happy, niggers and their families always chimp out at graduation, the non-black graduation was probably quiet, sophisticated and respectful.

They won't try to push this retarded affirmative action bullshit here because there is no guilt complex that can be pushed onto us.

We are selecting the kids based on performance so only the best performing will be eligible to join universities. Sure, some people with potential and no motivation are left behind but in the bigger picture there are no low IQ blacks corrupting education standards.

You're missing the point by a mile. That graduation video was two forties and a bouncing '64 impala short of them putting up a minstrel show.

sounds like they din du nuffin

you could always just fuck off back to africa svenhammed

>assumes college degree guarantees well paying job

This isn't the 1980s

or they sit in the front of the class, are fucking idiots and think it's funny to have no fucking idea what is happening in class, and their cucked classmates just laugh along as "tyrone" sucks his teeth again and goes "eyyyy dis hard!"

I'm usually as far left of Sup Forums as possible but... I'm not saying that young people shouldn't celebrate graduation, but they're segregated and they did it THEMSELVES. Is history not a prerequisite anymore? I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's like a tribal dancing scene out of an isolated African tribe documentary. What exactly are they celebrating?'s just unbelievable to me.

That's America, where unskilled laborers make more stupid amounts of money for a job a monkey can do. What's worse, is they think their relative wealth means their opinion means jack shit.

Had a friend who is a meth smoking ex-con that got hired at UPS. Guess it worked out for him, he started making enough money he didn't have to sell weed anymore.

Yes you fucking cuckold.

Not yet anyways.

You are so immune to this, is that why Switzerland is taking in migrants as well? You're an arrogant fool in denial about your own future.

American education is officially a meme

only one bimbo in Boland

graduations are bullshit anyways

you have to watch someone elses kid get an award

parking is horrible, people everywhere, boring speakers

at least theyre having fun

humans should beat up every nigger in order to restore civilisation

The problem i see with that weird affirmative action the USA has, it doesn't decide what the nignogs and others have to study.
Most of them pick something not useful for the USA in the end.
If affirmative action can't be removed, then they should at least change it so that affirmative action nignogs have to study in STEM fields. If they fail in these studies, bye.
What i noticed is that the average west-african nig who goes to study in the North America or here in Europe is that they all go into STEM or something else useful like Medicine.
It's usually only american nigs who not only have the privilege of affirmative action, but then also use it for BS studies.
In fact, when i traveled a bit through french speaking african countries and former german colonies, if you ask the nigs there about american nigs, they will rarely have anything good to say, one of the reasons for that is affirmative action and then using it for BS.
One guy i had as translator in Namibia, who was really really pro german colonialism because it was good for them, said the american nigs he met who came to Namibia all seemed like lazy fucks who whine about everything back in the US while getting everything shoved up their ass from the US gov.
Sounds pretty accurate to me
>pic related: german colonial namibia flag

University is a joke, if you're on here and you're wondering about career, do your ccna and apply for jobs after.

This is... high school 2, electric boogaloo

Nah, the reason we are the only former colonial country in Africa where the people of our former colonies still like us, have monuments of Kaiser Wilhelm, Bismarck etc. and talk about how we made them a better country is because unlike the french, belgians, brits etc. we treated them and their local traditions with respect while only executing and getting rid off rogue tribes who didn't want to work on their country and committed crimes (Hereros for example).

Also you should read some memoirs of german commanders, especially about 1914 who talk about black soldiers they had in their groups. Many volunteered for fighting because of the german treatment that was like "respectful and non-lazy nigs deserve equal respect".
In the US there aren't many like that i know.
But i think it's useful to sort out.
I'd recommend any german to travel to Namibia simply to see how namibians are more patriotic and less cucked about patriotism than they are.
Helped me realize that what i learned at university in Germany about Deutsch Südwest Afrika and german colonial treatment of nigs was absolute bullshit.

pic related: the hereros were hated by the others and a bunch of lazy criminal cunts. at least that' what Namibian nigs told me about this